Winners, please contact me via email: phatfiber at yahoo dot com with you address info!
Hillside- you won the WCMercantile Batt!!
Livin4fishin- you won the Funhouse Fibers FunSox kit!!
Pixelated Mushroom- you won the Inspiration Fibers Batt !!
Congratulations winners!!
There are a few Giveaways Closing out soon I wanted to remind you all about!!
First, you have until the end of the year to purchase items from December Phatties to qualify for the December Big Superbox giveaway- you can see more details here:
We're also closing out our World Vision Charity box giveaway! You can see the video of the box contents at this post:
Have a Safe and Wonderful New Year everyone!!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Inspiration Fibers Texas Batt Giveaway!

I was very happy to see everyone excited about these Inspiration Fibers batts! I thought they were quite ingenious and beautiful. You can try your hand at spinning Texas cotton as an add-in rather than straight up. I really can't wait to see some of your resulting yarn from these batts as I think they would look so rustic and gorgeous.
Inspiration Fibers is full of yarn and fibery goodness- and she even has her samples for sale! Last month was the beautiful tea-light batts that were also very popular. You can get one to set out on your table for a romantic cabin feel.
We're giving away this gorgeous textural batt today! In fact, it's our last giveaway of the year!! Just visit Inspiration Fibers, find something you love, and come back and write about it in the comments section below. We'll draw for a winner soon, so don't dilly. Make sure and use Facebook and Twitter to gain extra entries!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Funhouse Fibers Sock Kit Giveaway!

Are you all ready? Ready for what? Ready for the Funhouse New Year's Eve Party, that's what!
Who: Miki of Funhouse Fibers
What: A Day Long Online Fiber Party
When: 12/31/10
Why: Because it's New Years Eve, It's Funhouse Fibers, and You don't have anywhere better to be!
Seriously, I love this little shop's attitude toward fiber and life an you can probably bet, I'll be doing some online shoppy shoppy on New Year's eve!
We're giving away this awesome Sock Duet kit in "Grinchy Town" - Amazing 600 yds of fingering weight yarn! You should really check out Miki's FunSock Duets I really like the idea of a solid/semi solid with a variegated yarn, you could make some really neat faux isle designs!
Please visit FunhouseFibers today, find something you love, and post about it in the comments section below. We'll be giving this away probably on Friday, so don't delay! Remember to use twitter/facebook to help spread the word and to gain extra entries!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
WC Mercantile Lovett Fiber Giveaway!

Some of you may know already, but I thought it worth mentioning here, that Stephanie of WCMercantile is having a very nice end-of-year sale with 10% off everything in her shop using code: ByeBye2010 . I've already taken advantage of it- it's so nice, not to pay shipping on top of everything too!
For the Music Box, WCMercantile sent in lovely, soft, earthy Lovett batts! These could serenade me any day of the week- so soft and artistic :) WCMercantile batts are incredibly smooth and perfect- this one is made with merino, silk, and just a tiny hint of sparkle.
We're giving away this Lovett batt today! Just visit WCMercantile, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll draw the winner probably in the New Year! And we'll count extra FB'ing and twittering as entries!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Giveaway winners!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I'm looking forward to New Year's Celebrations now!
Winners from this past week, please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your mailing information.
Wendy, you won the Critter Ranch Ornaments!
Senistar, you won the Counting Sheep Yarn!
Judi A., You won the Rebel Yarn lace!!
Winners from this past week, please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your mailing information.
Wendy, you won the Critter Ranch Ornaments!
Senistar, you won the Counting Sheep Yarn!
Judi A., You won the Rebel Yarn lace!!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Rebel Yarn Lace giveaway!

If you've seen the Phat Fiber videos, you'll know that Marcus really enjoys Rebel Yarn's contribution- but more for the musical aspects than anything else lol!
I really love this lace base!! It's a beautiful silk and merino blend that is very drapey, yet substantial! Melanie of Rebel Yarn has stocked several in her shop- so if you're looking for a good first project in the new year, order some for yourself this weekend!
We're giving away this beautiful Red Hot lace from Rebel Yarn- in fact, it will be the last giveaway this week! Drawing will be tomorrow as I will be on the road this weekend (joy!). Please remember to Facebook, and twitter Rebel Yarn's awesomeness to gain extra entries!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Counting Sheep Farm Sock Giveaway!

