Monday, August 31, 2009
Twiggi Knits Winner!
I have more very lovely artists to feature this week!
Please visit soon!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Twiggi Knits *Club Giveaway!*

Sandi from Twiggi Knits recently listed a very clever club idea! You see, Sandi loves Halloween and all of the festivities associated with it. So she came up with four weeks of Halloween because she has a feeling other people love Halloween (and knitting) as much as she does!
The weeks are available for purchase separately or, you may purchase all of them for the full club experience and get a discount! What is not to love? I think she has covered it all- Frankenstien, Day of the Dead, Witches Brew and Trick or Treat!
Here are the trick or Treat week details:
"4 Weeks of Halloween" Club
What you will get:
1) A Project Bag - with enough room for that small project such as socks, scarf, etc....
2) 1 skein of my Wooley Sock Yarn (400yds) in themed color
or 4oz. of Superwash Merino Roving (let me know your choice in the message to seller box)
3) "Trick" - a knitting accessory
4) "Treat" - some coordinating candy!!
and any other goody I may find....
Shipping for week #2 will be October 9, 2009
**** There will be a $20 discount for purchasing ALL 4 weeks. Please contact me before ordering.
Sandi would like to give away a week of YOUR CHOICE to a lucky commenter here! Just visit Twiggi Knits and find something you like! Write about it in the comments section below and we will draw your name on Monday! Be sure an let everyone know by using twitter, facebook, your blog or another social network site and we'll count that as an extra entry!
Sandi, thank you so much for participating in the box- we really dig your stuff!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Winners this week- and look what I did!!

I'm so proud of myself I could squeal! Under the apt tutelage of some beautiful Phat ladies, I was able to dye these small strips of bamboo this week! Now, to convince them to teach us all how to do something like this at Phat Camp next fall!
On to the winners this week!
3 lucky commentors won the Wonders Mohair felting grab bags!:
c'mon down! (email
WCMercantile indie dyed milk!: HAY
(woo hoo Deb!)
Rocket Yarn Astro Batts:
The Clay Muse!!!
Rakestraw Spinner kit:
Thank you all so much for participating this week. It really makes me so excited and happy to see all the wonderful comments! Keep it up!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Down in the Country *Giveaway*

Jackie, from Down in the Country has graciously offered up a Rakestraw Spinner for a giveaway!
What is a Rakestraw Spinner, you ask? Well, it is a wooden drop spindle that has a primitive farm-implement look. It's very well made, right on Jackie's farm in New York State!
With a Rakestraw Spinner purchase, you get a cute tote, an instruction booklet and some hand dyed fiber. Her booklet seems clear and is printed in color. If you've purchase one of Jackie's Rakestraw, let us know what you think!
Visit Down in the Country, find something you'd like to post about, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner Friday! Remember, I will always count your tweets, plurks and facebooking about this as extra entires! *Just a warning that if you are at work you may need to turn your volume down as there is some intro music to her site*
Thank you, Jackie for providing this opportunity to try one of your beautiful spinners!
August Fair Story Winners!

