I have an easy new shawl design I'd like to share with everyone! If you can YO, SSK, Knit and Purl you can make it!
As a child I spent four glorious years living on the beach in Virginia. There is so much
history in the Virginia Beach/Chesapeake Bay area it seemed to permeate the salty air
that sprayed ashore. It was common knowledge to the children of the area that,
Blackbeard buried treasure there, that it was where Pocahontas saved Captain John
Smith’s life, and that the Witch of Pungo sailed to England in an eggshell.
Grace Sherwood was the only “witch” in Virginia to have been tried by water.
The local townsfolk bound her and threw her in a river for the ‘test’. Grace was an avid
swimmer and was able to float and sealed her fate to be condemned for witchcraft. She
was thrown into prison for some 8 years and eventually released.
Was Grace really a witch? I highly doubt it. I do think she was a knowledgeable
woman, skilled in herbal healing and the natural world and this wisdom was threatening
to some of her neighbors.
I was inspired by Grace Sherwood’s courage to create this shawl pattern, in hopes
that the wearer can be reminded to both smile in the face of adversity and to reflect on her
story before casting judgment on others.
Join us in the group for a KAL with prizes: http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/phat-fiber-sampler-box/1244168/1-25
Or visit the pdf link directly- http://www.phatfiber.com/img/witchofpungoshawl.pdf
Happy Weekend!