Winners, please contact me via email: phatfiber at yahoo dot com with you address info!
Hillside- you won the WCMercantile Batt!!
Livin4fishin- you won the Funhouse Fibers FunSox kit!!
Pixelated Mushroom- you won the Inspiration Fibers Batt !!
Congratulations winners!!
There are a few Giveaways Closing out soon I wanted to remind you all about!!
First, you have until the end of the year to purchase items from December Phatties to qualify for the December Big Superbox giveaway- you can see more details here:
We're also closing out our World Vision Charity box giveaway! You can see the video of the box contents at this post:
Have a Safe and Wonderful New Year everyone!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Inspiration Fibers Texas Batt Giveaway!

I was very happy to see everyone excited about these Inspiration Fibers batts! I thought they were quite ingenious and beautiful. You can try your hand at spinning Texas cotton as an add-in rather than straight up. I really can't wait to see some of your resulting yarn from these batts as I think they would look so rustic and gorgeous.
Inspiration Fibers is full of yarn and fibery goodness- and she even has her samples for sale! Last month was the beautiful tea-light batts that were also very popular. You can get one to set out on your table for a romantic cabin feel.
We're giving away this gorgeous textural batt today! In fact, it's our last giveaway of the year!! Just visit Inspiration Fibers, find something you love, and come back and write about it in the comments section below. We'll draw for a winner soon, so don't dilly. Make sure and use Facebook and Twitter to gain extra entries!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Funhouse Fibers Sock Kit Giveaway!

Are you all ready? Ready for what? Ready for the Funhouse New Year's Eve Party, that's what!
Who: Miki of Funhouse Fibers
What: A Day Long Online Fiber Party
When: 12/31/10
Why: Because it's New Years Eve, It's Funhouse Fibers, and You don't have anywhere better to be!
Seriously, I love this little shop's attitude toward fiber and life an you can probably bet, I'll be doing some online shoppy shoppy on New Year's eve!
We're giving away this awesome Sock Duet kit in "Grinchy Town" - Amazing 600 yds of fingering weight yarn! You should really check out Miki's FunSock Duets I really like the idea of a solid/semi solid with a variegated yarn, you could make some really neat faux isle designs!
Please visit FunhouseFibers today, find something you love, and post about it in the comments section below. We'll be giving this away probably on Friday, so don't delay! Remember to use twitter/facebook to help spread the word and to gain extra entries!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
WC Mercantile Lovett Fiber Giveaway!

Some of you may know already, but I thought it worth mentioning here, that Stephanie of WCMercantile is having a very nice end-of-year sale with 10% off everything in her shop using code: ByeBye2010 . I've already taken advantage of it- it's so nice, not to pay shipping on top of everything too!
For the Music Box, WCMercantile sent in lovely, soft, earthy Lovett batts! These could serenade me any day of the week- so soft and artistic :) WCMercantile batts are incredibly smooth and perfect- this one is made with merino, silk, and just a tiny hint of sparkle.
We're giving away this Lovett batt today! Just visit WCMercantile, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll draw the winner probably in the New Year! And we'll count extra FB'ing and twittering as entries!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Giveaway winners!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I'm looking forward to New Year's Celebrations now!
Winners from this past week, please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your mailing information.
Wendy, you won the Critter Ranch Ornaments!
Senistar, you won the Counting Sheep Yarn!
Judi A., You won the Rebel Yarn lace!!
Winners from this past week, please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your mailing information.
Wendy, you won the Critter Ranch Ornaments!
Senistar, you won the Counting Sheep Yarn!
Judi A., You won the Rebel Yarn lace!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Rebel Yarn Lace giveaway!

If you've seen the Phat Fiber videos, you'll know that Marcus really enjoys Rebel Yarn's contribution- but more for the musical aspects than anything else lol!
I really love this lace base!! It's a beautiful silk and merino blend that is very drapey, yet substantial! Melanie of Rebel Yarn has stocked several in her shop- so if you're looking for a good first project in the new year, order some for yourself this weekend!
We're giving away this beautiful Red Hot lace from Rebel Yarn- in fact, it will be the last giveaway this week! Drawing will be tomorrow as I will be on the road this weekend (joy!). Please remember to Facebook, and twitter Rebel Yarn's awesomeness to gain extra entries!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Counting Sheep Farm Sock Giveaway!