We have winners for our favorite Fair story giveaway! I'd like to post the winning stories below!
1st Place: Ravelry Member Ifelsif
Oh, good, I have one!
We had been asked to demo spinning at the New York State Fair. I brought my wheels as well as several spinners, my Rakestraws and some CD spindles we made as giveaways for kids. I was spinning on the Rakestraw when woman walked up pushing a baby stroller with a little boy of about six years old in it. He stared in fascination at the spindle.
I went closer to him and showed him how it spun while his eyes got bigger. He reached for it. I gave him one of the CD spindles with a bit of roving tied on to it. He seemed to know immediately what to do and began to spin.
Then the magic–he looked up at me with a huge smile, directly into my eyes, and said, “Thank you.”
Doesn’t sound like much, does it? But the mother was crying. She told me he was autistic and rarely if ever spoke. He never spoke to strangers, never even looked at them. She wheeled him away, spinning on his new spindle, and he left a large piece of light inside me. I’ll never forget his smile, his sweet “thank you!”
Here is hotglasslass' Story:
I just went to the fair with some co-workers as a “team building” event.
One of my co-workers is a quiet lady of about 50 years. She is very shy and tends to keep to the back of the room and only speaking out loud when asked a question.
We were taking turns picking something to look at, and when it came time for her to pick she said she wanted to go on the tilt-a-whirl because it was her favorite thing when she was a kid.
She turned and asked who was coming. One lady said she gets motion sickness, another said she had a headache, etc. In the end I was the only person who was willing to go with her.
We bought our ride tickets, and stood in line for only a short while. As we were getting on the ride, I asked her if she liked to “lean”. She looked at me with a gleam in her eye and said “yeah”.
We leaned and spun and spun and the whole time she was GIGGLING! This woman who barely makes a peep, and is always reserved was giggling like a kid being tickled! It was so infections that I giggled too. We spent the rest of the day with silly grins on our faces.
It was by far, the best time I ever had at the fair.
Here is IdyllHands' story:
Do craft fairs and festivals count? I hope so because my favorite story/stories come from them. My family has always been involved in one way or another with craft fairs. My grandparents started it all with their woodwork and painting. I grew up attending many of the fairs in the Northwest Arkansas area each fall. If there was a trip to Arkansas planned for October, rest assured, we’d be headed to one of the many craft fairs.
There was a period of time in my life where my participation was merely as a shopper. My grandparents no longer sold at the shows due to age and being sick and my craft was music, can’t really haul a bassoon out to the craft fair and make money at it (or maybe I could - perhaps I’ll try that some time). A couple of years ago, my mom pushed for me to start making my jewelry for a local show that her and my sister were signed up to do. I never saw my jewelry as being something I would sell. I tried to back out a few times, but she wouldn’t let me.
That first show was a blast. I sat under our tent and the canopy of trees during the early autumn days eating turkey legs, caramel apples and selling our goods. Eventually, my jewelry making somehow led to knitting and handspun yarn and then on to Etsy and other venues.
Last September was the last craft fair I would get to do with my mom. On the evening of the last day, she went into the hospital with what would later be diagnosed with a severe and aggressive form of brain cancer. She fought very hard until this past Thursday when she finally couldn’t do it anymore and left this place for somewhere with less pain and to a place that would allow her to walk on her own after many months in a wheel chair.
It is so hard to imagine craft fairs without my mom, without her excitement over the turkey legs or the Native American flute/pipe music coming from the booth down the aisle. It’s so hard to imagine those crisp, fall days without her turning up her nose the the John Deer tractor quilts (you know the quilts… you’ve all seen those quilts) or splitting some strawberry shortcake with her.
However, it’s also hard to imagine not going to a show ever again. I look forward to my favorite time of year, my favorite craft fairs, and getting to go browse. Even if my mom won’t be selling her stuff next to my sister and I, we know she’ll be there with her turkey leg.
I suppose that’s it - my favorite “fair” story is a lifetime of craft fairs with my mom.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Rocket Yarn and Givewawy!

I have had way too much fun looking at Celena's Rocket Yarn shop! Celena has so many different types of fibers and yarn- really there is something for everyone!
Every time I say Rocket Yarn- I am really sort of singing it in an Elton Johnesque way:
And i think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the yarn they think i am at home
Oh no no no i'm a rocket yarn
Rocket yarn knitting out his fuse up here alone
Yes, there are many layers to my geekieness.
Interesting fact: Celena worked for NASA! Which means if we are ever in a post-apocalyptic situation and you could only pick indie yarnies to survive with, Celena would be on my short list!
(yes, even more layers of my geekiness unfold- Aren't you watching The Colony too?)
I'm too excited to be giving away 2 Astro Batts from Rocket Yarn!! We'll be drawing for a lucky commenter on Friday, so visit Rocket Yarn, find something you like, and post abou it in the comments section below. Remember to plurk, twitter, facebook, ravelate, and blog about this contest for extra entries- just let us know you did it!
Celena- your yarn is rockin, your batts are oribital and your roving is out of this world!
Monday, August 24, 2009
WC Mercantile Milk Giveaway!

Now I will commence to astound and amaze you with WCMercantile's August offerings!
Can you even believe how incredibly gorgeous these samples are? Stephanie created the little boxes and dyed the milk the most beautiful strawberry-peach smoothie color I've ever seen.
I was completely blown away!
I am also blown away when I visit WCMercantile on Etsy. Visiting her shop is like getting a favorite catalog in the mail. You keep visiting, keep turning pages, keep thinking about all the beautiful things you could make with the materials Stephanie offers.
I feel truly honored to be giving away 4 oz of dyed milk fiber from WCMercantile! Just visit the shop, find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner on Friday!
Be sure and use your social networking skills to net extra entries! If you tweet, plurk, facebook, ravelate or blog about this giveaway and let us know you did, we'll add your name to the pot again!
Stephanie, you rock! That is all.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Wonders Mohair and Giveaway!

