Holy frijoles! Ricky from Silver Sun Alpacas is giving away a 3 month subscription to her Batts Club! Get a 2oz batt once a month for 3 months!
Here is what Ricky has to say about them in her shop:
Does spinning or felting is your love? Are you running out of fiber faster than you can spin it? You like the feel of Christmas allover again, every time you open one of my packages?
Surprise yourself or a friend once a month by subscribing to my *Silver Sun Batt Club*, where each month, you will receive a soft, cloudy, beautiful custom blended Alpaca hand carded batts with possibility to have the following add-ins of: silk, sparkle, sari silk, wools, soysilk and more fun fiber!
The fiber blends in the batts will be my choice of fibers each month.
As an extra special treat- Ricky is offering everyone a 15% discount in her shop today and tomorrow. Just mention you saw it here!
I am a proud club member and received my first shipment last month! Oh was it ever so delicious- the name was "Blueberry Patch!" It was so soft and shiny and perfect, and no, I haven't spun it yet.
Last month, Ricky sent in some delicious fresh alpaca from her herd in both dark and white. This month she's sent in a sample batt that is so fitting to our theme with gorgeous teals, aquas, white foam and a smattering of shipwreck colors. Gorgeous stuff!
Please visit Silver Sun Alpacas and find something you like. Post about it in the comments section below and we will draw a winner on Monday. Remember to plurk and tweet and facebook and blog about it too- I'll count your efforts as extra entries in this drawing!
Thank you so much, Ricky for participating in the box. We love your shop!!!
Holy Moly, thats a nice giveaway - going to tweet it too in one moment. My want from her shop (apart from batt club!) is a tie between the watermelon batt or some lovely looking mohair top - yummy!
I love the "Put the Lime with the Coconut" batts - I think they'd make a beautiful yarn with the shots of gold and green through the silky bamboo & merino. I'd be absolutely delighted if I was drawn for this prize - a three month subscription to the club is just...WOW!
Ravely ID - Melanie
Oh man!!!
I adore the Hot Summer Night handspun, and ZOMG on sale!!! RTed @millarca!
I covet her batts all the time! Right now I'm really loving Carribean Waves. It's just so oceany! A very pretty blue, too.
Oh, wow, this is all gorgeous! So much shine and shimmer everywhere! Love this one especially: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25779738 Lavender and vanilla, tasty!
Whoa what an amazing giveaway! That'll be one lucky winner :)
I love Silver Sun Alapacas! Ricky was really sweet and packaged up a special spindle starter kit for me a little while back. I've just used it to spin up my first serious attempt. I always check the shop as there are lots of lovelies in there. Right now, I'm coveting the Aladin's Gemstones batts and the Hot Pink yarn. Yummy scrummy! The AG batt in particular speaks to me. The colors are so lusterous.
Ooh, the Chambord Truffle batt has my name on it. All the fiber looks divine. Tweeting now!
It's a toss up, Purple Passion or Fire and Ice, can't decide. I love the title "Put the lime in the coconut" too fun!
Wow! I am stunned! What a way to bring it to the next level! I have to say that the Bora Bora Batt really caught my eye, though I am super tempted by the milk fiber in any of her colorways as well!
Lavender Vanilla and Bora Bora are my favourites!!
What an amazing giveaway. Thanks Ricky!!
Also FB and Tweeting.
Oh wow, I want to win this one really bad!!! Okay, I like this handspun yarn: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=22259442
It's so cute!
I love the DAFFODAILS batt and like the drop spindle kits
What what? A fiber club giveaway! Wheeee! The Daffodils batt is currently my favorite (and it's even in my faves, so I'm not just making this up!). LOVE anything having to do with my favorite springtime flower.
Ooooooh! I have been lusting after her Wine and Chocolate batt. I think it would look awesome plied with the Chambord Truffle one. Or just by itself, of course.
Pleeeeease, pick me!! :D
I'm back to say I tweeted about it - Twitter name knittinghands :)
Wow thats a give away. I love everything in the store especially OVERLOAD - 4 oz. of Spinning Fiber, Freshly Made Just For You. I love the gold.
rav id: rebelhousewife
I love both the Seaweed and Ocean Blue Plump and Slender Handspuns
I love the Purple Ocean! Yum!
Tweeted and FB'd :) (though I almost didn't want to - it will decrease my chance to win! lol)
What a great giveaway! I just ordered a drop spindle from Silver Sun earlier this week. The shipping was SUPER fast and when I opened the package, everything inside was wrapped up like a present! So the NEXT thing I'm looking to buy in her shop is the Aladin's Gemstones batt. Such pretty colors.
RavID: MuddyMoose
Twitter: MuddyMooseAK
I do love the Lavendar Vanilla, and have had my eye on it in the shop for some time. (Check it at http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=20886716). I also love love LOVE the Summer Watermelon (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23601412) - what great colors, what a treat!
Oh, I do hope I win - It would be pure bliss to have three months from Silver Sun!!
Off to tweet, FBook, and blog!
YUM. I think I need it!
Bridgett at Rav.
i would have to say the bamboo top because ive never spun it before and it has great sheen!~
I wanna win, I do I do!
