Yes, I said Glow in the Dark!!! Elizabeth, from Sheepshape Spinning has come up with a genius way of spinning glow in the dark material into a lovely handspun that would be great for making kids hats or funky leggings.
Sheepshape Spinning is based out of London, UK but happily ships internationally, so don't be afraid to convo her about ordering some of her wonderful goods! For April, Elizabeth sent in a wonderful variety of items, from handspun to roving to finished objects- who got the adorable little pocket sheep?! Elizabeth also included a feedback form with her samples- let her know what you think of her stuff!
I love the variety of fiber she uses in her yarns and am especially excited about the little knit animal kits she offers- what a clever and unique gift that would make to a new Mom!
Elizabeth sent in a gorgeous skein of handspun alpaca and blue faced leicester 2-ply worsted-bulky weight for a giveaway! This yarn is so sqooshy and yummy, I really cant get over it! The colors range from lilacs to periwinkles and sky blues. So lovely!
Please visit Sheepshape Spinning and find something you like in her shop. Write about it in the comments section below here and you will be entered to win in the drawing to be held on Friday. Please help get the word out about this wonderful shop by using twitter, facebook, ravelry or your own blog- let me know you did that and I will count you extra in for the giveaway!
Thank you so much Elizabeth, for your contributions to Phat Fiber and for being so awesome! We look forward to more Sheepshape samples in the future!
Glow in the dark yarn?!?!?? I have never heard of such a thing!
I especially love the glow in the dark stuffed bears. They are the perfect thing for a child who is scared of the dark! I wish I had one when I was younger!
rnredner at gmail dot com
Adore the variety of her yarn: rustic through delicate. Lovely roving colors. But my favorite etsy items are the little bears. SO cute!
Her animals are too cute!
Oh, I am ALL about the glow-in-the-dark. That's too awesome for words. :D
Also RTed @millarca!
I love the lemonade sock yarn. So pretty and fresh.
okay so way too much good stuff at that store. not fair. And oddly enough I'm going to give a shout out here for not the stuff I'd normally go for (aka beautiful blue sock yarns nom nom nom) but instead for this absolutely perfect brown handspun stuff because the minute I saw it I knew it would be amazing to make a little bear baby sweater out of http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=18331184
if only there were a bit more of it. Anyways. that's my pick!
-ravid: burnt3rain
The knitted animals are just adorable but what stood out for me was the Pretty In Pink and the Crown Jewels Sock Yarn. Those are just my favorite colors ever!!!
Rav id Buckette
I am blown away by the glow in the dark yarn. I might not make it through the day without some. I also love the glow in the dark animals! What a fun idea.
RavID: MuddyMoose
Twitter: MuddyMooseAK
Lilac Garden handspun yarn is wonderful.
hotmail: dadofra
wow. love bunch of grapes. she has great stuff.
knitted sheep and bunny toys are so sweet! but who can resist the glow in the dark yarns!!
RT @PhatFiber Giving away alpaca & BFL handspun! http://ping.fm/fT4F3
username juulia
I just ordered some BFL roving from shipshape this month, and it is fabuluous! Red, yellow, soft, squishy...I am in London as well, the roving arrived promptly, and was colourful enough to eat. yum yum...I'd love to try the glow in the dark, as soon as my wallet allows.
I love the handspun with the safety eyes. Fantastic kit idea. Whenever I'm asked to comment on my fave, etc., I can't help but wonder what the artisan would choose as her favourite. I wonder if she reads these comments and things, the pink, the pink, why is no one noticing that awesome pinkness.
I love, love, love Elizabeth's stuff!! After hearing about the glow yarn from April's videos I went to her etsy and fell for some BFL dyed crimson and black... I ended up buying it yesterday!
I think she's a genius, and can't wait to buy some glow in the dark yarn sometime soon!
~ Sarah
RavID - AlaskanSass
Auntien - I'm reading it all with a HUGE smile on my face! I just really love that you love it - whichever "it" you choose!
Elizabeth, Sheepshape Spinning
"Cookie jar" yarn!! I love the color combo... or maybe it's just the fact that it's called cookie jar... either way it's a winner with me.
I totally want to use some of the glow in the dark yarn to make a little clutch! I wouldn't lose that in a club! :) <3 <3 <3 The glow in the dark yarn.
holy sheep! glow in the dark yarns~ what an awesome idea~ it is my favorite in her shop! wow simply awesome!
The BFL spinning wool in the rainbow colorway. I have a tendency to gravitate towards that kind of thing!
Love the Mossy Bank Handspun - and the glow in the dark handspun - and the critter kits. I sure wish I'd been the one who got the pocket sheep!!!