Here at Phat Fiber, we see a lot of knitters, crocheters and spinners- where are all you felters?
I've got a few amazing giveaways here- several pounds of mohair locks for felting. They were harvested from an older female and are coarser than you would use for spinning, so Brice Wonders of Wonders Mohair has sent them in to be given to some lucky fiber artists who comment here!
Brice would like to know what you all think of his shop, please comment below and let us know what is your favorite of his dyed mohair locks! We'll draw for 3 winners next Friday! Be sure and use your plurk, facebook and twitter to let everyone know about this contest! We'll add extra entries for you, if you do.
Brice, thank you so much for sending in your dyed mohair for us to sample- it's lovely!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
This Week's Winners!
Winners are:
Critter Ranch: Angele
Rule Out Fiber Addiction NOS: Cozy Knitting
Desired Haven Farm: Paula (Georgia)
Calizona Designs: Alisa
I've got a big ( as in by POUNDS) giveaway coming up this weekend!
If you've won, pllease email your shipping address to
Friday, August 21, 2009
Are you a winner?

I've got a good pile of unclaimed giveaway items here!
If you've won a giveaway, please email me at with your address and what you've won.
Aren't sure you've won anything? Click the "Winners" tag and it will show a link of all posts tagged with winners!
If theses items aren't claimed soon... well, I'll have to give them away to someone else who commented :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Calizona Designs and Giveaway!

Many of you are getting your boxes and discovering a wonderful sample by Calizona Designs! She sent in several types, one of which was a felted cup cozy! They were all hand embroidered and she made a special one for me- a sheep with a heart on it's butt! I love it- it fits perfectly around my glasses and I can now sip iced tea and spin in a fluid movement, without having to stop and wipe my hand dry!
Classic loves to do custom stuff! If you'd like a cup sleeve with a lamb on it like mine, just send her a convo! She'd be more than happy to whip one up for you!
As a special and generous treat, Classic sent in a delicious "Chocolate Dipped Strawberry" Roving for a giveaway! All you need do, is visit Calizona Designs, find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll draw for a winner on Saturday- get extra entires by using facebook, plurk, twitter, your blog or another forum to post about this giveaway, just let me know you did it!
Classic, you're so super talented! Thanks for brightening up the box!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Desired Haven Farm Handspun Giveaway!

Misty has sent in another really lovely cake of handspun for a giveaway. You all know how much I adore green and this one is so spectacular!
I wanted to quickly let you all know, Misty is having a sale in her shop, there is a section called "Discounted Products" where you will find loads of stuff 30% off! Go ahead and treat yourself to some handspun!
We're giving away this lovely cake of yarn to a lucky commenter on Saturday. Please visit Desired Haven Farm and find something you like! Post about it in the comments section below and help us find out what Misty's done an excellent job on!
Remember, I will count your tweeting, plurking and facebooking as extra entries!
Misty, thank you for being so generous in your sample sizes and for these giveaways, they are such a treat!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Rule Out Fiber Addiction NOS Giveaway!

I told you all, I would ask Emily about her shop name and NOS means "not otherwise specified".
Emily has been wowing us with her amazingly generous samples! You heard Marcus refer to them as "honkin" on the video. Emily has such a fun shop- unabashedly feminine and she let's serendipity decide what will be there at any given time. A true treat!
I was especially thrilled last month when I opened her shipment and there was a batt of fiber called "Phattie Girl"! It is the lovely orange and rust colored creation above. It makes me all warm inside when I find a phat inspired colorway! This particular batt is hand carded and composed of tussah silk, bamboo, noil and firestar- and It is really making me wish for cooler weather!
We're giving away this special batt to a lucky commenter! Just visit Rule Out Fiber Addiction, NOS and find something you like, write about it in the comments section below and a winner will be drawn on Saturday. Remember, I will count your tweets, plurks, facebook updates and blog./rav posts! Just let me know you did it!
Emily, thanks for adding excitement to our box! You and your shop are lovely!
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Critter Ranch and Giveaway!