Such a generous giveaway and how lovely!
That Island Blue is gorgeous! I needs it
Extra hollars for the giveaway complete - blog info at http://thewildhare.blogspot.com.
Thanks so much for this chance and the GREAT giveaways!
That island blue milk fiber is gorgeous! I bet it would look awesome spun up!
Wow! What an amazingly generous giveaway. Silver Sun always has such beautiful artwork it is hard to pin down just one favorite.
For now, I will select the "Purple Ocean" - Bamboo and Wool Spinning Fiber (I'm a sucker for purples and blues together) and the "Sweet Baby" Spinning Fiber.
I also love the "Is This Love" Wool & Mohair Spinning Fiber. The title takes me back to a particular '80s song which I will now be singing all day long.
Everything at the store is gorgeous, but the CHAMBORD TRUFFLE - 4 oz. of Mohair, Wool Top is my favorite
Great colorways but the Purple Ocean is my favorite!
I really like the Stargazer lilly. Also like the lavender vanilla, but I think the bestest is the stargazer lilly.
I love put the lime with the coconut!
I'm drooling over Chambord Truffle... yum! Is it wrong to want to eat your batts? ;)
That is a nice giveaway :) I love the bamboo in her shop and it's such a good price I might be ordering some :)
When I got my drop spindle starter kit I got a bunch of baby batts of different colourways. The only one I think I've identified is the Mexican pineapple, which is the same colours as our W(estern)HL hockey team! I am definitely getting some more of that to make awesome hats for my fan freinds!!
I want it all. Seriously. But especially the Bora Bora colorway and the learn-to-spin kit with the drop spindle.
The BORA BORA - Spinning Fiber - Merino, Mohair, Glitz, 2 oz. is really pretty.
Well, I just ordered from here last week!I love what I received. This is a color I'd love to try next : Island Blue - Milk Protein, 2 oz. of Spinning Fiber, Silk Latte
I am a huge lime with the coconut fan!
Looooove "Sea Weed" handspun yarn and ....Daffodil, Overload, Wine & Chocolate Fibers... Must have!
I've already blogged the giveaway-both on my blog and the SLV Fest blog. I'll FB and tweet too. HOw fun!
And.. I'll get back to spinning my June samples so I can mail them on Monday :)
I love the Island Blue milk protein roving. The colors are perfect. :)
So many beautiful batts but my favorite is Caribbean's Waves.
Aladin's Gemstones is gorgeous. I've been thinking about learning how to spin, and this might be the motivation to do it.
The Caribbean Wave Batt looks so luscious!!!
Silver Sun has totally been placed amoung my faves!
RavID: homeofhearts
Wow, what an awesome giveaway! I love the Island Blue Milk Protein Fibre... it's Gorgeous!
I Retweeted also :)
I saw the Island Blue Milk Latte at the very top and thought, "Ooooooo!" So that has to be my pick for favorite!
Summer Watermelon...absolutely...
I drool over everything in that shop. I am going to give in and get some stuff this month. I love the wine and chocolate, summer watermelon, daffodils. Need I go on?
What a generous giveaway! I am blown away by everything in Ricky's shop, as always, but Purple Ocean rocks my boat!
I'm retweeting right now :)
I love the way some of the fibers just glisten! I love the Child's Play color...it looks just like cotton candy!
The night sky milk fiber looks interesting.
I want your Mega Bombshell!
I'm addicted to spinning small amounts of fiber and mini batts :)
I would squee with joy if I won the giveaway!
I love this way of finding great fiber vendors!
That seaweed thick-n-thin yarn is spectacular!
I really like Bora Bora and Put the Lime with the Coconut. they are so evocative of luxury beach vacations. Just wondering: with your Lime with the Coconut batt, were you referencing Harry Nielsson's song "Coconut?" Just wondering.
That BAMBOO TOP - 1 lb. of eco-friendly fiber for spinning, dyeing, fiber art look so silky smooth. I would love to get my hands on it, lol.
The ocean blue is beautiful
The Hot Summer Night handspun is wonderful.
I've been admiring SSA's shop for a while now. I love the richness of the milk fibers, the Island Blue and Deep Purple. I also like the selection of undyed fibers, since I'm new to the world of dyeing.
Wow - strawberry cupcake looks great.
As I said, I don't spin so I really admire the handspun yarns especially her ocean blue.
Purple ocean is great-looking.
So many pretty handspuns, especially Ocean Blue Plump and Slender Handspun.
I'll go and blog and be back soon.
I've just blogged about it on
I've got to learn to spin. Soon. Very soon. There are so many great artists who produce fabulous fibers. But in the mean time, I'm primarily interested in the handspun yarns - call it inspiration. Basically I love them all - picking one is just about impossible.
I think I know someone who would love the Drop Spindle Kit With 4 oz. Fiber. Your batts and yarns are beautiful.
wow, gorgeous goods! love hte variety and clubs as wel. Bora bora called to me every time i saw it!
I love the colors in the ocean blue handspun yarn. Really intense-looking.