Another small farm, I feel good about spending my money on!! Counting Sheep farm is run by Rachel of My8kidsmom fame. She dyes all the gorgeous yarns and fibers in the shop, as well as takes care of the farm animals, all when she isn't taking care of all of her children!!
I've said it before, she's a superwoman!
We're giving away this sock set today! I really like getting two smaller skeins if I'm going to do socks- it's easier to wind them for two at a time knitting!!
Anywho, please visit Counting Sheep Farm today, find something you love, and come back over here and let us know about it! We love to know what you think! Please remember to post on Facebook, twitter or your own blog for extra entries!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Critter Ranch Ornament Giveaway!

Sue from the Critter Ranch sent in these gorgeous ornaments for the November box. Moonbeams and Stardust Kid Mohair locks inside a teardrop shaped ornament! Love the colors too.. grays and yellows and white with a smattering of Angelina :)
The Critter Ranch has a ton of gorgeous farm-raised fiber! It's wonderful to shop from a wide selection and know that your purchases go directly to the care and feeding of beautiful fiber producers!
We're giving away this ornament set today! Just vist The Critter Ranch, Find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll count extra Facebook and Twitter updates as entries!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Giveaway Winners!
While we wait for our videos to upload!!....
Congratulations winners! Please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses and I'll get these out to you asap!
Turtle- you won the Fiber Fancy Stocking !!
Spinsandknits- you won the spinningayarn lace !!
AnnRyan- You won the Knittink spinning fiber!!
Congrats folks!! Look for the video soon!
Congratulations winners! Please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses and I'll get these out to you asap!
Turtle- you won the Fiber Fancy Stocking !!
Spinsandknits- you won the spinningayarn lace !!
AnnRyan- You won the Knittink spinning fiber!!
Congrats folks!! Look for the video soon!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Knittink Vegan Spinning sampler giveaway

I have to say, I'm in love with this fiber! Now that KnittinK is back from the Boston Bazare- How did that go, Ady?! I can post this gorgeous giveaway! I snatched some of this fiber up right away, because it's so incredibly soft and because it's vegan!
I'm going to get a little personal here. 2010 will be known in my life as the year I stopped eating animal products (well, except honey ;)). After my car accident, I was not able to "stomach" eating many of the foods I was used to consuming and after a lot of research, I decided to begin eating a plant based diet. This has lead to some other exciting changes in my life, and I'm loving learning about vegan fibers! I want to personally thank Ady for filling a need in the spinning community with these vegan offerings!
We're giving away this vegan fiber sampling, from Knittink November contributions based on League of Extraordinary Gentleman! Just visit KnittinK today, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Remember, extra points for Facebook and Twitter pings!
Nut Nogg for 2!
I came up with this egg-free holiday drink just this week
2 Cups of Almond milk
spices to taste like:
Sweeteners to taste like:
Agave nectar
Blend, chill and serve!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Spinning a Yarn Lace giveaway!

Over in New Zealand, Jessicah has been painting some gorgeous and delicious silk and merino 2 ply lace!!! Oh how I looooove lace!! If you haven't tried lace knitting yet, you really should! Everyone looks good in lace, and it's a lot easier than it looks! And when you pair it with gorgeous hand dyed goodness like this? Full of win.
We're giving away this beautiful skein of lace from Spinning a Yarn today! Please visit Spinningayarn, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Remember to get extra entries by shouting out on Facebook and Twitter how much you love spinningayarn's shop too!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Fiber Fancy Stocking full giveaway!

Are you the type of person who would be thrilled with a stocking full of fiber from Fiber Fancy on Christmas Morning? I am!! Diana sent in this gorgeous stocking filled to the cuff with lots of beautiful fiber to play with.
And when you visit her shop, you're overwhelmed with the gorgeousness available. What is even more special, is you can purchase a stocking stuffer add-on to your order! Love it!
We're giving this stocking away to a lucky commenter!! Just visit Fiber Fancy, find something you're fond of, and write it in the comments section below. Be sure and use twitter and facebook to let everyone else know about Fiber Fancy as well!!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Winners this week!
I thought the giveaways this week were extra gorgeous! Congrats to the following winners! Please send me an email at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses and these will be mailed out asap!
jessecreations- you won the Play at Life Fiber Arts Batt !!
Alison (scarlet wood) you won the Neurotic Knitterz fiber !!
Tinker Tots - you won the Spindle Designs fiber !!
More incredible and festive giveaways coming up!
jessecreations- you won the Play at Life Fiber Arts Batt !!
Alison (scarlet wood) you won the Neurotic Knitterz fiber !!
Tinker Tots - you won the Spindle Designs fiber !!
More incredible and festive giveaways coming up!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Spindle Designs Dreaming of Winter Giveaway!

