Monday, August 6, 2012


If you've won, or just want to say hi :), please feel free to message me on Rav (phatfiberlady) or yahoo (phatfiber) with your address and I will get these out asap!

Congrats to:

Julia Grogan- You won the NorthStarAlpacas fiber!!

Stephanie T- You won the Knits in Class dye kit!!

Kara- You won the Wooliebullie silk!!

amchart- You won the Ladybug Fiber yarn!!

More giveaways coming up soon :) Have a great Monday!


Kara said...

Oh hooray, hooray, hooray! My 3-year-old is going to love getting something special made from the Wooliebullie silk!

Saus said...

When do draw for the July super box? Congratulation to all the lucky winners.

Dee said...

Congrats to the winners!

Stephanie T. said...

Awesome! I'm so excited about the Knits In Class Dye Kit. I don't have that many dye colors, and my fiber stash is getting low. I got her polwarth sample in my June box and love it. So, soft and pretty.

amchart said...

Thanks so much! I LOVE my Ladybug yarn!