Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!
Winners step on down! Be sure and email me with your addys and I'll get these out asap!
Tera you just won the Fibro Fibers sock set!!!
Beautyredefined you just won the Rule Out Fiber addiction batt!!!
Sherry (Fre-ja) you just won the Color Bug Yarns yarn!!!!
Sarah Lewis you just won the Blue Mtn Handcrafts caddy sax !!
Looks like we'll be getting 3 inches of rain this weekend- boo!!! On the bright side, this means I will have a good excuse to spin and knit!
More delectable giveaways coming up soon, so check back :)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Fibery Friday

bulky 2ply spun from fiber from http://www.bohemiafibers.etsy.com
I hope you're having a Fibery Friday! I wanted to remind everyone that today is the LAST day to post in the April Superbox incentive thread here: http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/phat-fiber-sampler-box/1099554/1-25
The superbox this month is ginormous- we had to have 3 videos to cover it all!
Check out the interesting discussions we're having in the Rav group while you're there- are you equipped (have enough stash) to survive a zombie apocolypse?
As well as an amazing May box teaser thread with photos!
I'll be posting later with winners this week :)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Blue Mtn Handcrafts Caddy Sax giveaway!

While you're gazing at this lovely Caddy Sax we have to giveaway, I'm going to tell you a little story about why you need one. This week I have been knitting away on a scarf I designed out of sock yarn for the May secret site. Yesterday, I put the knitting down to work on something else and came back to find my little boy happily unraveling it and twisting the yarn around his fingers. When he looked up to see my face contorted with horror, he said "Mom, remember, I'm a good boy." And, come to think of it, he is. You see he understands a very cardinal rule- Never open a woman's purse/bag. If she needs something out of it, simply pick the entire thing up and give it to her to look through. If I teach him nothing else, this simple yet extremely important rule has at least sunk in. I can only blame myself for letting such delicious yarn lay about to be played with. If it was inside of a bag he would have not touched it. Lesson learned? I hope!
Now, Beth of Blue Mountain Handcrafts has come up with a quite ingenious project bag- the Caddy Sax. Why do I say ingenious? Well, the way the bag is constructed, you can cinch it up, have your cake of yarn inside and pull the yarn from the top of the bag, keeping it nice and tangle free. Then, you have all your little pockets on the OUTSIDE so it's easy to reach and you don't have to open the bag again and go digging. The fact that they come in the cutest color combos is the cherry on top!
We're giving away this small caddy sax! Just visit Blue Mountain Handcrafts and find something you like! Write about that in the comments section below and you'll be automatically entered to win. Remember to get extra entries by using facebook/twitter/plurk/ravelry to social network, just let us know you did it!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Color Bug Yarns Giveaway!

Whoooweee! This is GREEN yarn, isn't it? I recently ordered (and received) a gorgeous skein of skinny bfl sock yarn from Color Bug Yarns in Koi- which has the most amazing combination of saturated deep turquoise blue and orange and green- very watery yet bright at the same time.
I think I"ll be making a shawl with it- it's just too lovely to put on my feet!
Ann (the color maven behind Color Bug Yarns) has a unique relationship with color. Not only is she not afraid to use it, she's befriended it and invited it over for tea. If you haven't yet peeked into her shop, look at her beautiful butterfly listings and you'll see what I'm talking about. Brilliant!
We're giving away this gorgeous green skein of worsted weight yarn from Color Bug Yarns. Just visit Color Bug Yarns and find something you love, write about it in the comments section below and we'll draw for a winner later in the week- remember that you'll be rewarded with extra entries for all those social networking (tweets, facebook updates, ravelry posts) you do to help us out.
Thanks Ann for sharing your brilliance with us!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Rule Out Fiber Addiction NOS Batt Giveaway

