This week's Winners are:
rumplestiltskin82 ! You won the Spin to Shawl project from Garilynn
Tara ! You won the Strangefruit Bag !!
Helenlam ! You won the WPI tool necklace!!
Please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses!
Today is the last day to make purchases that qualify for the July Buy Phat Incentive Superbox- this is your chance(s) to win a big giant box of all the samples in the July Seaweed Ships and Scallywags box. Check it out:
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Stash Enhancement Silver WPI gauge giveaway!

I very much love the idea of functional art. I can really get into the beauty of tools and the art of the everyday. This is what I love about this wpi gauge that Jessie of Stashenhancement has made.
This wpi tool was crafted from a solid silver half dollar coin (1944) and strung on a handspun bombyx silk cord. Would you be the envy of everyone at spin night with this? Yes! Is this pretty enough to wear all the time, even when you're not spinning? Yes!
Take a little time today and visit StashEnhancement's shop, find something you love, and come back and write about it here. We'll be drawing for a name very soon, so don't forget to use twitter or facebook to help spread the word and gain extra entries!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Strangefruit Spindle Pack Giveaway!

For a couple of months now you've all been getting these adorable stitch markers in your box from Strangefruit- but did you know that proprietress Kim also makes custom fiber bags? She's graciously giving away this beauty of a bag here on the blog!
Shopping online- I can't think of a better way to spend a hot sticky summer Wednesday!
A random question for all you stitch marker addicts- have any of you turned them into charms for necklaces or bracelets?
Please visit Strangefruit, find something you love and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for this beautiful bag in a couple of days so don't delay!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Gulf Oil Spill Benefit Box!
Several of our Phatties have sent in fibery and yarny goodies to benefit All you need to do to win this big beautiful box of full-sized items is donate to . Every $5 you donate will get you a number to be put into the drawing. Forward your donation receipt to and within a few days someone will get back to you with your number(s). The drawing will be held late August.
Not featured in the video but included in the box is also this beautiful braid of bamboo fiber from MoonwoodFarm:

Phat Fiber would like to thank the following artists for their activism:
Monday, July 26, 2010
Spin your shawl kit giveaway!

I dare you to say "Miranda's Sea Shawl by the Seashore" 3 times fast! July, Garilynn came up with a beautiful and versatile shawl pattern- I think this pattern will become quite popular in the next few months when the weather begins to turn cooler and folks need a little something extra about them. I love the idea of spinning your own shawl and Garilynn has included fiber from WCMercantile for you to try in this kit.
In this pattern, Garilynn talks about how she notices that in Waterhouse's depiction of Miranda, she's not wearing any sort of shawl though the weather is obviously violent- see above picture from and I think it's very cool that she would notice this! Maybe it was intentional- showing how vulnerable the Miranda character is when the shipwreck occurs?
At any rate, this is an easy and versatile pattern and I think you'll thoroughly enjoy it!
Visit Garilynn today, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be giving away this kit to a lucky commenter this week- you can gain extra entries by twittering, facebooking, plurking etc! Just remember to let us know you did ;)
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Lots of winners!
Congratulations winners!!
Chris won the great Northern Yarns cashmere yarn
Kim R. won the Spinnerette Fibers stitch marker set
KillDxM won the Farmgirlchic batt
Rebekah won the Everimprovingme batt
Turtle won the Wild Hare Fibers batt!!
Please send me a note at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addy and i'll get these out to you!
Tomorrow we'll be filming the Gulf Relief Giveaway box- look for updates on Twitter and Facebook about how you can watch a live taping!
Chris won the great Northern Yarns cashmere yarn
Kim R. won the Spinnerette Fibers stitch marker set
KillDxM won the Farmgirlchic batt
Rebekah won the Everimprovingme batt
Turtle won the Wild Hare Fibers batt!!
Please send me a note at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addy and i'll get these out to you!
Tomorrow we'll be filming the Gulf Relief Giveaway box- look for updates on Twitter and Facebook about how you can watch a live taping!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Intereview with Melissa Yoder Ricks of Wild Hare Fiber and Giveaway!