I'm dreaming of winter is a beautifully hand painted top from Spindle Designs! Painted with organic greener shades dyes in a Fibonacci sequence, this top has been a big hit!
Spindle Designs is chock full of gorgeous polymer clay spindles, fiber, organic dyes and newly listed are gorgeous shawl pins. I have had the pleasure of seeing the craftsmanship of these up close and they are superb!
We're giving away this gorgeous top today! Just visit Spindle Designs, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We award extra entries for helping spread the word via twitter and facebook!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Neurotic Knitterz Fiber giveaway!

Oh Wow! Neurotic Knitterz has a shop chock full of yarn and fibery goodies! Loads of beautiful patterns (love patterns that call for handspun!) and really neat accessories!
This giveaway braid is a beautifully soft Merino top called "Christmas Time". I am definitely in the mood.... how about you? :) Really, the colors are so beautiful, you could certainly spin a yarn now and use it for something springy.
Today we're giving away this Christmas Time merino- just visit Neurotic Knitterz, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing later in the week for a winner, and extra Facebooking, tweeting etc will count as entries!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Play at Life Fiber Arts Batt Giveaway!

Long on Color!! That is what you can find at Play at Life Fiber Arts! Just look at this beautiful Twinkle Lights Maki Batt! Super long color repeats so you can make beautifully unique yarns.
Check out the beautiful reclaimed maki yarns as well- I just love them!
I'm really glad Chrystee is restocking the twinkle lights yarn today! If you got a sample in your November Phat Fiber box, here is your chance to grab a full sized version. I would love to see this yarn knit up!
We're giving away this special twinkle lights alpaca/merino/BL/firestar batt today! Just visit Play at Life Fiber arts, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll count twittering and fb'ing as extra entries- please help spread the good word!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Charity Box Giveaway!
We're giving away the contents of this video! For every $5 to you will receive a number to enter in our drawing. Simply donate to worldvision, email the receipt to through the end of the year and hold on to the number that you get back (within a few days).
Thank you for your generosity!!
Winners this week!
Congratulations, winners! Please contact me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your mailing info!
Cambell- you won the Fleecemakers batts!
SovereignCrux- You won the Northstar Alpaca batts!!
Knitaroo- You won the Garilynn pattern kit!!
Cambell- you won the Fleecemakers batts!
SovereignCrux- You won the Northstar Alpaca batts!!
Knitaroo- You won the Garilynn pattern kit!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Garilynn Star Light Kit Giveaway!

As I was sitting here typing, I realized how adorable this would be as part of a gift tag. Ask anyone who gets gifts from me- gift bags are the fanciest I can seem to manage. Now I'm going to be fantasizing about giving beautifully wrapped gifts this holiday!
This special kit contains 2 knitting bags sewn by Gari and the pattern + yarn to make the Star Light stars. We'll be giving it away today, just visit Garilynn, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Winners will be drawn soon, so please remember to Facebook and twitter for additional entries.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
NorthStar Alpacas Fiber Giveaway!

A new day, a new month, a new way to enjoy NorthstarAlpacas fiber! Batts! Maple claims to have fallen back in love with her drum carder- which means delicious fluffy batts for us!
Featured in today's giveaway is Gunny, the handsome gunmetal-gray alpaca! 4 1 oz batts will make a lovely project for winter! Included in each purchase you make at NorthstarAlpacas is the most delicious smelling sachet ever. It's the little things like this that keep me coming back as a customer!
Please visit NorthstarAlpacas today, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week- so remember to FB and twitter update to gain extra entries.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Fleecemakers Fibers Batt Giveaway!

