Dawn sent in several lovely hand made metal shawl pins, made with very simple but beautiful lines, for the March Box. Pictured above is her April contribution! A very "green" handspun using fabric strips plied with thread. I would love to see a knitted pillow or purse out of this stuff!
Dawn's May's samples just arrived (no pics yet!) and after opening her box, I am left wondering what the woman can't do! I feel very privledged to be able to call such talented artists like Dawn friends!
Dawn has made the most beautiful wire wrapped and beaded orifice hook for a giveaway! It reminds me of some sort of sceptor- fit for a queenly (or kingly) spinner! All you have to do to try and win this beautiful tool is visit Dawn's Shop and find something you like. Post about it below here, and you'll be entered to win next Thursday! I always count your extra social media networking about this contest as extra entries- just let me know what you did to help get the word out about Dawn's lovely shop!
Thank you so much Dawn, for creating beautiful and funtional tools and materials for us to enjoy! We very much look forward to your contribution to the Phat Fiber experience.
The red beaded orifice hook is completely gorgeous! I love it!
I've had her WPI tool in my faves for awhile, but I have one of her shawl pins (which everyone compliments me on, totally ignoring my shawls) and love the sheep one she has in her shop right now.
punkcatknitter on rav
I love her swirl threading orifice hook! Her work is beautiful.
Oooh - I love this orifice hook: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=21877547 Simple, beautiful, perfect!
lots of cute goodies. love the 4 leaf clover threading hook!
I absolutely LOVE the swirl orifice hook!!!
The Teal Tale Wool Roving is just the thing to spark this new spinner's interest. It's beautiful.
I've added this to my post about the giveaway week. http://kitten-with-a-whiplash.blogspot.com/2009/04/personal-responsibility-101.html
The Passionate Paradise component yarn is awesome. It's got a similar colorway as my Lilac Festival handspun yarn for March's box. I also make my own component yarns, so I know how fun these are to make!
Dawn and I run in some of the same Rav circles so I've had my eye on her stuff for a while, especially the sheep shawl pin, but the orifice hook... OMG it's gorgeous!! Well done Dawn, and if I don't win it, I sure hope those will be going up in the shop.
I LOVE the copper WPI tool! It's so clever and cool and I adore copper.
aka BratKnits
All of Dawn's things are wonderful. I love the teal deal roving. She is a wonderful person and you are right when you say there is nothing she can't do!
Her upcycled "yarn" is awesome - I love Light Blue "Tattered Dreams" :)
Fairly new to Phat Fiber (and panicked that I will somehow miss notification of the next sampler box)- I'm starting to catch on here. I love this exposure to the interesting shops that I click over to from your post. She has such an interesting variety and I admire the metal work tools! I would love to have one of those shawl pins to go with one of my nuno felted scarves.
Very very nice! Thanks for running this web site- I've now got you on my FB, twitter and Rav list, too!
Very nice, stuff. I think if I had to choose it would be the metal sheep shawl pin, so cute.
Need need need a shawl pin!!!
I love the Mocha Blue Super Bulky Handspun, Oklahoma Dreams Collection.Hugs Darcy
rav id knottyknitter40
I liked the copper WPI tool -- very simple & useful & pretty in its simplicity.
Green Machine Wool Roving
This is a very nice color green.
I love the Swirl Orifice Hook!
My eyes flew right to the Teal Tale roving. What great colors!
I like her Pink Beaded Wrist Distaff. I think I need one of those because as a new Spindle Spinner, I never know how to hold the roving and end up using smaller pieces.
The red beaded orifice hook is incredible. The wrapping and shaping is so precise. I'd have to choose this.
I love the shawl pins - they are really lovely. My favorite is the one with the scrolls at either end - with the stick put through it looks a little like a treble clef...
I have to admit I have no clue what an "orifice hook" is (it sounds dirty, but I have a bad feeling it's not), but they are also lovely!
That Passionate Paradise yarn is really pretty! I also like the WPI tool, especially since the end is removable.
I love the red beaded orifice hook. Also, the African Violet roving is stunning!
Everything is so beautiful! I really like the Whipped Cream Beaded Threading Orifice Hook.
Rav ID puglvr
Dawn's Black-eyed Susan Superwash Wool Roving looks just to wonderful to pass up. It's calling me. She obviously has a talent for feeling what the roving can be and creating something that will turn into a a unique and special hand crafted item.
~sciteacher at Rav
Everything is delicious but I think especially the Gold Wire Mask! Fabulous! Thanks for sharing!
The Purple Poise Yarn and the Green Machine roving are both beautiful
Desertknitta Ravelry ID
The Chocolate Mousse Super Bulky Handspun yarn looks cushy and rich... hmmm... what handknit cuddliness could I make with it?
I like the Whipped Cream Beaded Threading Orifice Hook. Beautiful and functional!
Chrissy at knittoday@hotmail.com
I am utterly charmed by the wire sheep shawl pin! Although the beautiful simplicity of the little green stitch markers speaks to me as well...
What awesome shawl pins and her great orifice pins are wonderful!! Can't pick just one! Very nice shop! Hugs Linda
Her handcrafted shawl pins look fantastic but then so do the gorgeous copper tools.
I love several things in Dawn's shop - not the least of which is the wpi gauge. She also made the most gorgeous shawl pins for the March box - still wish I had gotten one of those! Might have to order one of her new beaded orifice hooks just cuz they are so pretty . . . also love her home made darning needle!
Loving the Apron pattern! I have an out of control problem of daydreaming about the knitted projects my little one needs!
I really dig the soundwave stitch holder. Very cool.
I had to hold myself back from buying one of her shawl pins. They are beautiful and the prices are definitely right!
Anything swirly, especially the whipped cream orifice threading hook
The red beaded leaf orifice hook is sooo pretty!
I love the swirly shawl pins! Simple and elegant!!
I love the beaded copper ceptor orifice threading hook - the copper niddy noddy is beautiful too!
i love the four leaf clover orifice hook very nice vbarton24 at gmail dot com
http://www.plurk.com/vbarton24 i plurked vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i twittered twitter.com/morgaine24 vbarton24 at gmail dot com
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