Melissa of Wild Hare fiber was inspired to create a wonderful batt this month for a giveaway- it goes along so well with our "Seaweed Ships and Scallywags" theme! This 'Moby Dick' batt has lots of different fibers including ecospun which is recycled plastic from things like soda bottles.
Melissa is a very inspiring woman and she was gracious enough to sit down for a few and answer some short questions I had for her. I miss doing interviews on the blog, so I hope to bring them back more often. Here is what she had to say:
Where do you draw inspiration for your work?
The beauty of the natural world inspires many of the colors that I choose, although I'm also inspired at times to create colors based on certain moods or feelings. I also loosely follow color trends to keep everything fresh and relevant.
What is your favorite fiber to work with?
I love wool! It is so versatile, and there is such variety between breeds.
Do you have a least favorite?
I love most natural fibers, and tend to steer clear of synthetics.
There is one fiber that I like but which I find difficult to work with because it makes me sneeze, and that is angora (it's ironic, since often people seeing my logo assume that I'm selling angora)
What is it like to be a full-time fiber artist?
Amazing! I feel really blessed to be able to focus on doing what I love to do! This has been my dream since I was young. Having a flexible schedule so that I can adjust to my children's needs is a huge bonus too.
Tell us more about your favorite products you offer.
All the products I carry were chosen because they are my 'favorite' in some way! I search out fibers that I love to spin myself, and create handspun yarns that I would want to use. I recently added hand-dyed yarns, and search high and low to find the best mill spun yarn that I could find as my base. I also carry Spinolution, Louet and Nancy's Knit Knacks fiber tools and equipment - the same brands I use for my own work.
What is your favorite way to use yarn?
To hold it and squeeze it ...? Gosh, each and every skein of yarn is so full of possibilities that it can be challenging to commit it to just one project. I knit, crochet and do some simple weaving, and usually look to the yarn and let it tell me what to do with it. I do more knitting than anything else because it's so portable.
If you were to do a self-portrait in fiber, what would it look like? What
materials would you use etc?
My 'self portrait in fiber' would have to be a mixed-media piece that combines lots of different fiber and techniques -- so it would have perhaps a woven or wet-felted base with knitted appliques, some free-form crochet, and needle-felted and embroidered details. All in a range of rich natural colors (hey, this sounds like a fun project!)
We're giving away "moby dick" today- visit Wild Hare, find something you love, and come back here to write about it in the comments section. We award other social networking pings with extra entries, just let us know you did it!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Everimprovingme Batt giveaway!

Isn't this batt, just carded perfection? I don't know what it is with me and pink lately, but much of what I have spun during Tour de Fleece has had pink in it! It's just happy, I guess! Speaking of happy, Johanna of Everimprovingme is just a happy person that I am glad to 'know' online! I adore her- she's just a gem!
I am eagerly anticipating my Pirates and Princesses SAL shipment to arrive- I requested that she surprise me because I just have complete confidence in her artistry I want Johanna to just be liberated to create something special, which I know she will!
Today we're giving away this gorgeous "Titania upon Waking" batt!! Just visit Everimprovingme, find something that speaks to you, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week and any extra social network pings are greatly appreciated and awarded with extra entries.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Farmgirl Chic Batt Giveaway!

When I took a peek at the Farmgirl Chic shop today I knew I had to go ahead and feature it on today's post- it's just chock full of color, fiber, texture and fun! What an amazing selection of mohair and costwold locks! It's always so wonderful to see these dyed up in rainbow colors- since I'm not very skilled at dyeing, it's so interesting to ponder how it's done!
The fiber is so gorgeous, but what is really capturing my attention are the adorable hand sewn knitting bags made from vintage fabrics! They're just beautiful! It reminds me of a bag I would take to an afternoon tea with friends- so light and fresh!
We're giving away this gorgeous Citrus batt from FarmGirlChic! Just visit the Farmgirlchic etsy shop and find something you love- come back and write about it in the comments section below and be entered to win this beautiful summery batt! Remember we will reward your extra twitter, facebook, plurk pings because you're helping spread the good word about this beautiful shop!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Spinnerette Fibers Giveaway!