Remember how smitten I was with this Fleecemakers Aurora Borealis batt? It's so gorgeous and sparkly!! I am a little late on posting, as I don't see any in the shop right now!
Don't you feel good about supporting small fiber farms? I know I do. I think I might have preached about buying local and indie a little too much over the weekend, my family was having a hard time listening to me! We can feel good about buying from Elizabeth and her flock- which started as one of her children's 4-H projects!
We're giving away this gorgeous batt set today! Just visit Fleecemakers, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Extra points for facebook and twitter updates about it!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Giveaway Bonanza Winners!!
What a busy last couple of weeks!! Now to really get the needles clacking for holiday gifts!
To the following winners:
Please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address so that these can be mailed out to you.
barbara143 on rav : you won the Kamasuutra glove kit!
Fiber-Fancy: you won the Modernspin fiber !
Jessica: you won the booknerd handspun !
Amanda: You won the Inspiration Fibers batt!
Tara: You won the WCMercantile fiber!
Perrin: You won the BitsyKnits Kit!
Sensistar: You won the Texas Alpaca baby Alpaca!
Misty Northrop: You won the MamaJudes holiday fiber!
Janette: You won the Farmgirchic soap set!
Tuttle DB: You won the The Dyeing Arts Yarn!!
Melanie: You won the FunHouse Fibers Batt !
Congratulations everyone- I will be starting another round very soon!!
To the following winners:
Please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address so that these can be mailed out to you.
barbara143 on rav : you won the Kamasuutra glove kit!
Fiber-Fancy: you won the Modernspin fiber !
Jessica: you won the booknerd handspun !
Amanda: You won the Inspiration Fibers batt!
Tara: You won the WCMercantile fiber!
Perrin: You won the BitsyKnits Kit!
Sensistar: You won the Texas Alpaca baby Alpaca!
Misty Northrop: You won the MamaJudes holiday fiber!
Janette: You won the Farmgirchic soap set!
Tuttle DB: You won the The Dyeing Arts Yarn!!
Melanie: You won the FunHouse Fibers Batt !
Congratulations everyone- I will be starting another round very soon!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday/Cyber Monday!
Why muscle your way through the crowds this Friday? Stay home and shop in your pjamas!
Several of our phatties are having wonderful Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales!
Check out this thread:
Hope your Friday is wonderful!
Several of our phatties are having wonderful Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales!
Check out this thread:
Hope your Friday is wonderful!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Funhouse Fibers Batt Giveaway!

Happy Thanksgiving! We have a really fun (excuse the pun) giveaway today! It's a gorgeous "Arctic Sea" colorway from FunhouseFibers- a cool blue and turquoise batt with a hint of angelina.
Miki is new to Phat Fiber, but already I can see great things from her and her shop! She created a really informative video on spinning beads into batts using her beaded spinning funkits-another great idea!!
Please visit Funhouse Fibers today (it's ok, you have time between basting the bird) and find something you love. Come on back here and leave a comment about what you love most. We'll be drawing for a winner early next week!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
They Dyeing Arts Absinthe Sock Yarn Giveaway!

I don't know if you know yet, but Tara of The Dyeing Arts is Shearlock's Choice this month! We especially loved Tara's work for November! If you didn't get one in your box (or if you did) you may want to convo her and see if she can create more- it was soo beautiful!!
Tara's October submission was a beautiful purple/green sock yarn she dubbed "Absinthe" which fit perfectly into the Steampunk box.
Included in this sock yarn giveaway are these beautiful blue ribbon stitch markers. I've never seen markers quite like them, and I just love them!! Please visit The Dyeing Arts today, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Please keep checking back during our giveaway bonanza!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
FarmgirlChic Handmade Soap Giveaway!

Can't figure out to get that someone who has everything? I'm telling you, handmade soap does the trick every time!! If you've never experienced *real* handmade soap, you'll be amazed at how soft and moisturized your skin feels after use. This is really important during dry skin season!
Farmgirlchic has created some decadent soaps recently with delicate scents! You've got this gift in the bag! Speaking of bags, she's got those too!!
We're giving away a trio sampler set today, just visit Farmgirlchic, find something you love, and come back and write about it here in the comments section. We'll be drawing for a winner after Thanksgiving. Keep checking back for more sweet giveaways!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Mama Judes Holiday Fiber Giveaway!

Our holiday heroine, Mama Jude has once again cooked up some yummy plant dyed fiber for us this year! She's also included some really cute add-ins to make a neat art yarns!!
Lucky for us, she has begun a new 25% off sale!! That means you can shop til your heart's content and all of that will be calculated automatically! How fun will that be while you're waiting for that Turkey to thaw/cook :)
Please visit MamaJude's today, find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. This will continue our giveaway bonanza, keep checking back for more!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Texas Alpaca Fiber Baby Alpaca fiber Giveaway!