Another small farm, I feel good about spending my money on!! Counting Sheep farm is run by Rachel of My8kidsmom fame. She dyes all the gorgeous yarns and fibers in the shop, as well as takes care of the farm animals, all when she isn't taking care of all of her children!!
I've said it before, she's a superwoman!
We're giving away this sock set today! I really like getting two smaller skeins if I'm going to do socks- it's easier to wind them for two at a time knitting!!
Anywho, please visit Counting Sheep Farm today, find something you love, and come back over here and let us know about it! We love to know what you think! Please remember to post on Facebook, twitter or your own blog for extra entries!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Critter Ranch Ornament Giveaway!

Sue from the Critter Ranch sent in these gorgeous ornaments for the November box. Moonbeams and Stardust Kid Mohair locks inside a teardrop shaped ornament! Love the colors too.. grays and yellows and white with a smattering of Angelina :)
The Critter Ranch has a ton of gorgeous farm-raised fiber! It's wonderful to shop from a wide selection and know that your purchases go directly to the care and feeding of beautiful fiber producers!
We're giving away this ornament set today! Just vist The Critter Ranch, Find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll count extra Facebook and Twitter updates as entries!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Giveaway Winners!
While we wait for our videos to upload!!....
Congratulations winners! Please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses and I'll get these out to you asap!
Turtle- you won the Fiber Fancy Stocking !!
Spinsandknits- you won the spinningayarn lace !!
AnnRyan- You won the Knittink spinning fiber!!
Congrats folks!! Look for the video soon!
Congratulations winners! Please email me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses and I'll get these out to you asap!
Turtle- you won the Fiber Fancy Stocking !!
Spinsandknits- you won the spinningayarn lace !!
AnnRyan- You won the Knittink spinning fiber!!
Congrats folks!! Look for the video soon!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Knittink Vegan Spinning sampler giveaway

I have to say, I'm in love with this fiber! Now that KnittinK is back from the Boston Bazare- How did that go, Ady?! I can post this gorgeous giveaway! I snatched some of this fiber up right away, because it's so incredibly soft and because it's vegan!
I'm going to get a little personal here. 2010 will be known in my life as the year I stopped eating animal products (well, except honey ;)). After my car accident, I was not able to "stomach" eating many of the foods I was used to consuming and after a lot of research, I decided to begin eating a plant based diet. This has lead to some other exciting changes in my life, and I'm loving learning about vegan fibers! I want to personally thank Ady for filling a need in the spinning community with these vegan offerings!
We're giving away this vegan fiber sampling, from Knittink November contributions based on League of Extraordinary Gentleman! Just visit KnittinK today, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Remember, extra points for Facebook and Twitter pings!
Nut Nogg for 2!
I came up with this egg-free holiday drink just this week
2 Cups of Almond milk
spices to taste like:
Sweeteners to taste like:
Agave nectar
Blend, chill and serve!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Spinning a Yarn Lace giveaway!

Over in New Zealand, Jessicah has been painting some gorgeous and delicious silk and merino 2 ply lace!!! Oh how I looooove lace!! If you haven't tried lace knitting yet, you really should! Everyone looks good in lace, and it's a lot easier than it looks! And when you pair it with gorgeous hand dyed goodness like this? Full of win.
We're giving away this beautiful skein of lace from Spinning a Yarn today! Please visit Spinningayarn, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Remember to get extra entries by shouting out on Facebook and Twitter how much you love spinningayarn's shop too!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Fiber Fancy Stocking full giveaway!