As the boxes are starting to arrive, I know a few folks really wanted to have a special message in a bottle from Spinnerette Fibers. Nicole had an beautiful idea of putting stitch markers inside corked glass bottles this month! The markers are made from semi precious stones and will surely jazz up your next knitting project!
I am constantly blown away by the Spinnerette Fibers shop- everything is exquisitely dyed and the product photography is spot on. How cool is it that she named that sock yarn Derecho- I had never heard the term before actually going through one last year.
We're giving away a full set of these sea worthy stitch markers. Just visit Spinnerette Fibers, find something you love and write about it in the comments section below. Be sure and take a little extra time to tweet and facebook about this fresh fiber shop!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Great Northern Yarns Cahsmere giveaway!

I am getting a head start on this week's giveaways- we just have so much fantastic stuff to show you! I'm so very excited about this though, I have to say! First, I will tell you that Great Northern Yarns isn't technically a 'phattie' but, I know you all appreciate the ingenuity and hard work that goes into an indie business- especially the fiber kind. I have given away a mink yarn here on the blog before, now I would love to pass on the opportunity for someone to try this 100% cashmere yarn! Craig from Great Northern Yarns has developed a way to harvest mink fur in a way that does not harm the minks. He is also committed to providing the best quality product at the best price he possibly can. This is why I'm really super excited about his 100% cashmere yarn- a delectable treat for your needles/hooks/shuttles at an affordable price!
July is usually the time when my mind starts to dream of cooler days and I begin to start making lists of things I would like to create for my loved ones to wear during the cold weather. When I picked up this lovely dk weight cashmere yarn, it's softness and the airy quality has just set my mind ablaze with ideas. I hope it is just as inspiring to you! I will be giving away this luscious heathered plum dk weight 100% cashmere yarn this week to a lucky commenter! Just visit Great Northern Yarns, find something that inspires you, something you'd love to experience and come back here and let us know about it. While visiting, consider making a purchase or two to support Craig and his company, because diligence and ingenuity deserves reward, right? As always, we'll count your twittering, facebooking and extra social networking pings as extra entries- just let us know you've done them.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Giveaway Winners this week!
Anne-Line you won the BirdsNest Yarns roving!!!
AnnMarie you won the NorthStarAlpacas fiber!!!
How cool is it that 2 Anns won today! This is posted early because we are in the process of uploading the preview videos to youtube (yay!!!)
Please email me your addresses phatfiber at yahoo dot com and I will get them out asap!
Anne-Line you won the BirdsNest Yarns roving!!!
AnnMarie you won the NorthStarAlpacas fiber!!!
How cool is it that 2 Anns won today! This is posted early because we are in the process of uploading the preview videos to youtube (yay!!!)
Please email me your addresses phatfiber at yahoo dot com and I will get them out asap!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Northstar Alpacas giveaway!

So the discussion about using quality materials for creating fiber art has continued here at Phat HQ. The observation about someone's use of acrylic yarn to create has led to the idea that perhaps there is a vibrational quality about natural materials that make the finished product more appealing as well. Although Marcus and I are far from creating a scientific study, we like to talk, and this is what has come up. So, if you subscribe to the thought that everything is energy, then it would make sense that clothing or other fiber art created from natural materials (living animal fiber) would have a higher energy or vibration level than mechanically produced petroleum based synthetic stuff. Right?
Maybe I need to go pour myself another cup or organic coffee (with organic soy milk!) and munch on my granola some more, but it makes sense to me :) Anyway, I do talk a lot about the 'vibe' a certain fiber has, and NorthStar Alpacas fiber is very high frequency stuff ;)
The proof is in the pudding.... 10 out of 10 customers who tried North Star Alpacas fiber felt their mood level rise by 82% during the creation process. Ok ok, I made that last statistic up, but it really isn't stretching the truth when I say this is the good stuff!
We're giving away this delicious Alpacarino 75% Alpaca and 25% merino ( the merino makes this alpaca have a bit of memory so really nice to make garments out of!) fiber (4 oz!) just visit North Star Alpacas, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week, but don't wait to spread the word all over the interwebs!! We'll count your efforts as extra entries.
Birds Nest Yarns Luxe Fiber Giveaway!

Marcus and I were at an acquaintance's home recently and I discovered that she crochets. She crochets a lot and spends a lot of time on her creations and she uses acrylic yarn. Now, I have nothing against using a particular material if that is what you really would like. Marcus and I were discussing it on the drive home- why use inexpensive mass produced materials to create with?