I almost wrote: Baby Alpaca Giveaway! Weee that would be fun!! In all seriousness, why not let the experts at Texas Alpaca Fiber take care of the 'pacas and you enjoy the beautiful results!
There are some gorgeous new listings over in the shop- check out the Alpaca and Tussah silk! Yumm!!
We're giving away this gorgeous and luxurious 2 oz of baby soft, baby alpaca! Just visit Texas Alpaca Fiber, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be giving away lots more beautiful yarn and fiber through Thanksgiving, please check back!
Bitsy Knits Beaded Cuff Kit Giveaway!

The boxes are arriving! Some of you may see a beautiful beaded cuff pattern by Bitsy Knits inside- lucky! I think this would be both a wonderful introduction to beaded knitting and a quick gift for a special someone.
This topic came up in the rav group recently, how does warming your wrists help keep you warm? Your wrists are actually a big source of heat loss like your head and neck- keeping them covered will raise your overall body temp and help keep you toasty this winter ;)
Bisty has a beautiful shop- please check it out today, find something you love, and come back and comment about it. That will enter you to win this beautiful kit! We'll be giving stuff away every day, so check back!
Friday, November 19, 2010
WC Mercantile Bonfire at Night Fiber Giveaway!

OMG is this stuff gorgeous, or what?! Bonfire at Night is a deep Navy merino and a gorgeous, glossy bamboo in gold. I would LOVE to see this spun up- I think it would be gorgeous plied together.
If you haven't visited WCMercantile lately, be prepared to be overwhelmed- but in a very very good way. It's like a big candy shop for spinners! Marcus and I were fortunate to be able to visit over the summer and it was truly amazing!
Please visit WCMercantile, find something you love, and post about it below. We'll be giving away this gorgeous fiber! This is part of our giveaway bonanza- please keep checking back everyday!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Inspiration Fibers Batt Giveaway!

New Phattie alert!! Meet Amanda from Inspiration Fibers. She created these beauuutiful light up samples for the November box. She had a few in her shop earlier so, if you want one, you may be able to convo her and ask to get another one.
Inspiration Fibers is just loaded with fibery goodness- you're going to want to spend some time and look at all the wheel/spindle candy she's got there!
We're giving away this beautiful Seasons of Light batt! Just visit Inspiration Fibers, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. This is part of our giveaway bonanza so keep checking back every day for more!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Booknerd Handspun Giveaway!

If you haven't visited Bookworm's Etsy shop, I think you're in for a treat! I had this whole idea planned out to tell you how cool it was that Allison is a Librarian, but then I happened to read her profile page and thought I would just share that with you. It's much better written than what I would have come up with!
Book Nerd's Handmade is the sum arts & crafts output of a professional librarian and book historian.
The shop is full of geekery, but also purpose driven: wanting to know more about the history of book production and textile design, Librarian Allison endeavors to just do it herself – and learn from experience.
Spinning yarn, making paper from rags, binding journals, printing broadsides... these activities help to inform an understanding of the challenges and techniques involved in historical methods, as well as an appreciation for the universal principles of design.
The end result is a set of finished objects and supplies created with a retrospective outlook on contemporary art.
We're giving away these TWO spindle spun skeins!! Just visit Booknerd, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Remember to retweet/facebook for extra entries!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Modern Spin Giveaway!

We're giving away this gorgeous "Violetta" 80% Merino 20% Tussah silk braid in really yummy purple/pinks. Just hop on over to Modern Spin, find something you love, and write about it here in the comments section. We'll be giving things away through Thanksgiving, so keep checking back for the big winner announcement!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Namaste Fingerless Mitts Kit Giveaway from Kamasuutra !

Squee!! I'm so excited about this giveaway! I purchased a kit myself and have just started knitting it- so lovely! I think the yarn I have is even brighter and more vibrant in person if that is possible!
I have to admit, I have done hardly any colorwork at all, but this seems doable for some reason, perhaps the excitement I feel over the variegated yarn. Speaking of doable- let me tell you about KamaSuutra's newest line of self striping sock yarns- it's called Maya Magic stripe and it's amazing! If you do socks or mitts with a circumference of 55-66 stitches it stripes every 2 rows. It really is magical! I happen to really love the Evil Genius colorway... just sayin' ;) You can contact Rue and pre-order your Maya Magic yarn and be the first to get some!
We're giving away this gorgeous yarn+pattern kit! Just visit Kamasuutra fiber arts and find something that you love, write about it in the comments section below, and we'll be drawing in a couple of weeks- we're kicking of a big giveaway bash with giveaways every day!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Stitch Marker Winners!
Tinker Tots and justthreadtwiddling!!
Please email me with your addresses and I"ll get them mailed out asap ;)
Guess what?! I've got a huge giveaway marathon coming up leading right into Thanksgiving and BlackFriday/CyberMonday! Keep Checking back for giveaways every day!
Tinker Tots and justthreadtwiddling!!
Please email me with your addresses and I"ll get them mailed out asap ;)
Guess what?! I've got a huge giveaway marathon coming up leading right into Thanksgiving and BlackFriday/CyberMonday! Keep Checking back for giveaways every day!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Boutique Stitch Marker sets from Lady Danio Giveaway!!