Llama!!!! Who knew Llama could be so soft! Sue from The Critter Ranch sent in some of her uber-soft llama batts and yarn last month for all of us to taste. She included a small batt for me and I just got a chance to spin it up last night. Of course, after spinning it, I promptly went online and ordered some more!
It was very lofty, but had a bit more density than alpaca. The "Roses in the Dark" colorway she sent in are almost exactly our local college basketball colors (go Salukis!) so this yarn will most likely become part of a hat.
If you don't spin, you must try some of Sue's handspun! It is of course, luxuriously soft and it has the most amazing drapeyness to it.
Sue has generously offered a 1 oz batt of "Roses in the Dark" for you to try! Just visit The Critter Ranch, find something you like, and write about it below. The drawing will be on Saturday. Make sure you twitter/facebook/ravelate/blog about Sue's shop so you can get extra entires- because well, it's Llama!
Thank you so much, Sue. Not only are your fiber and yarns simply amazing, it is the little details in the packaging and care you take with everythning that has really endeared me to your shop.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Giveaway Winners!
::drum roll::
Jela's fiber batts: CinderLisa !!!!
Moonwoodfarm moonbeam club: Gail (Gail's hooks yarns and needles)
Congratulations!!! We've got some uber-amazing giveaways coming up! Thank you everyone for commenting!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Moonwood Farm MoonBeam Club Giveaway!

I just treated myself to a 4 month "moonbeams" club subscription from Moonwoodfarm!
I'm so excited, I can hardly contain myself!
You see, it was with Moonwoodfarm alpaca that I spun the thinnest yarn I had ever been able to produce. That experience really tore down some mental spinning barriers I had!
What is so special about moonbeams? Well Roo, being the genius she is, has gone to the trouble of carding all of the pretty luxurious fibers together and then has separated the batt into one continuous coil. That means, it's even more ready to spin than a batt would be! It is as if you took some roving and predrafted all of it before spinning- only with this you wouldn't have to! Experience the pure joy of the twist withought the prep. I think it is a lovely idea, because I have so little time to enjoy my spinning- every step eliminated for me is a bonus!
Roo is so generous, she has offered up a Moonbeam Club subscription for a lucky commenter! Don't worry if you've already bought a club spot- you can choose who your winning club will go to! All you have to do, is visit the Moonbeam Club listing in Moonwoodfarm's shop and tell us what colors you would love to see reproduced in moonbeams! We'll draw for a winner this weekend, so there isn't much time to help spread the word! Use facebook, twitter, ravelry, your blog etc and I will count those efforts as extra entries!
Roo, thank you for offering a special slot in your club! We all covet your fiber!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Jela's Fiber and Giveaway!

I am quite excited to have Jela's Fibers be a part of the Phat Fiber box!
Just take a look at these "buttered popcorn" and "caramel popcorn" fiber samples! I really love these!
I had to let you know about the free shipping sale going on at Jela's Fibers because I'm an enabler :)
C'mon, you know you want some- and if you don't get some, I'll just have to clear her out. Ok- that sounded more like a "pusher".
We're giving away these scrumptious carded batts called "Carnival Clouds" together they total 3.9 oz and are super ethereal and gorgeous with shimmer and shine.
Just visit Jela's Fibers, find something you like, and post about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for the giveaway this weekend and remember to help get the word out by using twitter, facebook, plurk and Ravelry. I'll count those posts as extra entries!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Super box Giveaway (July Samples!)

You raised an astounding $1045 to the The Nature Conservancy last month! Phat Fiber is calling on you to help another worthy organization, Heifer International! When we were discussing the no-wool box, my mind kept going to the less fortunate folks who really don't have wool whom Heifer International strives to help.
We will be giving away the contents of the July video as a way of saying thank you for donating to the Heifer International!
For every $5 you donate to Heifer International, your name (number) will be thrown into a bucket for a random giveaway drawing at the end of August.
Step 1: Visit the Heifer International and donate to the portion of the organization of your choice.
Step 2: Forward the email receipt you get from Heifer International to
Step 3: Keep the number(s) you will be assigned after your forwarded receipt is processed. ( I have a committee helping me with this and it should be within a couple of days of sending)
Step 4: Look for a special video number drawing at the end of the month to see if you're the lucky giveaway recipient!
Step 5: Pat yourself on the back for helping a great cause!
Please remember to shop our Phatties that contributed to the July box! They are what made this possible!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Spinning Equipment