Emily sent in these amazing black and blue batts for the April All Creatures Great and Small box. I can't seem to find a picture of them- they were featured on the April box video. So amazing! I just had to say ;)
Rule Out Fiber Addiction NOS shop has just blossomed with fiber in the past few weeks. Time to pounce on some delicious hand dyes handspuns, and all those beautiful stitch markers! I find folks like Emily, who work full time in a thankless job and then go fill their shops with goodies the rest of us can enjoy and find pleasure in, very special people.
We heart you, Emily! We're giving away this beautiful "Get Carded" batt to a lucky commenter, just visit Rule Out Fiber Addiction NOS and find something you love. Write about that something in the comments section below and you'll automatically be entered in the drawing. If you use twitter, facebook, ravelry or another social media outlet to let your fiber friends know about Emily, we'll count that as a second entry.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fibro Fibers Nightfall Sock Set Giveaway!

I am a proud owner of some Nightfall sock yarn by Fibro Fibers (in Lime Green in case you were wondering). This stuff is to be coveted. I am hoarding it, waiting, waiting for the perfect pattern to pop up for this yarn. When I find it, it's going to be wonderful seeing the color change from bright green to black!
Dye diva, Jen Hintz has developed a unique way of dyeing this yarn so that the gradation from black to color is subtle yet bold with a stippled star-like effect. It's quite amazing, which makes this yarn extra special. I'm featuring it toady, while there is still some available on her site- they have previously been hard to snag, so if you're interested in trying it out, my suggestion would be to pounce now!
We're giving away this beautiful Nightfall sock set (yes you can have matching socks!) in WINE (sold out on the website) to a lucky commenter. Just visit Fibro Fibers, find something you love, write about it in the comments section and we'll draw for a winner later in the week. We want to reward your extra facebooking, tweeting, ravelating, plurking or other social networking with extra entries in this giveaway, just let us know where you've done it!
Thank you so much, Jen for sharing your sock art with us!
Friday, April 23, 2010
Winners this week, and lots of them!
I made a mistake and didn't call out a winner for last week, so we add that to this week's winnings!
Please step forward and email me your address:
Christine: You won Kathleen's Spin's Orifice Hook !!
Syeda : You won NH Knitting Mama's Chocolate Bunnies Yarn !!
Melrose: You won Fiber Fancy's Toad's Eye fiber !!
Turtle : You won Froggy Fibers Tree Frog fiber !!
Snaps: You won Fleecemakers Fibers Batts!!
Please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses. I'll mail them out asap!
More delicious giveaways coming :)
Please step forward and email me your address:
Christine: You won Kathleen's Spin's Orifice Hook !!
Syeda : You won NH Knitting Mama's Chocolate Bunnies Yarn !!
Melrose: You won Fiber Fancy's Toad's Eye fiber !!
Turtle : You won Froggy Fibers Tree Frog fiber !!
Snaps: You won Fleecemakers Fibers Batts!!
Please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses. I'll mail them out asap!
More delicious giveaways coming :)
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Fleecemakers Fibers Batt Giveaway!

Have you checked out Fleecemaker Fibers lately? It's popping with lots of brightly colored fibers for you!
Liz sent in beautiful Yorkshire Dales and Moors batts for the box this month and if you hurry, you can snag the full sized version in her shop. After looking at her shop this morning, I find I can't stop thinking about those Oreo Blizzard locks- how beautiful! The real Oreo Blizzards are pretty awesome too (too bad I'm not doing sugar anymore!). There is just so much to absorb in the Fleecemakers shop! Go spend some time there!
Ok, I'll give you a little incentive to! Visit Fleecemaker Fibers, find something you love, comment about it on the blog here and you'll be entered to win this full sized 2 oz Yorkshire Dale batts! We're going to count your facebooking, twittering, blogging, and ravelating as extra entries- just let us know you did it. Thanks for checking out Fleecemaker Fibers today!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Froggy Fibers giveaway!