Sorry for not posting yesterday- I missed you guys!! To make up for it, let's have a double giveaway shall we? The beautiful Sarah of Lady Danio sent in 2 beautiful sets of stitch markers to give to 2 lucky commenters!
These are really no ordinary stitch markers. Sarah uses boutique and vintage jewelry findings to create these elegant tools. As a knitter, I would love to receive a special stitch marker set like this for the upcoming holidays- great stocking stuffers, people!
Please visit Lady Danio, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section belowo- while you're there, make sure you check out Sarah's gorgeous November samples! Be sure and twitter, facebook etc to gain extra entries and help spread the word about these gorgeous beaded delights!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Winners this week!
Winners!! Congratulations!!
Please email me phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address info and I'll get these shipped asap!
Silja! You won the mamajudes batt!!
Michelle ! You won the Galesart bfl/silk roving!!!
Kristin ! You won the Garilynn seraphina kit !!
More awesome giveaways coming up!!
Please email me phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address info and I'll get these shipped asap!
Silja! You won the mamajudes batt!!
Michelle ! You won the Galesart bfl/silk roving!!!
Kristin ! You won the Garilynn seraphina kit !!
More awesome giveaways coming up!!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Garilynn Seraphina Kit Giveaway!

Did you get a Seraphina Neck Corset pattern in your October box? No worries if you didn't! Garilynn has plenty stocked today! What a great way to dress up a plain blouse with a little Victorian flair! I'm really liking the lace addition technique- this pattern is an easy bottom up design!
I'm actually quite excited about Garilynn's new project bags. Gari claims to have a fabric stash larger than her yarn stash- so help clear some room and organize your holiday knitting! Gari calls them "necessary bags" and I think you'll find them indispensable!
We're giving away a gorgeous Seraphina Neck Corset kit today, yarn, pattern and project bag! Please visit Gari's shop, find something you love, and come back here and post to enter! Please help us out with extra FB and twitter updates too! We'll count those as extra entries in the giveaway.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
GalesArt Amethyst and Rust Giveaway!

Drooling yet? I am! Gales Art created an amazing colorway for the October box- Amethyst and Rust is just glorious! I love these colors and I can't wait to see someone spin this up. The gold playing off of the amethyst is full of win.
I am a huge fan of Gale's work- especially the BFL swirl fiber- yum!! I have yet to spin this luxurious bfl/silk combo but it looks incredibly divine!
We're giving away this 4 oz of bfl/silk in Amethyst and Rust! Just visit Galesart, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Your extra FB updates and twittering will net you additional entries!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Mama Judes Time Police Uniform Fiber Giveaway!

I thought MamaJudes's interpretation for the Steampunk box was wonderful! Her "Time police uniform" really captured the essence of army fatiques! What you don't see in the picture is the fabulous gears and baubles she has included in a little packet to add in to your spinning.
If you have ever eaten organic or locally grown fruit and compared it to conventionally grown stuff you can totally taste the difference (I can at least!). It's just like that when buying plant-dyed fiber! I love the earthy undertones and true-to-nature rainbow of colors that can be achieved with plant dyes! I love knitting with MamaJude's yarn on warm wooden bamboo needles with a warm cup of tea... ahh the simple things!!
We're giving away this luscious Merino/silk/bfl/mohair/glitz add-in batt away today! Just visit MamaJudes, find something you love, and come back and write about it in the comments section below. We'll count those extra tweets and fb updates as extra entries! Thanks for helping spread the news about this lovely shop!
Weekend Giveaway winner and a scary pic!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Serendipity Fiber Arts Sparkly Fairy SAL giveaway!

