As I was sitting here typing, I realized how adorable this would be as part of a gift tag. Ask anyone who gets gifts from me- gift bags are the fanciest I can seem to manage. Now I'm going to be fantasizing about giving beautifully wrapped gifts this holiday!
This special kit contains 2 knitting bags sewn by Gari and the pattern + yarn to make the Star Light stars. We'll be giving it away today, just visit Garilynn, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Winners will be drawn soon, so please remember to Facebook and twitter for additional entries.
I like her graph paper, I had looked at that before.
Shared the link on Facebook
Tweeted the link on Twitter!
I really like her Miranda's Sea Shawl by the Sea Shore pattern :-)
FB as well
I absolutely LOVE the deerstalker and bucket hats!This will definitely be tweeted and facebooked
Love the necessary bag - already bought the Miranda's sea shawl and have started that project.
she is so talented!
I really like her Sea Shawl by the Sea Shore. Beautiful
I loved the Seraphina neck corset... super cute and very interesting...
I'm already a proud owner of the Sea Shawl by the Sea Shore, but I also really really want her graph paper. How handy is that?!
I really love the Elementary - Deerstalker Knitting Pattern! I also retweeted.
I really like her necessary bag. So much could fill it!
Love the gnomes!
The necessary bags look great.
I got a Seraphina Neck Corset pattern in my October Phat Fiber box and I love how it looks - so vintage and feminine!
I love the skein snake and also the November samples, I'm a sucker for anything that is glow in the dark.
I adore the Necessary Bag - Knitting, Crocheting, Lunch, Purse, Project and 2 FREE KNITTING PATTERNS OF YOUR CHOICE, but I love bags!
The gnome lip balm cozies really make me laugh!
I absolutely adore the Blosson and Bark Flower Scrubbies. These will be great for my granddaughters room done in ww for wall hangings and rug.
Well I would have to say the Seraphina Neck Corset would be my favorite. Its been on my list to make for a while. maybe 2011 will be the year I get around to it.
I like the Bernard in Garter!
Twitter too!...@silhouette169
I'm a huge fan of the Seraphina Neck Cowl pattern.
I really like the Necessary Bag, Tall Version. It looks very practical.
Love the Miranda's Sea Shawl by the Sea Shore!
Thanks :)
Love the gnome patterns! And the necessary bag is lovely and functional :)
The Miranda Sea Shawl is simple but lovely.
The Miranda shawl is so pretty
I really like the Skein Snake and Knitting Graph Paper, how incredibly genius!
I love the mirandas sea shawl so pretty
shared on facebook username Victoria Barton
i tweeted http://twitter.com/morgaine24/status/10441942185811968
I am all about the gnomes. lol
lol, the gnomes!
I like the hyacinth bucket hat.
I really like the bucket hat pattern. It's especially appealing because it is a top-down knit.
I love all the Gnome Gnonsense patterns! So much fun!
Love the Miranda's Sea Shawl!
I love the Necessary Bags. They are a little different.
I like the tall Necessary Bag!
Yarnina @ Ravelry
I so love the Miranda's Sea Shawl by the Sea Shore.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
The graph paper looks very handy; and love the look of the "Bernard in Garter - English Ivy Driving Jeff Flat Cap" - I have a friend who could use one of those.
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