I am so excited to be giving away this gorgeous spindle from Spinatude!!! Spinatude is new to Phat Fiber, and I am hoping Laurel will stay with us forever! Last month she sent is some really awesome resin buttons and for a giveaway, this beautiful ballerina dancer spindle!! If you're a spindler you can appreciate having a variety of colorful tools to work with!
If you're new to spinning, you'll notice having pretty tools makes your new hobby even that much more enjoyable!
Spinatude is just full of delightful spindles. I have personally purchased from Laurel and you can rest assured your spindle will come properly packed and exactly as depicted in the listing.
We're giving away this Tiny Dancer spindle today, just visit Spinatude, find something you love, and come back and write about it in the comments section below. We'll draw for a winner later in the week, so please take the time to get those extra social networking pings out there. We appreciate it!
So many pretty spindles! I especially love the Winter Wonderland spindle :)
I LOVE the Zombie Dance spindle. So cool!
I'm such a fan of spindles, but my favorite is definitely the glitter overload.
FBed and RTed
Glitter overload is super cute!!
The spindle being given away is just adorable, but I also like the spindles with pressed flowers in them too in the sold items
I love the winter wonderland. I can't help myself when it comes to spindles. I have to have them all!
Glitter Overload spindle! I love it!
I know this kinda cheating, but I also know she'll make more!: I love the pressed flowers! (They're in the sold items)
Tweeted (sensistar)
Shared on facebook (heather Mashburn)
I love to tiny dancer spindle! I'd seen pictures of it for the phat fiber boxes. I've never spun on a spindle before but would love to learn.
Hee! I love them all. :D Geektastic spindles? Yea, I'm down with that.
I know I'm too late for the contest but just wanted to say thank you for posting the link to this shop. I love these fun spindles!
Winter wonderland is my fave! But I also love how little words are imbedded in the resin. It's super!!
Squeeeee the Resin Drop Spindle Sugar High Purple is SO PRETTY! I love stars, especially green stars, and there are plenty in here! I really might have to get a new spindle... hmmmm
Lovely spindles. Especially the ones with the flowers and seeds that I have seen posted. The Tiny dancer is my favorite. I'm just starting to teach my granddaughter to spin, and I know she would love to spin on it. Especially since two of her favorite things are fairy skirts and everything she wears must be pink.
I love the Winter Wonderland spindle. When the floral ones are available, those are beautiful too!
I love the sugar high and the glitter overload spindles. I guess I like shiny, sparkly and colorful stuff :)
Twitted and FB'd
I love the "Spinning Chick" spindle for myself. I've been wanting to teach my daughter to spin, though, so this ballerina spindle would be PERFECT for her!!!
I like the resin drop spindle "Winter Wonderland". Blue is one of my favorite colors and we got 8" of snow last night. That may be seem like a lot to most people but we hardly ever get over 2" at the most in Florence, Alabama. They have closed all the roads in the county I live.
I would give my son the bacon spindle just to hand in his room and spin. that how much how much how loves bacon
All my favorites of yours keep saleing before I have a chance to snag one! I love the ones with flowers!
Such cute spindles! I like Winter Wonderland or the one with the eyes. Fun!
Very Very pretty spindles, I absolutely adore the Resin Drop Spindle Glitter Overload but I think the Resin Drop Spindle Spinning in Prison suits my attitude.
The spindle "I've Got My Eyes on You" made me smile. I wondered it one would get dizzy watching those eyes spinning around. By far my favorite is the one in the giveaway. I can't resist anything pink! :-)
I like Winter Wonderland.
They are all adorable! I think I like the Glitter Overload spindle best; glitter + me = ♥ lol.
Ooooh, winter wonderland is it!
I love the winder wonderland spindle. But really they are all nice.
I like the Winter Wonderland spindle.
I love the Drop it Like its HOT spindle.
Winter Wonderland is my fav.
I love Winter Wonderland, Sugar High and Glitter Overload. All of the spindles are awesome, though!
Tweeted @spinfusion
Posted on FB
I completely fell inlove with this one http://www.etsy.com/listing/64545574/resin-drop-spindle-sugar-high-purple
It looks just like when my kids have decorated a cake!
My favorite is the Year of the Rabbit spindle (all sold of course!) I also love the flower spindles that sell quickly.
