While we are on the subject of gifts... wouldn't it be wonderful to get a gift certificate from WCMercantile this year?! Maybe Steph can make up something to print out and put on a fridge as a not-so-subtle hint to everyone *evil grin*. And wouldn't it be lovely, if you had a big enough one to get one of those yummy majacraft wheels?! A girl can dream, I guess!
For October, WCMercantile sent in mini mystery packs for you all to sample. I've already seen one of you use yours to felt some adorableness (hi Pauline!) and I thought that would be super fun to try, and what a great way to get you started on a felting adventure too- this wonderful mix of a wooly rainbow!
We're giving away this 3 oz bag of mystery roving to a lucky commenter! Just visit WCMercantile, find something you like ( I know- too hard to pick!) and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be counting your tweets, plurks, facebook updates, ravelry posts etc as second entries (you've got to let us know you did it!) Also, pretty pretty please, leave a way for me to contact you should Mr Random Integer Generator should pick you- we've got a growing pile of unclaimed winnings!
Oh, there are so many cool things in that shop. Since I'm thinking about taking up dyeing, I relaly like the dyes.
I've been wanting to try my hand at dyeing lately, I'd have to say some of the undyed Superwash BFL Sock Yarn.
RTed @millarca
I love her 2 oz dyed yearling mohair rovings - especially in lilac!
RT'd @marimba26
Dark Chocolate Alpaca! Yummmmm!
wow these all look beautiful.. I really love the colour cabin (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=33641167) they're rocking there. Beautiful.
The bright red firestar it gorgeous! Of course then there is the tropical...hard to choose.
I actually like the undyed hankies. I did a project once where you dyed the hankies and it was fun and kid friendly. wouldn't mind some dyes to go with it. . . .
Click your way to the Merino Top "Midnight" and prepare to enjoy yourself ... relax ... concentrate ... and hit 'zoom'.
I love it all, but most loved is the undyed panda yarn. All the possibilities....
Love love the Fenberry grove and the Dark Garnet! Also the natural dyeing kit.
RT @Echo6979
Ooh, I love the superfine merino/cashmere top - never heard of something like that! sounds absolutely luscious!
OMG what do I have to do to win this? I've already bought four of these bags, and I've only been spinning for three months! :) Seriously, I love the WCM mystery bags. They've got all kinds of fibers, lots of yummy colors, and make excellent mystery yarn. Swoon.
Also, Tweeted!
This is so easy. I visit this shop frequently to dream about the Majacraft Millie wheel. I am saving to buy that one.
Your rovings are all so beautiful.
I especially like the Marina Merino Top.
Ooooh - I love the Bright Tropic Firestar - but I'm a firestar nut when it comes to blending fibers for spinning!
I love the Deep Sea merino/tencel blend.
I'm at kimscorner [at] ymail.com
Oh, so many choices! Such a tough decision! Well, if I had to pick just one, I would go for the merino-tussah blend roving in MacKenzie Tartan. Gorgeous blend of colors and fibers.
Love the 4 oz. Merino and Tussah Silk Top - Muscadine Grape, purple with shiny, what more could you want?
burnt orange corriedale.... such a gorgeous colour and I love corriedale
I looove the Mackenzie Tartan Merino & Tussah Silk Top. I love them all! They really are so silky
I have a Majacraft!
OOh, I'd love a wheel-
and this:
4 oz. Fine Alpaca Top - Dark Chocolate -
mmm... superfine merino and cashmere top sounds absolutely delicious! Of course you can never go wrong with a spinning wheel either :)
knitmit on rav
I love the undyed Merino/Silk. OK,so I loved everything, but I've wanted to dye some yarn for a while...
mmmm cashmere top... Also debating getting a majacraft little gem from there. I hear that's a great wheel.
Just shared the giveaway on Twitter http://twitter.com/loacrystal/status/5404589580
A mystery bag sounds like tons of fun!
I'm thinking your merino/tencel undyed sock yarn would be exciting to experiment with and the price is great!
Dark Chocolate alpaca is soooo yummy!
As you've seen I've already been bitten by the felting bug, so I'd say one of my faves from the shop are the Felting Wool Artist's Pallets likeone
I love the 4 oz. Merino and Tussah Silk Top - Purple Passion and in Texas Rose!
I love the Deep Sea Merino/Tencel blend. SO pretty!
PS- is there someplace we can check to see if we are an unclaimed winner? I just noticed a while back that my email link wasn't working on my blogger profile. It's fixed now, but I wonder if I missed out on something delicious...