Color Color Color!! That is what I think when I think Froggy Fibers. If you love color, you'll love LaRhanda's work! This month, in honor of the April "All Creatures Great and Small" theme, Froggy Fibers sent in some gorgeous "Tree Frog" roving! I saw a yarn that LaRhanda spun from this stuff and it's truly beautiful! The colors all just work together. Isn't that so often the case with colors inspired by the natural world?
Froggy Fibers has both beautifully dyed fibers and wonderfully artistic handspun yarns- I have been an admirer of LaRhanda's handspun for some time! Her yarn is totally and completely smooshable, so feel comfortable indulging!
We're giving away this beautiful 2oz of Tree Frog Merino from Froggy Fibers. Just visit the shop, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. On Friday, we'll be drawing for a winner, so you don't have much time. Be sure and put pings out on facebook, ravelry, twitter, plurk etc to gain extra entries- let us know so we can go check it out.
Thank you so much, LaRhanda, for creating this beautiful tree frog inspired colorway and sharing it with us! It's lovely!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Fiber Fancy's "Toad's Eye" Giveaway!

Last time I featured Fiber Fancy, I told you about my Greek Goddess SAL. I still haven't spun those batts! I want it to be just right and I've been pondering on how to spin them. I'll follow my own advice though, and dive in!
One of the things, I'm quite excited about- is Fiber Fancy is now stocking sock yarn! Looks like the Toad's Eye sock yarn is already sold out from her shop, I'm not sure if it is repeatable on the yarn or not. Diana is always open to custom orders though, so feel free to convo her!
We're giving away this 1 oz hand pulled batt roll to a lucky commenter! Just visit Fiber Fancy's shop, find something you like, and post about it in the comments section below. Remember to use twitter, facebook, plurk etc to your advantage and gain a second entry- just let me know where you did it.
Monday, April 19, 2010
NH Knitting Mama yarn giveaway!

New to participate this month, is Amanda from NH Knitting Mama ! She sent in the most beautiful yarn- her Windham base in "Chocolate Bunnies". I absolutely love it! The more I look at it, the more I think I need some. There is just something completely edible about both the yarn and the colorway- Wonderful job, Amanda! When you visit her site to order yours, it will say "sold out" but Amanda dyes a lot and would be happy to whip some up for you.
I really enjoyed visiting the NH Knitting Mama site, it's easy to navigate and there are lots of yarn, accessories and designs to look at!
We're giving away this beautiful worsted weight "Chocolate Bunnies" yarn! Just visit NHKnittingMama, find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll choose a random commenter later in the week- be sure you use twitter, facebook, ravelry or plurk to help get the word out about NHknittingmama, we'll count your social networking as a second entry in the drawing!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Winners this Week and box giveaway!
Yay! We have winners!!!
Avalon Springs farm mohair sampler- NeuroticKnitterz !!!
Dawning Dreams art batt- Jennifer of Desert Garden Farms !!!
Please email me your address and It will be mailed out asap. Well, not you Jennifer 'cause I already know it :)
I also want to take a moment to remind you we're giving a Phat Fiber box away! Just tell us your favorite "Creature" on the Rav group here: http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/phat-fiber-sampler-box/1093373/1-25
Avalon Springs farm mohair sampler- NeuroticKnitterz !!!
Dawning Dreams art batt- Jennifer of Desert Garden Farms !!!
Please email me your address and It will be mailed out asap. Well, not you Jennifer 'cause I already know it :)
I also want to take a moment to remind you we're giving a Phat Fiber box away! Just tell us your favorite "Creature" on the Rav group here: http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/phat-fiber-sampler-box/1093373/1-25
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Dawning Dreams Art Batt Giveaway!