This prize has MY name on it. It is beautiful and just my colors.
My fav is the Lilac Garden handspun yarn, and I'm off to blog about the contest on:
I've posted about the contest on my blog:
Thanks for another fun giveaway!
I have a soft spot for sheep- that knitted one is adorable!!! My favorite yarn though is the bunch of grapes sock yarn dyed with grape Kool aid!!!
Rav knitnrun
Twitted knitandrun
I just love the bunny and sheep toys. So dang cute!!!
Those knitted toys are adorable. I love the blue mouse!
The glow in the dark yarn is a great choice for handknit toys!
I like the colours of the dyed Texel (did I spell that right...) roving
The glow in the dark yarns are too much of a giggle for it not to be my fav. And I love the prize.
My hotmail acct is popofra
The Lilac Garden handspun yarn is amazing. WOW.
Rav id: purple
I'm on the bandwagon of glow in the dark yarn lovers! Too funny.
gmail - bloglessinnj
All of the glow in the dark things - yarn, animals are just too much. I may need them. but I'm on a yarn diet. Good, then I promise not to eat them. :-)
gmail = jerseyjessie
Glow in the dark, cool! Fuzzy critters, darling! I wanna put that mouse in my pocket!!
I loved the Lilac Garden handspun yarn. Of course, I ignored the price. mmmm purple
The glow-in-the-dark bear is AMAZING! =D So cool! And the cookies and cream color is amazing. Such cool stuff!
Bunch of Grapes looks so yummy!!
Now I know just the person who needs a pair of socks from Bunch of Grapes hand dyed wool sock yarn.
My gmail addy is tomknit
The handspun yarns are so pretty. I love the blueberry smoothie color. I am also very curious about the glow in the dark yarn.
I must admit I am totally curious about the glow in the dark yarn. So many ideas...
The glow in the dark bunny and bears are adorable and I love the sock yarn in the lemonade, seaside shades and blubell garden colorways.
I can't pick just one thing. I just can't! Okay, the bears!
The glow in the dark yarn has got me full of ideas!
I also like how she names most of her yarns and roving after food...
I will RT too!
Leslie Cooper
I'm loving the Candy Stripe handspun! yummy! oooo, and the Blueberry Smoothie...and Bowl of Sweets...obviously there is a pattern here!
Rav limejuicy
I am in love with the Sea Green handspun. I could barely take my eyes off of it to get to the next pages! Although close runner up is the Spring Fields alpaca. Can you tell I have a green thing?
I love all the sock yarn! Especially the Lemonade and Sunny Skies colorways. So pretty! And the price is totally reasonable - yay!
RavID: WintersSong
(email link also in my profile on here.)
Mmmmm. I like the candy stripe handspuns. They look declicious.
Count me down for:
and bloggin!
I love her Bluebell Garden and Sunny Skies sock yarns! And the blue/green glow-in-the-dark yarn is awesome :D
As interesting as the glow in the dark yarn is. If I were to make a purchase today, the rose garden sock yarn is just gorgeous.
Bannahleigh on Ravelry
Love the Dyed Falkland roving for spinning in the pastel melon colors--canteloup, honey dew, etc. Spinning it would be like enjoying midsummer treat!
I love the glow in the dark yarn!
Glow in the dark?!? How cool is that?
I really love the Mossy Bank yarn as well. MMM, what a lovely green.
So many lovely things but the Cookie Jar yarn is beyond beautiful...for me the colors fill me with joy but the browns and beiges are my peace.
I have to have some. I found some glow in the dark yarn last fall and want to do a kid's hat with a bit, but this is so much nicer. And the knitted cat. I think I have to have it.
How can I not choose the glow in the dark yarn?? But the Salt Water Taffy roving is pretty delicious too.
I love the colours in "Bowl of Sweets". I've been eyeing a few things in Elizabeth's shop since receiving the cute keychain in my April box.
Great job Elizabeth!!
shortsleeves on rav
posted to my Twitter and FB
I love the Sea Green handspun yarn, 130g, 215 yds, 10 WPI, Whitefaced Woodland ! This was another hard choice, but I love green!
--- rav id CptSnoopy
I was so hoping I was going to get the go in the dark key chain! But, alas, I did not. I like her blog! I think she's just awesome! :)
P.S. I just accidentally thrust an exacto knife into my finger, uh.. OUCH! :P
Glow in the dark yarn?!?! Freakin' fantastic! I love the green one (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=19279151) It'd be so much fun to wear, just waiting until it got dark out... :)
Lizbert on Ravelry
the bunny is too cute
rav id modchococat
I got some handdyed light green roving from Sheepshape that I spun into the "Sprinkles" yarn. I didn't know she had glow in the dark yarn. The fiber was wonderful to spin!
so many great things, glow in the dark, bunnies, my favorite would be Seaside Shades sock yarn, as I really want to try to crochet some socks!
