Yesterday, Marcus and I drove about 80 minutes south to attend a concert put on by my J&K entertainment (my sister and her husband!) and I was completely blown away. Because it is my Sister's concert we kind of just went to show the love and didn't expect to have the most electrifying- almost- spiritual musical experience since I was in High School.
This was part of a small songwriter's tour and the attendance was very minimal last night. The group seemed to feed off of the intimacy, and each one of them played their souls out.
Periodically through the rounds (they took turns playing songs) I kept thinking this would be awesome music to sit and knit or spin by. I always seem to knit faster when I listen to music. I've loaded all of the cds we purchased last night into my player and I haven't heard a song I didn't love yet.
Afterward, we were able to chat a bit with these musicians and I can tell you they are truly, authentically good people.
Marcus and I were trying to find an appropriate genre to describe the group and the closest we could come up with is "Contemporary Folk" but Folk means completely different things to different people so that seemed to be a bad term. Indie Rock seems a bit closer.
Check them out!
Micha Dalton Great, bluesy Jack Johnsonesque we purchased his "Pawn Shop" album
Two songs I'm loving: "We could take the backroads" and "We came alive tonight".
Jon Black LOVE his stuff. We bought his "Goodbye Golden Age" Album and during the show he dedicated "Ghost of Elvis" to my cute niece Sophie. He also played a song he wrote, inspired by Obama's inauguration called "If We Hang On (Uncle Sam's Song of Hope)" which was featured on NPR's all songs considered.
David Berkely Blew us away. His songs are a bit on the melancholy side so I might not listen to them everyday, but his talent is amazing. We bought his "Strange Light" album. I am in love with his "High Heels and All" song.
Ryan Horne an exceptional songwriter with sterling vocals. We purchased his "Love and War" album and I loved his song "Jacksonville".
Kim Taylor My personal favorite of the evening. We purchased two of her albums- You need to listen to her "Greatest Story" song. Amazing!

Jon Black and my Sweet Niece Sophie.

Back to regularly scheduled fiber posts momentarily :D
1 comment:
I just wish people around here knew how much they missed out! Maybe they would get off their butts and come to a show! So glad you made it last night. Hope you'll make it on Thursday!
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