We came to the conclusion that perhaps it is a matter of valuating one's work and time. If I think I am making an heirloom or a great masterpiece, I will chose materials that I think are worthy for the project. It's a safe bet for me to shop at Birds Nest Yarns! I think Liz has the same mindset when she sets out dyeing... use the best materials she can find to create her art!
If you have a little time to drool over all of the things in Liz' shop, we are giving away a Puck's Love potion smaller braid of Cashmere, Angora and Merino fiber for you to try! Please visit BirdsNestYarns, find something that sings to you, and write about it in the comments section below. We will be drawing later in the week, please remember to use twitter, facebook etc to gain extra entries and let everyone else know about this masterpiece of a shop!
WC Mercantile Weekend Giveaway Winner!
Lisa from IL! You've won the WCMercantile batt- please email me with your address and I'll mail it out asap!
phatfiber at yahoo
Thank you everyone for commenting- more to come right now!
phatfiber at yahoo
Thank you everyone for commenting- more to come right now!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
WC Mercantile here I come and Giveaway!

As you can see from the flyer here, I'll be doing a beginning marketing workshop on Aug 7th at WC Mercantile. If you've wanted to start an online fiber/yarn shop and need help getting off to the right start, please consider joining us that weekend. We'll be covering all the basics of setting up shop, creating community around your art and then end with how to kick it up a notch with bigger advertising. I'll be going into detail about several things as well as stepping back to plan for future growth. There will be time for a Q and A and Stephanie is catering it! And, if you're like me, you'll also be looking forward to some shopping time :) I am super excited about getting to help several people make that jump to online sales!
We're going to do a special weekend-long giveaway featuring WCMercantile and Stephanie's deliciously carded blue batts! Please visit WCMercantile on Etsy, find something you love and write about it in the comments section below. I will probably draw sometime on Monday, so there isn't a whole lot of time to get your comments in- remember to try using the 'anonymous' feature as I think blogger and google id are not on speaking terms right now. We'll count those extra tweets, facebook updates etc as entries!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Winners and doggie cuteness....

Chopper is such a Yarn Snob!!!
Anyway, We had some beautiful giveaways this week! Mr. Random # generator chose a few of you:
EVA SB You won the Critter Ranch Batt!!!
Judy You won the Kathleen's Spin Midsummer batt set!!!
Barbara You won the Garilynn Faerie slouch kit!!!
KellieBelle You won the Counting Sheep Farm Alpaca/Cormo/Silk Fiber!!!
Ladies, please email me your addresses and I'll get these out to you asap. Thanks so much for commenting!!
It has come to my attention that commenting has been difficult this week- I'm troubleshooting the problem, but so far I think it has mostly to do with google id? Try commenting anonymously and see if that helps (be sure and add a way for me to get a hold of you if you do this)
Look for a special giveaway/announcement this weekend!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Counting Sheep Farm Fiber Giveaway!

I know you all are in the mood to see something really super cute, aren't you? Visit Counting Sheep Farm's website and click the 2010 lambs page! So adorable... just gotta say!
I know it's super hot right now, everyone is just trying to keep cool, and perhaps the thought of rolling around in Alpaca/cormo/silk doesn't exactly seem enticing at the moment. BUT, if you're here, it's because you love yarn and fiber... really you do! And, you know what? It's going to cool off I promise! Now, maybe you can spend some time planning the projects you'd like to do when it does cool off just a bit. Visit Counting Sheep Farm, find beautiful natural fibers and gorgeous hand painted yarns by My8kidsMom (yes she did have that many children and she takes care of 2 businesses and a farm!!!)
We're giving away this scrumptious 4 oz of Alpaca, Cormo, and Silk blended fiber today! Just take a moment to visit Counting Sheep Farm. Find something you love, and come back and let us know about it here. Spend a little extra time by retweeting/plurking/blogging etc about it and we'll count that as an extra entry. Winner will be drawn tomorrow!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Garilynn Faerie Slouch Hat Kit Giveaway!