The Salt Water Taffy Shetland Fiber looks so good, the subtle coloring is wonderul. I've posted to my blog.
The glow in the dark yarn is simply delish with the lights on! I blogged! Thanks for the hook up (again!)
Seriously, how cool is that?
So. So. Cool.
bromfamily at Aol.com
Glow in the dark yarn is just too cool!
Saltwater Taffy roving and Lilac Garden caught my eyes right away. Great stuff! Good idea putting feedback cards in the shipments. I hope everyone fills them out!
Salt water taffy is beautiful, but I really gotta try that glow in the dark yarn. Really.
Definitely intrigued by the glow in the dark yarn! Especially the handspun alpaca -- the normal color is nice, and I always love alpaca :)
I love the Autumn Skies sock yarn - I'm amazed that she can get those gorgeous colours with Kool-aid.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Hmmmmm - gorgeous goodies here. Really lovely.
Love the knitted animals, very cute indeed
The toys are adorable and the glow-in-the-dark yarn is a true novelty, but it was the Candy Stripe handspun yarn, in Merino and Jacob, that caught my eye. What a perfectly wonderful pair of skeins. Those would make a charming knit item!
~Sciteacher at Ravelry
Wow, the Rose Garden Sock Yarn looks beautiful - just right for socks in a fine lacy pattern and the put into my new summer shoes...
I love all the stuffed toys, but the pink cuddly bunny on her second page is my favorite. He is so cute. And glow in the dark yarn sounds amazing.
Rav id rebelhousewife
Her dolls are soooo cute!! I would love to have the Glow in the dark cat doll, handspun from Alpaca sitting on any one of my dressers.
I think the glow in the dark yarn is nifty! I also blogged about how nifty I think it is.
mossy bank yarn is yummy
All so gorgeous - I especially like the Spring Fields alpaca yarn!
the glow in the dark yarn is such a fun idea. I love the idea of making stuffed animals with it...or even part of a blanket!
Oh i was so hoping to get soem Glow int he Fark yarn int he box, but didnt get any. But i would love to get some from her shop. I love the little sheep too, its so cute!!!!
Mmmm, so nice! The shades-of-green Whitefaced Woodland yarn, the Romney and Falkland dyed rovings in those yummy shades of yellow and orange. And the little sheep with the dark brown face and hooves and grey/brown body. My buying finger is twitching!
madangel on Ravelry
The glow in the dark toys are so precious, my favorite is the bunny.
love the blue bell garden sock yarn Yummy colors
Desertknitta on Rav
I love absolutely everything. But if I had to choose just one thing the Peaches 'n' Cream handspun Romney yarn would be perfect to make something for my Mother.
I love the spring fields green yarn - beautiful color!
I love so many of her colors, but the Salt Water Taffy roving is droolworthy. It makes me long not just for taffy, but a warm Summer day at the ocean.
The toy sheep is simply adorable.
Love the Bowl of Sweets romney!
The autumn skies sock yarn has my name on it. Beautiful!
The alpaca with eyes for making animal toys is great-- my girls would love that!
Hurrah for my Etsy shop buddy! I love everything in Elizabeth's shop, but I think my absolute favorites are her lovely, soft, hug-able knitted sheep.
Again, so many to choose from and they are all so beautiful. I would love them all, hoard them, pet them and squeeze them and never let them go LOL (shades of Elvira)
I especially love the Bowl of Sweets. The colors are gorgeous.
MariAngel on Ravelry
i love the lilac garden homespun vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i twittered twitter.com/morgaine24 vbaron24 at gmail dot com
i blogged http://vickiescontestblog.blogspot.com/2009/04/sheepshape-spinning-giveaway.html vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i posted on facebook username victoria barton vbarton24 at gmail dot cocm
I love alpaca and I love this colorway Blueberry Smoothie blue handspun alpaca yarn.Hugs Darcy
I got a gorgeous handspun sample in my box and love it!!
I think that the glow in the dark bears are awesome, and I adore the mama and baby bird pattern. So cute!
i am sorry, but those knitted animals are too cute!
I adore the Salt Water Taffy dyed Shetland fibre. It sings of spring!!
WOW! Glow in the Dark yarn! Thats awesome! But the thing that caught my eye was the Rose Garden sock yarn - the colors are wonderful!
i love the toys!
i have recently begun exploring the world of knit and crocheted toys!!!too cute!
A Glow in the dark bunny is the sweetest idea. Imagine, if it glowed bright enough you could read in bed under the covers!
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