Spinatude spindles are fantastic! I missed the Tiny Dancer (so this is where it went!), but have two of the pressed flowers. Beautiful! I've been thinking I need a Sugar High!
i like the winter wonderland spindle, the blues are nice.
I love the pink spindle being given away but I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the I heart Ewe. I'm a fan of the red and white theme. It's a classic. And with the hearts and the sentiment it would be such a fun gift to give or receive for Valentines day!
Thanks for the fun contest!
Oh. Wow.
You had me at Mmm Bacon.
And Spinning Chick. Those designs are so bad-ass!
Lovin teh Sugar high Purple spindle!
I love the Winter Wonderland and the Bacon spindles!
gorgeous gorgeous spindles! loving the winter wonderland spindle... maybe it has something to do with the snow falling heavy outside right now too!
I love the Winter Wonderland spindle!
Ok, the bacon spindle....is HILARIOUS and cute. WANT!
Love the Resin Drop Spindle Winter Wonderland :)
Oh, how I love the tiny dancer! I'm also quite taken with the Winter Wonderland and the fiber porn spindles...I'll bet there were a lot more spindles on the site when you first posted the giveaway announcement!
Man, I'm not sure if the Zombie Spindle or the "I learned to spin in prison" spindle is better. They're both AMAZING. I've always wanted to learn how to drop spin.
I don't even have to visit to tell you what I love - as one of Laurel's first sales, I know her spindles rock! They fill a niche in the spindle market for happy, fun, quirky pieces that inspire fun in yarn. I loved the Tiny Dancer on sight; I am crossing my fingers that I win!
I love the Winter Wonderland spindle--but they're all really creative!
Very cute spindles! I love the mmm Bacon one.
Lovely spindles! The Winter Wonderland is so pretty.
I love the glitter spindle. So cool!
These spindles are so cool! My favorites are I've Got My Eyes On You and Spinning Chick. These will put a little more fun into spinning.
I love the Resin Drop Spindle Sugar High Purple. Love all the little stars. Very cool! Debbie in Alaska
Hello?! BACON!
These are awesome! I love Drop it like it's hot and Winter Wonderland. These are super fun!
I love her spindle store. The flower spindles look AWESOME I would treasure any of them really But they sell out SO fast!
what pretty spindles! I "heart" the candy heart spindle!
sugar high in purple cause it's well...purple! i collect drop spindles and will definitely keep this store in mind!
Ha ha, i love the one with bacon in it. I love bacon.
http://www.etsy.com/listing/61857411/hand-sculpted-drop-spindle <---- THIS. Gooooooorgeous. I don't even use spindles much anymore, but I would definitely make an exception for this beauty.
I love the Resin Drop Spindle Fiber pr0n with the little sheep on it! I love sheep, wool, etc.!
Andrea W.
Beautiful works, great job. What caught my eye was the Resin Drop Spindle Winter Wonderland. What type of resin is used?
I LOVE the Winter Wonderland spindle. Makes my fingers tingle just thinking about using it and watching all the sparkles!
Love the Calliope Batt. Gorgeous!
The spindles are all so funny! My favorite is Sugar High Purple.
Glitter overload, Drop it like its hot, and zombie dance...Yep I am ironic like that!
And of course the one being given away my youngest daughter would probably fight me for it though she LOVES pink and girly stuff!
I like this spindle.
Resin Drop Spindle Yellow Rose is so pretty!
I like her pressed flower ones, I saw all the ones listed and sold, the pressed flowere were the best!
Ruhammie on Ravelry
Love the purple hydrangeas!!! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity!
Retweeted @ MissMelissaZ :D
Announced on Facebook :D
I love the light purple Hydrangeas (and the one done as a reserve in Blue Larkspur)!
I am amused by the Fiber Porn spindle.
OOH my favorite is Blue Larkspur spindle! So pretty! BUT I LOVE the Tiny dancer too, sooo cute!
Just tweeted about giveaway, under Ilove2knit
Just mentioned giveaway on my facebook page, under Eliana BW
I love "I'VE GOT MY EYES ON YOU"... so pretty!
I love her spindles. I bought one of these for my daughter. Sure would love one for me, too. I also like her flower spindles and the one with little round sprinkles. :)
I love the blue larkspur drop spindle - the one that's reserved but not for me.
Now I know why so many people warned me about spinning, I want it all! That bacon spindle is fantastic.
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