Many of you received Garilynn's fabulous Faerie Slouch hat pattern in June's box. She related a funny anecdote to us on the pattern about how she came to name this hat. I'm just going to say that her husband is a funny guy! Reminds me of another funny guy I know... :)
I really love how this hat uses sock yarn- even more excuse to buy and hoard it after you've knit dozens of socks ;) And it's so light and airy- makes a perfect summer hat!
We're giving away this lilac/lavender kit away on the blog today- please visit Garilynn, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll draw for a winner later in the week so please take a moment to retweet/facebook/ravelate about Garilynn. You'll be helping us spread the good word, and getting an extra entry for your efforts!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Kathleen's Spin Midsummer Batt Bundle Giveaway!

oooh oohhh ooooh!!! I have been so very excited to show you all this beautiful giveaway!! If you'll remember, Kathleen from Kathleen'sSpin did 4 different colorways for the June box (the best box evah!!) and I was so shocked, stunned, awed that I won her Quilt Show SAL- she awarded me with the beautiful gray "cobweb" batt. It's just amazing, I hope to spin it up soon during tour and share with you the resulting yarn.
Anywho, I know these batts were popular for her this month, but I still see some "peaseblossom" and "moth" batts available! You can expect wonderful things from Kathleen'sSpin- especially all the sparklies! Did I mention I was 'partial to the sparkle'? :)
Please visit KathleensSpin today, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Your comment enters you into a drawing later in the week for this set of 4 batts all inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream! Please help us out too, by using twitter, facebook, ravelry, plurk or another social networking avenue to spread the good word about Kathleen's shop. We appreciate it so much, we award you with extra entries into the drawing.
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Critter Ranch Midsummer batt giveaway!

Now that you're all fired up about Tour de Fleece, maybe you're burning through a lot of stash that you've accumulated. Maybe you need to be rewarded for accomplishing so much this tour! And... maybe you'd like to reward a small fiber farm by purchasing some of their goods too ;)
Enter The Critter Ranch! Home of humanely raised Llama fiber and now featuring beautiful hand painted fiber braids with all of your favorite luxury fibers like baby alpaca!
Take a look at our beautiful midsummer themed batt giveaway- there is so much color and sparkle and luxury, I can barely stand it! Please visit The Critter Ranch today, find something you love, and come back and let us all know about it! We'll be drawing for this batt later in the week, so take some time and twitter, facebook, plurk etc about it too! We'll count those as extra entires!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Starting the tour off right!
I am demonstrating how I create long color repeats with handpainted bfl
Friday, July 2, 2010
Winners this week and Happy 4th Weekend!
Quickly, I want to remind everyone that purchases made from the June contributors through July 4th midnight, will qualify for the June superbox giveaway- details in the Rav group.
Also, while you're there, please check out the awesome July 4th weekend sales thread
And Tour de Fleece starts tomorrow! I hope to have an action shot for you then ;)
Congrats winners this week!!!
Yarnmagic- you won the Moonlight and Laughter Batt!!
MLJ1954- You've won the Dawning Dreams laceweight yarn!!
Sherry- You've won the Bitsy Knits batt!!!
Melissa Antes- You've won the Friends in Fiber Handspun!!!
please drop me a line at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address info and I'll get them out to you asap.
Also, while you're there, please check out the awesome July 4th weekend sales thread
And Tour de Fleece starts tomorrow! I hope to have an action shot for you then ;)
Congrats winners this week!!!
Yarnmagic- you won the Moonlight and Laughter Batt!!
MLJ1954- You've won the Dawning Dreams laceweight yarn!!
Sherry- You've won the Bitsy Knits batt!!!
Melissa Antes- You've won the Friends in Fiber Handspun!!!
please drop me a line at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your address info and I'll get them out to you asap.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Friends in Fiber Cheeky Fairy Yarn Giveaway!

A new phat shop for you to explore!!! Jan and Peg and Friends in Fiber and live by the motto "Spin Free or Dye"! Isn't that the cutest thing you've heard in a long time?! When I visit the Friends in Fiber shop, I can see they're having fun with what they do. It's so nice to support folks who truly love what they do and create with joy.
pssst! They just listed some really beautiful lavender wands too! I'm so tempted by these, even though I have lots of homegrown lavender here :)
Today we're giving away this beautifully spun "Cheeky Fairies" yarn spun by Peg. It's a beautiful jewel-tone corriedale with just a hint of sparkle here and there. I keep picturing this knit up as mittens or gloves. Please visit Friends in Fiber, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a name tomorrow, so be quick! Make sure you use twitter, facebook, plurk and ravelry to spread the good word about this adorable shop- we'll count that as an extra entry if you do.
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