Today I'd like to celebrate a very talented Phattie- Dawn Riden of Dawning Dreams. I've had the pleasure of meeting Dawn in person and she is as sincere and truly nice as she appears online :) Dawn was recently published in Anti Craft with her Goddess Shawl which is so creative and looks so similar to crochet, it's truly a wonder!
Dawn's shop has a new look! She's got a fancy .com which is your "hub" of all things Dawning Dreams. Find out what events she'll be attending, instructional videos, equipment, patterns and her delectable yarns and fibers! This month, Dawn sent in some gorgeous Coffee-dyed yarn and fiber! The yarn is simply beautiful with a subtle changing cafe au lait color. How "green" of her, with Earth Day coming up!
We're giving away this beautiful carded art batt from Dawning Dreams, just visit Dawn's website and tell us what you like in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week so check back! Be sure and help spread the word about Dawn's Shop by using twitter, facebook, plurk and ravelry- we'll count those pings as extra entries, just let us know you did it!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Avalon Springs Farm Locks Giveaway!

Inside this egg container are a dozen richly dyed and super soft mixed fiber locks from Avalon Springs Farm.
Avalon Springs Farm is fairly new to Phat Fiber and what a welcome addition! We just love to get our mitts on farm fresh fiber- and when the shepherdess is also a talented dyer, like Karen is- it makes it doubly exciting! I am really really tempted to snatch up that Lady of the Lake roving right now! I've promised myself I've got to spin through some of my fiber before I get more- it's becoming a storage problem since I've had all this 'heal' time lately. I'm sure one of you can get it though, and I can live vicariously through you! Karen's fiber has an incredible healthy lustre and she stocks her shop with all my favorite deep jewel tones!
Today I'd like us to visit Avalon Springs Farm Etsy shop and pick out what you love, write it in the comments section below to be entered to win this eggescellent locks container! I'll be drawing a lucky commenter's name at the end of the week- be sure and use twitter and facebook and ravelry to gain extra entries- let everyone know about Avalon Springs Farm!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Winners for the week!
So sorry I'm late posting this- I'm not sure what I was thinking!
Smoky Mountain Fibers Giveaway!- Mandii !!!
Fuzzy Bunny Sampler- NancyFancyFiberPants !!!!
Fiber Gift Tags mixed set- CozyKnitting !!!!
Please email me phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses and we'll get them mailed asap!
Thanks so much for your comments and we have lots more fun stuff coming up this week!
Smoky Mountain Fibers Giveaway!- Mandii !!!
Fuzzy Bunny Sampler- NancyFancyFiberPants !!!!
Fiber Gift Tags mixed set- CozyKnitting !!!!
Please email me phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses and we'll get them mailed asap!
Thanks so much for your comments and we have lots more fun stuff coming up this week!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Fiber Gift Tags Giveaway

Let's squeeze in another giveaway for today, shall we? :) I knew you wouldn't mind.
Some of you may remember a few months ago I was frantically finishing my Christmas gift knitting. I really don't want to do that again this year. I know I always say that, but really I'm serious this time! What if, I knit a little gift every other big project and compile them? I did that a little last year and then towards the end I did some rearranging because they weren't tagged who to gift them to.
Problem solved with Fiber Gift Tags! They are so crisp and professional looking! Just grab a pack or two to have on hand and when you finish those gifts, tag them immediately while all the details are fresh in your mind! They really have tags for every occasion- new baby, wedding, holidays etc. I didn't see a happy retirement tag- I could have used one of those a couple of weeks ago ;)
We're giving away a 25 tag variety pack! Just visit Fiber Gift Tags, find the ones you like, and write about them here in the comments section below! I'll draw for a winner tomorrow so you've got to be quick! Make sure you twitter and facebook about this giveaway for extra entries!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Fuzzy Bunny Sampler Giveaway!

We were so excited to see Elizabeth from The Fuzzy Bunny back in the box for March. She was one of our earliest contributors and after a long hiatus, is back!
Elizabeth has some really cool things going on in her shop- I am especially intrigued by her "vegan yarn club". I know several folks who claim to be allergic to wool, and this would be an extra special treat for those allergic knitters/crocheters out there. Even if you are completely fine with animal proteins, what a wonderful way to get to experience some of the alternative fibers that are available now- all with that lovely textural element we want in handspun yarns.
I'm pleased to be giving away a elemental mini batt set from Fuzzy Bunny Fibers to a lucky commenter here on the blog. Just visit Fuzzy Bunny Fibers, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week, so remember to twitter, facebook, ravelate, plurk etc and gain extra entries.
Thank you so much, Elizabeth for sharing your beautiful work with us! We look forward to seeing you participate again soon!
Kathleen's Spin Orifice Hook Giveaway!