I'm resisting the mohair sliver right now. Aack!!
For me it is all about the Purple Passion. :)
SOLIEL - 100 percents Baby Alpaca yarn is really lovely and the picture of the alpaca made me go "awwwwwww what a cutie". What a great giveaway !!!
Put the lime with the coconut and drink it all up... I have these batts and they're gorgeous! A perfect spin-quencher for summer.
What an awesome giveaway! I really like her "Bora Bora"and "Overload" batts, but I think my favorite is "Put the Lime with the Coconut", both for the color and the name. I've been lucky enough to get several Silver Sun Alpacas samples in past boxes and they've all been wonderful.
I'm giddy with excitement over this give away! I had to check out her clubs and the SILVER SUN BATT CLUB - 12 Months Plan, THE WHOPPER, 4 oz. of Spinning Fiber Monthly is awesome!
Purple Passion and Mexican Papaya are too divine! Bora Bora also has something magical about it. I have browsed batts on Etsy before and stopped on those...
Island blue milk or summer watermelon are to dye for. Thought I would play on words. As I scrolled down the site I was thinking about all the spinning enjoyment I would have. Nice fiber selection
What gorgeous fiber - I love this etsy store!! My favorite is the NightBlue Milk Protein - I've never spun milk protein, but it looks fabulous to spin! Lovely giveaway, I'd be estatic if I won!
ugli.tangelo.fruit at gmail dot com
What I wouldn't give for a membership to this batt club! All the batts in her shop are fabulous. And the prices on the natural fibers are great too!
Gorgeous shop!
I love the Chambord Truffle!
Awesome shop!! I love the Blue Moon handspun and the Bora Bora spinning fiber!!
I really love the Put the Lime in the Coconut every time I go to that shop that one catches my eye!
Oh im in love witht he bamboo top fibber. It looks so smootha nd shinny. Oh so in love. She has many beautiful things in her shop i could barely decide.
I really love the Put the Lime with the Coconut batt, and any of the milk protein fibers!
Amazing giveaway! I love the Lavender Vanilla color.
Oh, I would so love this! Your Red Sun and Deep Purple batts are gorgeous! Thanks!
PUT THE LIME WITH THE COCONUT - Bamboo, Merino, Mohair, Glitz, 3 oz
ALADIN'S GEMSTONES - 4 oz. of Handspun Fiber, Wool, Mohair. Freshly Made.
I love both of these batts and I also love the batt club, I am very tempted to buy a membership!!!
I got some of Silver Sun Alpacas' fiber in my box last month, and it spun wonderfully. I really like the colors for Mexican Papaya in her shop right now, though I'm not really too much of a mohair person.
-cthulhulovesme on Rav
Fabulous shop! I love the Blue moon Plump & slender handspun - the colors are great & it has so much character!
i.heart.red.velvet.cupcakes at gmail dot com
Wow! What a giveaway! The shop goods are just lovely. Couldn't choose just one.. the Bora Bora, Caribbean Waves, and Red Sun batts all called to me. LOL
Posted about this on Twitter.
Wow! What a terrific giveaway! I immediately fell in love with the Wine and Chocolate batt.
I know I responded to the post already but has anyone taken a good look at Put the lime in the coconut ( by the way good song) or Lavendar vanilla or Daffodils? Wow that is all I can say
I love the natural look of the Caffe O'Lette yarn.
Yep... just had to get the Yummy Yearling Mohair!
Hoo-boy! I may be in some serious trouble here...can you say GOR-G-US?! I want to go to there :) I heart lots of fibers: lavender vanilla, summer watermelon, wine and chocolate, child's play, and stargazer lily: YUMMY!
Alladin's Gemstones really does it for me. Just lovely - Thinks of the vibrant and exciting yarn you would spin from that!
The one that gets me is "Mexican Papaya". I keep thinking that colorway would make a gorgeous shawl.
Oh my god that Red Sun batt is amazing! The colors are so rich and warm.
aka BratKnits
Love the handspun yarns, strawberry cupcake is my favorite.
My favorite are the spinning kits. I miss my spinning wheel...sigh.
i love the deep purple hand dyed and the star gazer lilly. yumm vbarton24 at gmail dot com
twittered http://twitter.com/morgaine24/status/2072287003 vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i did the facebook thing username Victoria Barton vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i blogged http://vickiescontestblog.blogspot.com/2009/06/silver-sun-alpacas-giveaway-via-phat.html vbarton24 at gmail dot com
I would love to go to BORA BORA with some beautiful BORA BORA!!
I LOVE her shop!!! The wine and chocolate is my most recent favorite - it's really pretty!!
That's an amazing giveaway! Other than the blibs, my favorites are Purple Passion - Spinning fiber - Bamboo, Cotswold and CHAMBORD TRUFFLE - 4 oz. of Mohair, Wool Top
I love the wine and chocolate batt! So luscious!
Katestamps on Ravelry
Amazing! I'd love to order and grab my wheel for sure. Her colour combinations are beautiful.
Oh wow, I'd love to win this one! My favorite thing in the store is the milk fiber in Night Blue. It looks oh so soft and yummy!
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