All of the spinning wheels are absolutely amazing. And I love love love the Bright Red Firestar.
RTed @autumnsflame
Facebooked at facebook.com/autumnsflame
loving the dark choc alpaca..... alpaca...yum!
Yum Scrum!!! What delicious goodies on offer. I love the Merino and Tussah Silk Top - Muscadine Grape. Just beautiful, how lovely would that be to spin up?!
The Merino Tencel Top - Deep Sea is tempting me! The Mystery Bags look like they could be a lot of fun to play with too. I recently spun up a bunch of little samples similar to it. Just need to find a project to make out of it now!
I love the Farm Fresh yearling mohair in blue/pink/brown, or even the plain pink!
Can I just have one of the Ashford Joy's and call it a day? No. Really!
Or maybe just the Midnight Garden roving ;)
The Merino in Pickle and Sage Leaf are absolutely stunning
I love the colors of the Bright Green Firestar roving.
Dark chocolate - scrummy
I just purchased some Firestar from WCMercantile. Want to go back for some Superwash BFL Sockyarn.
So many temptations!
i've bought something like this from her before... her stuff is great.
I love this store so much! Especially the luxury fibers - the angora top & cashmere top sound amazing!
I love the Merino Wool Top in Cabin. I like how they have such a great selection of solid colours.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
pickle top!
You're right it is hard to choose one item! Although, the Earthues Botanical Dye Kit and 1 pound of Merino Wool caught my eye. That would be a fun thing to play with!
It's an absolute tie between the Blueberry Blues and the Deep Sea merino roving.
Lizbert on Ravelry
When I'm ready to dye I'll get Undyed Merino and Silk Yarn - its my fav mix of yarn
All the dyed merino is gorgeous, and a good price! I think Sea Foam is my favorite of the colors.
ooooh Shamrock! What a perfect green!
I think the grab bags look like so much fun!
There are too many yummy colours/varieties of fiber in the shop to just pick out one. I really like the packages of felting fibers so I wouldn't have to choose just one colour.
I love the Farm Fresh listings! The black and white is my favorite! ^_^
Melissa's Kre8tions
I like 4 oz. Indie Dyed Superwash Merino Roving - Midnight Garden. Thanks.
I tweeted
Oh what gorgeous colors! It would be hard to choose a favorite!
oh, so many pretty things. I think I will be back soon to buy stuff, gotta wait for payday. I love the Merino and Tussah Silk Top - Texas Rose. so pretty.
nephnie on rav and gmail
I just got my first spinning wheel on Tuesday...and, amazingly, a Rav friend just pointed me to WC Mercantile to buy roving! I love the Fawn colored alpaca...so pretty and soft looking.
My favorite would be 4 oz Skein of Undyed Merino and Silk Yarn - please enter me, Thanks!
I really love the Superwash Merino Roving in Midnight Garden.
-cthulhulovesme on Rav
This Merino top in delta River Run colorway is my choice.
I love all the artist palettes available...perfect for this felting fool!
The ladies at WC Mercantile are the nicest! I'm a new customer there and find them to be very attentive and patient with the newbies! Having just taken their dyeing class, I would love to stock up on some merino or BFL to spin up and dye with the Earthues Kit. AND I've been inquiring about the double treadle kit for my Ashford Traditional... but, hey, maybe just a whole 'nother wheel?
lcsr59 at sbcglobal.net
It's not available now, but I got a neat "paint your own sock yarn" kit from them!
Oh the dye kit for sure. Earthues Botanical Dye Kit and 1 pound of Merino Wool - Ships FREE
this is what I want more than anything in the world
ashford kiwi unfinished spinning wheel vbarton24 at gmail dot com
The merino tencel "deep sea" makes me all warm & fuzzy inside!
I like the merino tussah silk rovings.
I love the 4 oz skein of undyed merino/silk yarn. It looks so soft in the picture.
Wow - so hard to choose! I've added two of the undyed sock yarns to my yarny wish-list: the merino tencel and the merino silk!
The silk "hankies" are also tempting :)
I was drooling over the undyed luxury fibers. Too scared to dye cashmere yet, but soon!
so much gorgeous stuff!!
i love spinning silk, and the thought of dyeing it sounds like fun.........
the botanical dye kits are an awesome idea.......
and hankies keep calling to me.......
The four oz. skein of undyed Silk and Merino yarn. Yummy.
Twittered about your giveaway.
Following on Twitter too.
I love this shop I love the Merino and Tussah Silk Top - Muscadine Grape that is gorgeous.
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