And now for a sneak peek into September's box! Infinity has sent in some gorgeous Wendsleydale in her "Murky" colorway. Susan has the most beautiful and airy superwash cloud roving anywhere! I still have that "smoke and kisses" sample from February on my mind!
I recently purchased some dark welsh hand combed rolags from Susan, and it was truly a joy to spin and the yarn came out so chunky and beautiful! I really appreciate Susan's effort to incorporate natural fibers with unexpected elements like angelina. She has also sent in the most awesome dyed shetland locks this month too!
Susan has sent in this beautiful Wendsleydale roving for a giveaway and calling all you beginning spinners out there- Wendsleydale is easy to spin! Visit Infinity Yarn and Fiber, find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing this weekend, so make sure you do your twittering and facebooking so I can count those as extra entries too!
Susan, thank you so much for contributing this month! Your stuff rocks (and so do you!)
The Touch of Scarlet merino superwash totally suits my mood today. RTed @millarca
Love the daylily superwash!
"Daylily" is beautiful!
ooh: Woodsmoke and Kisses 4oz is my favorite
Oohh... I love woodsmoke and kisses. I think it would make some beautiful knitted lingerie.
Silk hanky Summer Gems Phat Fiber July sample has a gorgeous blue tone! Wonderful!
i love the day lily and the woodsmoke and kisses. i may purchase one later this week
moe moe on raverly
Ooh the Hand Dyed Superwash Merino Touch of Scarlet is so beautiful, so perfect. RT'd @faeriebell.
I love the batt sampler, all those little battlets, look like fun!
I really like her Woodsmoke and Kisses colorway!
I'm in love with your batt sampler!
It looks like so much fun to play with :}
I like woodsmoke and kisses and a touch of scarlet
The natural fiber sampler has left me drooling! I love her shop and her color choices.
Oooh! The Daylily superwash is beautiful. It's so pretty I bought it.
the sand and sea is pretty, I haven't seen that color mix anywhere else. I also love the woodsmoke and kisses!
Woodsmoke and Kiss and Murky are scrumptious. I love the softness of the colors.
"Woodsmoke and Kisses". Unusual color combination and a spot-on name!
Love the Sand and Sea batts! Mmmm.
Superwash Merino roving in Murky looks pretty
oh, I love the natural fiber sampler!
they look so light and fluffy.
Love the natural fiber sampler. Looks like big comfy cotton balls.
Those mini Sand & Sea batts are so cute! I also really like the touch of scarlet roving. Lovely!
Woodsmoke and Kisses is incredible.
I'm into tiny spinning now, so I love the natural fiber sampler.
I love the superwash merino in "murky". The colors are perfect together.
Sand and Sea is very pretty. I also like the bright blues.
Sand and Sea is beautiful. And who wouldn't love getting a nice surprise like the sampler?
I love spinning Wensleydale! It's such shiny, smooth fiber. The "Murky" SW Merino is gorgeous!
I love the Intense teal Shetland locks - what a gorgeous colour!
woodsmoke and kisses is lovely!
I learned to spin on wensleydale and it was a lovely fiber to learn on - taught one of my daughters on it too! (The other one still needs to learn.) The Sand and Sea balls are so pretty and I love that the coffee colored roving is dyed with coffee. I just wish it was a bigger amount - I don't like to buy less than 4 ounces of fiber. I'm also in love with the woodsmoke and kisses.
I can see why everyone likes the Woodsmoke and Kisses. It's fantastic!
lizbert on Ravelry
OOh! I dig the Superwash Merino roving in Murky, but I NEED the Wensleydale! My London Taxi is *named* Wensleydale (It's a Wallace and Gromit thing) - but I haven't played with the fiber since I was a beginning spinner.
Batt sampler! I love a surprise!
The Woodsmoke and Kisses reminds me of fall. Yeah!!
woodsmoke and kisses!!
sand and sea is lovely.so is murky and the silk hankies
Woven Lavender Sachet!!! Love it :)
I think the touch of scarlet is beautiful!! I love it!
Love the website. I could see the owl giving me the eye. Encouraging me to buy something. I have to wait for the pay check. The sea and sand is beautiful. ALso the woodfire.
Infinity batt sampler :)
I tweeted. Like Murky and Sand and Sea.
I want this too! I really like the canary yellow silk hankies!
Count me down for:
Wow!! The July Silk Hanky is 'TO DIE FOR.' Very vibrant color. I have to give this a try.
The gunmetal blue silk hankie is awesome. I think I'm ready to try spinning some silk and these would be a super way to start.
touch of scarlet! very pretty.
I want a batt sampler!
I loved the batt sampler that I spun up from Infinity earlier. It was fun to play with all of the different fibers and colors! KTLV
Oh, that Murky braid is lovely. I just wanted to reach into my screen and touch it!
Woodsmoke and Kisses is gorgeous! I love the subltly blended colors.
Woodsmoke and Kisses is amazing!
I love the roving in Murky!
i like Woodsmoke and Kisses~ so pretty!
I've posted this to my blog
oh the woodsmoke is nice but really, it's the roving in this post with the bluegray that I'm just dying over.
Sand and Sea is loverly!
Love the sand and see colorway.
i love the woodsmoke and kisses lovely. vbarton24 at gmail dot com
I like the sand and sea fiber!
Woodsmoke and kisses is absolutely incredible. It's so rich and lovely looking-- the colors just scream February to me, the darkness of winter and the red of Valentine's Day, so it's interesting to hear that it was February's sample.
Wow, what a great prize. I think I like this best of all Sand and Sea 2.5oz. I have a thing for the sea.
blogged about it.
I love the little woven lavender sachets.
Woodsmoke and Kisses is enough to make me finally buy a spindle and learn to spin!
Superwash merino in "murky" is amazing!!
The batts sampler is looking nice.
Murky merino! Beautiful!
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