There was a time, albeit a very short period of time while attending college, I didn't think I had time to craft. It was probably more like I had barely enough money to pay my rent, let alone buy something fun to do, but I can remember thinking about all of the tools and equipment it takes to do anything. Woodworking, sewing, even scrapbooking, it takes the right tools to have a successful project. Even with knitting or crocheting you need a different type of hook or needle with every project it seems. Crafting just didn't seem accessible to me at that point.
One of the things I truly love about spinning is it's accessibility. You can ( and I have seen it done on our Ravelry group ) create a spindle with a pencil and a tennis ball! Add a bit of wool, and you're on your way to making a beautiful handspun yarn for your next project. There comes a point though, when your skill level increases and you need tools to help you make what you have in mind, into reality. Thankfully, there is a myriad of choices you have when the time comes to "upgrade".
Several of our wonderful Phat Fiber contributors have spinning tools available for purchase. Bookmark this page and use it as a reference when shopping for your next spindle or wheel! (spinning wheels ashford, majacraft, schacht ladybug) (Louet wheels and carders) (drop spindles) (Yarn Bowls) (Spinolution Wheels and Nancy's Knit Knacks) (Rakestraw Spinners, Plying Paddles) (spindles) (Asford and Strauch drum carders lots of knitting equipment) (Roberta electric spinning wheels, ball winders, drop spindles and more) (handmade drop spindles) (stone whorl drop spindles) (Merlin Tree Hitchhiker and Roadbug wheels)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Giveaway Winners this week!
Chicken in the Woods Sock Yarn: Cathy (sacramento)
Desert Garden Bonnet: Dinahsaurus
My8KidsMom Sock Yarn: Dang and Blast
FireLizardStudios Sock Yarn: Sarah Jane
I've got an informational post coming up, and of course more giveaways! We're nearing the August box so look for your notices early in the week!
Friday, August 7, 2009
Fire Lizard Studios Giveaway!

Yup, I'm here still licking my sock summit wounds and thought I would share with you the shop I'm prowling today. Fire Lizard Studios!
Cara's new online shop is up and running and I'm there browsing through her gorgeous stuff! What do her colors remind you of? To me they are all mysterious, deep and rich. I have been thinking about what her shop colors remind me of (because they really do remind me of something!) and it suddenly came to me today. My friends all read the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time Series back in High School and the cover art was always so cool- the Artist is Darrell K. Sweet (in case you wondered!)
Cara's artfully painted yarns and fibers have been featured in a few Phat Fiber boxes, and we miss her! She's been going through some non-fibery work stuff and we'll be glad when she can have more time to hit those dye pots!
In the meantime, we're giving away this beautiful hank of "Joy" sock yarn in a gorgeous "Enchanted Forest" colorway! It's superwash merino and nylon and very pretty! Just visit Fire Lizard Studios and pick out something you like. Write about it in the comments section below and we'll draw your name tomorrow! Tell your friends! If you do, I'll count your post twice, just let me know where you tweeted/plurked/facebooked/blogged about this!
Cheer up about Sock Summit guys! C'mon and shop hop with me :)
Super Box Winner!!! (June Samples)
If you've won, please email Jessie
You all are so awesome for donating to such a great cause like the Nature Conservancy!!
We're really grateful!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
My 8 Kids Mom sock yarn Giveaway!

Guess what? It's the first day of Sock Summit! Guess what else? I'm not there! Chances are, neither are you because you would not be reading this.
I propose we all console ourselves by shopping sock yarn! Seriously, let's pretend we saved up to go to Sock Summit and couldn't go- what better way to use that money than to buy more sock yarn? Rachel, from My8KidsMom has generously donated a skein of sock yarn to be given away to one of you lucky commenters!
It is no secret that Rachel is a complete doll and I am filled with admiration for the woman. Would you help us out to promote her new shop- Counting Sheep Farm? This is the part where I confuse you all, and tell you about a contest within a contest! If you visit Rachel's blog and comment, you could win 4 oz of combed Cormo Top!
But comment here about My8KidsMom in the comments section below and be entered to win the beautiful skein of sock yarn (dyed by Rachel) on Saturday! Be sure and tweet/plurk/ravelate/blog/facebook about this to be entered multiple times. Just let me know you did it! Oh, and if you would leave a way for me to find you- I would appreciate it!
Rachel, I wish you tons of success with the new shop! I check in on it often!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Desert Garden Farms *Giveaway*

Yes, that is a hand sewn yellow bonnet we have for a giveaway! If you've been keeping up with our Ravelry group, you'll remember all the bonnets Miss Jennifer sewed and posted to the group. Several of us wanted some for themselves! This reminds me of Hollie Hobby- do you remember her?
The bonnets haven't been the only hot item lately at Desert Garden Farm! The spinning and handspun pampering clubs have been very well received! I remember seeing a package posted on our Ravelry group and being amazed at all the goodies! Jennifer really does her packages up right!
We're giving away this beautiful hand sewn yellow bonnet to a lucky commenter! Just vist Desert Garden and find something in the shop that you like. Post about your favorites in the comments section below and we'll draw a random name on Saturday. I'll count your other social networking as second entries, just let me know you did it!
Jennifer, thanks for coming up with all of your creative ideas! Looking forward to your next samples!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Chicken in the Woods and Giveaway!