I was going to do this post last week and then my Kathleen's Spin SAL shipment came and I thought to wait and share pictures of what I received! The Spin A-Long theme was "Quilt Show" and with each SAL a batt, a hand sewn project bag and a little thank you treat was included. I was so thrilled with my SAL! The beautiful blue-green and sparkly batts were tucked inside a gorgeous mosaic project bag and inside was a little packet of matching angelina for added bling! This was Kathleen's Spin's first SAL and I hope it won't be her last. Please keep watch on her shop for the next one!
Kathleen is multi-talented and not only does she have some pertty fibers, she makes these really pretty poly-clay orifice Hooks. We're giving one away here! Just visit Kathleen's Spin, find something you love and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week and be sure and facebook, twitter, plurk or ravelate for extra entries (we count those twice).
Thank you so much, Kathleen for sharing your work with us!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Smoky Mountain Fiber Giveaway!

I do apologize for not posting for a couple of days. My little family was involved in a car accident on Saturday and though there were no broken bones, we're all a little tender to the touch and trying to rest easy.
I was thrilled to see Anne Marie of Smoky Mountain Fiber arts in our last box. Her element was "fire" can you tell? She sent in some beautifully hand painted merino and some luxuriously soft mohair locks for everyone to experience! You know, I just love the shiny mohair locks! I admit though, I have never tried an exciting "tailspun" art yarn with them- this is something I must try! The locks I spin are usually carded in with other fibers in batt form- which make for a deliciously silken sheen that adds strength and warmth to a yarn.
Visit Smoky Mountain Fibers and get your fiber fix on! We're giving away a full 2 oz size of her fire colorway- just let us know which one of Anne Marie's listings has really caught your eye! Write about it in the comments section below, and we'll draw for a winner later in the week. Make sure you twitter, facebook, ravelate etc about this contest to get extra entries. We really appreciate you helping us get the word out about how awesome Smokey Mountain Fibers is!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Giveaway winners this week!
Congratulations you luckies!
Short Time Obsessions you won the Fiber Fancy Earthy Braid!!
AmySue you won the Serendipity sock yarn!!!
CindyD you won the In-Skein bag and stitch marker set!!
Please email me your addys so I can mail them out early next week!
Have a wonderful, bright, cheery and happy weekend!!
Short Time Obsessions you won the Fiber Fancy Earthy Braid!!
AmySue you won the Serendipity sock yarn!!!
CindyD you won the In-Skein bag and stitch marker set!!
Please email me your addys so I can mail them out early next week!
Have a wonderful, bright, cheery and happy weekend!!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
In Skein Designs and giveaway!

I almost hate to feature anyone on April Fool's day, but why waste an opportunity to discover a new Phattie? Meet Echo of In-Skein designs. She sent in some lovely stitch markers for March's box and inside each packet was a crochet pattern for a lovely mesh bag.
Visit her Etsy shop, and you'll see loads of pretty stitch markers, perfect for gifting to swap partners or hoarding for yourself!
I could *almost* get baby fever looking at all the cute baby stuff Echo makes as well! While Echo is new to the group, I feel I can expect some wonderful things from her in the future, as she has an infectious positive outlook on life we all appreciate!
We're giving away this cute bag and stitch marker set to a lucky commenter here on the blog! Visit In Skein, find something you love, and let us know about it! Remember, I'll count extra entries for those of you who twitter/facebook/ravelate about Echo's designs!
Thanks Echo, for sharing with us this month! Hope to see you in the box again soon!
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