Are you the type of person who would be thrilled with a stocking full of fiber from Fiber Fancy on Christmas Morning? I am!! Diana sent in this gorgeous stocking filled to the cuff with lots of beautiful fiber to play with.
And when you visit her shop, you're overwhelmed with the gorgeousness available. What is even more special, is you can purchase a stocking stuffer add-on to your order! Love it!
We're giving this stocking away to a lucky commenter!! Just visit Fiber Fancy, find something you're fond of, and write it in the comments section below. Be sure and use twitter and facebook to let everyone else know about Fiber Fancy as well!!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Winners this week!
I thought the giveaways this week were extra gorgeous! Congrats to the following winners! Please send me an email at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your addresses and these will be mailed out asap!
jessecreations- you won the Play at Life Fiber Arts Batt !!
Alison (scarlet wood) you won the Neurotic Knitterz fiber !!
Tinker Tots - you won the Spindle Designs fiber !!
More incredible and festive giveaways coming up!
jessecreations- you won the Play at Life Fiber Arts Batt !!
Alison (scarlet wood) you won the Neurotic Knitterz fiber !!
Tinker Tots - you won the Spindle Designs fiber !!
More incredible and festive giveaways coming up!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Spindle Designs Dreaming of Winter Giveaway!

I'm dreaming of winter is a beautifully hand painted top from Spindle Designs! Painted with organic greener shades dyes in a Fibonacci sequence, this top has been a big hit!
Spindle Designs is chock full of gorgeous polymer clay spindles, fiber, organic dyes and newly listed are gorgeous shawl pins. I have had the pleasure of seeing the craftsmanship of these up close and they are superb!
We're giving away this gorgeous top today! Just visit Spindle Designs, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We award extra entries for helping spread the word via twitter and facebook!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Neurotic Knitterz Fiber giveaway!

Oh Wow! Neurotic Knitterz has a shop chock full of yarn and fibery goodies! Loads of beautiful patterns (love patterns that call for handspun!) and really neat accessories!
This giveaway braid is a beautifully soft Merino top called "Christmas Time". I am definitely in the mood.... how about you? :) Really, the colors are so beautiful, you could certainly spin a yarn now and use it for something springy.
Today we're giving away this Christmas Time merino- just visit Neurotic Knitterz, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing later in the week for a winner, and extra Facebooking, tweeting etc will count as entries!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Play at Life Fiber Arts Batt Giveaway!

Long on Color!! That is what you can find at Play at Life Fiber Arts! Just look at this beautiful Twinkle Lights Maki Batt! Super long color repeats so you can make beautifully unique yarns.
Check out the beautiful reclaimed maki yarns as well- I just love them!
I'm really glad Chrystee is restocking the twinkle lights yarn today! If you got a sample in your November Phat Fiber box, here is your chance to grab a full sized version. I would love to see this yarn knit up!
We're giving away this special twinkle lights alpaca/merino/BL/firestar batt today! Just visit Play at Life Fiber arts, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll count twittering and fb'ing as extra entries- please help spread the good word!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Charity Box Giveaway!
We're giving away the contents of this video! For every $5 to you will receive a number to enter in our drawing. Simply donate to worldvision, email the receipt to through the end of the year and hold on to the number that you get back (within a few days).
Thank you for your generosity!!
Winners this week!
Congratulations, winners! Please contact me at phatfiber at yahoo dot com with your mailing info!
Cambell- you won the Fleecemakers batts!
SovereignCrux- You won the Northstar Alpaca batts!!
Knitaroo- You won the Garilynn pattern kit!!
Cambell- you won the Fleecemakers batts!
SovereignCrux- You won the Northstar Alpaca batts!!
Knitaroo- You won the Garilynn pattern kit!!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Garilynn Star Light Kit Giveaway!

As I was sitting here typing, I realized how adorable this would be as part of a gift tag. Ask anyone who gets gifts from me- gift bags are the fanciest I can seem to manage. Now I'm going to be fantasizing about giving beautifully wrapped gifts this holiday!
This special kit contains 2 knitting bags sewn by Gari and the pattern + yarn to make the Star Light stars. We'll be giving it away today, just visit Garilynn, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Winners will be drawn soon, so please remember to Facebook and twitter for additional entries.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
NorthStar Alpacas Fiber Giveaway!

A new day, a new month, a new way to enjoy NorthstarAlpacas fiber! Batts! Maple claims to have fallen back in love with her drum carder- which means delicious fluffy batts for us!
Featured in today's giveaway is Gunny, the handsome gunmetal-gray alpaca! 4 1 oz batts will make a lovely project for winter! Included in each purchase you make at NorthstarAlpacas is the most delicious smelling sachet ever. It's the little things like this that keep me coming back as a customer!
Please visit NorthstarAlpacas today, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner later in the week- so remember to FB and twitter update to gain extra entries.
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