I am a little biased when it comes to today's featured shop. ChickenintheWoods is based out of central Illinois, a few hours north of where I live. I have been there many times, and I think Stephanie's name and entire shop is a bit of local color brought to life on sock yarn!
I have been knitting rainbowy things all summer. I am really drawn to the bold, bright colors lately and Stephanie has several beautiful variegated choices. I feel a shift in my buying habits coming on though, as her semi solids are really gorgeous! These Chicken in the Woods yarns make me want to tackle a sock with complicated stitch patterns!
We're giving away 2 skeins of delicious merino/bamboo sock yarn (480 yds!) in a beautiful "Oceanside" colorway. Just visit Chicken in the Woods, find something you like, and post about it in the comments section below! We'll be drawing for a winner on Saturday, make sure you leave a way for us to contact you. As always, I'll count your extra tweeting, plurking, ravelating, facebooking and blogging as extra entries.
Stephanie, thank you for sharing a little bit of Central Illinois with us!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Northern Bay Handspun

I sincerely hope that you have had a chance to sample a bit of luxury handspun from Northern Bay Handspun in past boxes. If you haven't, consider treating yourself to some of the most delicious yarn I've come across.
When a shop has an entire section called "bison" you know it's where the good stuff hides!
I thought Linda's profile on her etsy shop was especially adorable, and I wanted to share it with you all:
"Hello and welcome to my dream come true store. Every day when I wake up, I’m still amazed that I get to spend yet another day spinning these gorgeous fibers. It is such a gift to spin them and watch the variation in color, think about the animals or plants they came from, feel the different textures pass by my fingers, and plan what I would do with them if I were going to use them to knit or weave.
I love working with the natural fibers but also have fun dying my own fibers. I'm continually amazed at how gorgeous the colors come out and it's such fun to think...I did that!
This is truly a hand spun adventure as the wheel I spin on (Robin) is made here in Maine by a detailed artisan and my other tools – knitty knotty, bobbin holder, swift, the room I spin in – were all made by my own loving, exquisite craftsman: my husband! On warm days (w/out bugs!), I sit out on our deck and listen to the birds, watch the woods--our neighbors have recently seen moose and bear; I'll keep an eye out--and smell the flowers just a few feet from the deck (can I hope that some of those smells will get incorporated into the yarn?).
I usually have lots more fiber than I have spun up at the moment; so, if you see something you want more of then please e-mail me and we’ll figure it out. Want something fun like bison or quivet (absolutely heavenly to knit) or ?? then just let me know."
No wonder Linda's yarns have this truly positive vibe when you handle them. Trust me, you'll understand when you get some in your hands. It's a feeling machines will never be able to reproduce.
Linda, thank you so much for enjoying what you do and sharing it with us!
Extreme Spinning Winner!
YarnCoture! email me at with your addy and I'll mail this silk out to you!
Some super-fantabulous giveaways this week!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Extreme Spinning Silk Giveaway!

Extreme Spinning, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!
Firstly, there are SO many fibers to choose from. Want organic merino? How about silk, milk, romney, bamboo, viscose? CJ spends a great deal of time researching where to purchase her raw materials from. She buys organic and cruelty free (yes, some fiber farms can be cruel!) fiber and dyes. She can probably pinpoint a micron count by a just a quick squeeze of fiber.
I love Extreme Spinning's prices. I feel like I really get my money's worth when I go spend $30-$40 there. And indubetibly, CJ will include a small sampling of another fiber with your order.
Now if you prefer hyena cart, CJ's extreme fibers can be found in her spindies shop!
I think what sets Extreme Spinning apart from other shops, is the level of customer service she offers. She is always willing to offer up her knowledge to anyone who is interested and has many times answered some silly question of mine. Thank you for that CJ!
I am truly tickled to be giving away 2.2 oz of the most amazing Mulberry Silk dyed by Extreme Spinning. It is unlike other silks you've experienced- while some silks will snag on absolutely everything, this is so creamy and smooth, it is really the "Cadillac Silk". I will be drawing for a winner on Monday, so you have all weekend to oogle Extreme Spinning and mark your favorites. Tell us about your favs in the comments section below. Remember, I'll always count your extra tweeting and plurking and facebooking as extra entries! Just let me know you did it and make sure I have a way of finding you, should you win!
Thank you for being awesome, CJ!