Squee!! We're giving away a full SAL kit from Serendipity Fiber Arts!! Sign ups are closing soon and we want lots of you to participate- see what Rachel has in store for one lucky winner here:
My November Spin-Along is going to be a beautiful series of soft, sparkly batts, each based on a different fairy.
Batts will be 4 oz. & will consist of merino wool, something silky (like bamboo, SoySilk, tussah silk, etc.), & LOTS of sparkle! If you are partial to the sparkle, this spin-along is for you!
Sign-ups will be open through November 3rd, & packages will ship out around November 15th.
Payment options include Google Checkout, USPS money order, and personal check. Whichever payment method you choose, please be sure to get it to me by November 5th so as not to hold up the group.
There will be a dedicated Ravelry thread for posting photos of our batts & finished yarns. There will be a prize or two for awesomest yarn, and everyone who participates will get a coupon to use in the shop.
Let's make some beautiful yarns! :-D
Squee!! Did I already say that?! Anyway, I hope you all have a magical Halloween weekend, and I hope you'll take time to enter the giveaway and spread the word on FB and twitter- we'll count that as extra entries. Drawing for this Serendipity Fiber Arts SAL will be on Monday!
Winners this week!
I've got to hurry up and announce the winners 'cause we've got a wonderful weekend giveaway coming up!!
Debbie (in AK) You won the Rebel Yarn DPN Case!!
Eva SB- You won the Steampunk Chessie Batt from Friends in Fiber !!
Perrin- You've won the amazing Critter Ranch art Yarn kit!!
Please send me a message at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address info!
Check back in a few for a sparkly weekend giveaway ;)
Debbie (in AK) You won the Rebel Yarn DPN Case!!
Eva SB- You won the Steampunk Chessie Batt from Friends in Fiber !!
Perrin- You've won the amazing Critter Ranch art Yarn kit!!
Please send me a message at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address info!
Check back in a few for a sparkly weekend giveaway ;)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Gears, butterflies and Roses fiber giveaway!

Doesn't llama, cashgora, tussah silk, bfl and angelina sound like a recipe for a good time?! I was totally blown away by The Critter Ranch's October Phat Fiber contribution! Sue created a beautiful digital montage and then worked from those colors to create these beautiful art-yarn kits. They're so delectable and the colors are just amazing! I was fortunate to be able to spin a little last night and hopefully I'll ply it later tonight and be able to finish this in time for fiber friday :)
I'm pretty much have a fiber crush on The Critter Ranch- especially her last2 Phat Fiber features- just amazing!!!
We're giving away a small art yarn kit for you! Just visit The Critter Ranch, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below here. We're going to be drawing for a winner later in the week, please remember to FB and Twitter etc for extra entries!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Steampunk Chessie Fiber Giveaway!

I have to say, this Steampunk Chessie fiber is AMAZING! It's super soft, deep purple and has a hint of sparkle- and you know how I love my sparkle!
If you haven't visited Friends in Fiber lately, you haven't gotten your recommended dose of the "Spin Free or Dye" ladies and that is a real shame! Let me tell you, Jan and Peg are two talented fiberistas! And because I love you, I'm going to let you know that they have a whole section that is 20% off right now. Tee hee! Aren't you glad you have me watching your back? ;)
We're giving away this gorgeous Steampunk Chessie Batt! Just visit Friends in Fiber, find something that strikes your fancy and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week and remember we will award extra entries for helping spread the good word about the Spin Free or Dye gals!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Rebel Yarn Steampunk pouch giveaway!

New Phattie alert!! I am really super excited to welcome Rebel Yarn to our phamily of contributors. If you want some awesome London-inspired yarns check out the shop!
I'm always in awe of people with multiple crafty talents- Ok really I'm just mad jealous that she can sew! Check out the rockin square project bags and the awesome dpn cases!
I just totally zoned out and looked at a bunch of the listings in Rebel Yarn- it's like color therapy! I'm imagining the luscious bases and really digging the solid colors!
We're giving away this "punky" dpn case! Just visit Rebel Yarn, find something you love, and come back here and write a post about it. Extra points if you twitter and FB about it too!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Winners this week- and my cute grandma

Earlier this month, my grandma turned 85! I knit her a shawl in red, because it's her favorite color- just wanted to share with you how cute she is in it ;)
Ok on to the winners!!!!
Please email me with your mailing information and I'll get your winnings out to you asap.
phatfiber at yahoo dot com
Aleda- you won the craftydragon shawl pin!!!
Zombiecat- you won the fibercharmer yarn!!!
Tapmouse- you won the H.A.Y. fiber !!!!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
H.A.Y. Orchid Merino Giveaway!

I can't tell you the self-restraint I've had to practice while writing this blog post. Whenever I go visit H.A.Y. I melt and go all gooey inside and then my click to buy finger starts twitching!
Deb is what I like to call a "Charter" phattie- she's been with us a !time and it makes me really proud! Her sense of color is other-worldly! Why, just look at this 'Orchid' merino we're giving away- doesn't it have the same colors as those hard-to-grow species?
We're giving away this delectable braid today, just visit H.A.Y. , find something that you love (I know, I ask too much sometimes!) and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing soon, so don't delay!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Steampunk Sock Yarn Giveaway!

Fiber Charmer is a new contributor, and boy does Eve have a delicious shop! Sock yarn galore! Her Chris sock yarn base is a beautiful smooth, soft but durable yarn for the perfect pair of socks.
October is sometimes referred to as 'Socktober' and it's a great time to knit socks! Mmm warm toes in winter make me happy! Get your sock yarn on at Fiber Charmer!
We're giving away this 'Steampunk' Sock yarn from Fiber Charmer! Just visit the shop, find something that you love, and post about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing later in the week and as a thank you for your extra social networking we'll award extra entries ;)
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Crafty Dragon's Steampunk Shawl Pin Giveaway!

You've heard me exclaim on the videos how much I love Crafty Dragon's polymer clay creations- here is a chance for you to own one!
I just have to say, I think Juna's new shawl pins are the bee's knees! And the awesome stitch markers she made this month, complete with clock face? Just awesome! I hope she'll be posting more of those in her shop soon- you all need some!!
Please visit Crafty Dragon today, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week- be sure and help out by going the extra step to tweet/facebook for us- we really appreciate it!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Winners this week!
I think I may be getting close to being caught up! Yay! Such a great feeling ;)
Congratulations winners! Please send me an electronic mail message to phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address and I'll send your winnings out asap!
Loves2design- you won the winemakerssister bracelet!!
Melrose- You won the counting sheep farm yarn !!!
Bekknitsandco- you won the Texas Alpaca fiber!!!
Congratulations winners! Please send me an electronic mail message to phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address and I'll send your winnings out asap!
Loves2design- you won the winemakerssister bracelet!!
Melrose- You won the counting sheep farm yarn !!!
Bekknitsandco- you won the Texas Alpaca fiber!!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Texas Alpaca Fiber- you know you want some!

17.5 micron Alpaca-- yup, that's the good stuff!!! Texas Alpaca Fiber has been in the Alpaca business for quite some time, but is just starting out on Etsy. This month, they sent in some lovely millspun alpaca yarn- I really really enjoy this stuff! It's uber soft with a slight halo- it would be perfect for a lacy shawl, but you all know I'm a shawl addict!!
I'm so pleased to be giving away this 2 oz of delicious light fawn super soft alpaca! I know you'll fall in love with this stuff when you get some!
Please visit Texas Alpaca Fiber today, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week and would appreciate an extra social networking- facebook, plurk, twitter, ravelry that you can spare! We'll count those entries twice!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Counting Sheep Farm Tencel sock yarn giveaway!

I am really really excited about this box! There is a lot of luxury fibers being used! This month, Counting Sheep Farm has sent in a lovely 50/50 merino/tencel sock yarn in "Twilight" colorway- which is a gorgeous steel gray, dusky blue and hints of black and the tencel gives it that glossy shine!
I just love Rachel from the Counting Sheep Farm! I just realized she has an entire section of her shop dedicated to the numerous Phat Fiber colorways she's submitted! Love that!
We're giving away this delicious skein of sock yarn to a lucky commenter. Just visit Counting Sheep Farm, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing later in the week and would appreciate any extra social networking you can do to help spread the good word!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Steampunk Bracelet Giveaway from Winemakerssister!

A while ago on the Phat Fiber Ravelry Group, we were all discussing our fictitious Steampunk names from this site: Our lovely Heather from Winemakerssister created a bracelet inspired by her steampunk Scientist name: Prof. Roesia Wheatear Knowlan.
This bracelet takes my breath away! If you simply can't wait to find out if you've won it, and would like to purchase one just like it now- you can find a listing here: I know I am having a hard time resisting this!
To be eligible for the giveaway, simply visit Winemakersister, find something you love, come back here and write about it, and if you have the time and inclination please facebook, twitter, Ravelate etc this giveaway/Heather's shop and gain a second entry!
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