Glad to be able to end this year on such a high note!!
Congrats winners!!
Fluffington Farms SAL giveaway- Jersey
Susan's Kitchen Batt giveaway- Darcy
Gale's Art Pigs in Space Sock yarn- Potentialandexpectations
Be sure and email me with your addresses!
Be safe!! Happy New Year!!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Gale's Art Sock Yarn Giveaway!

I was tickled pink (excuse the pun!) to be able to drop a full sized skein of Gale's Art "Pigs in Space" yarn in a box in December! As I said in the video, I'm not much of a pink person, but I would totally wear some socks made with this yarn. It just works!
I was so struck by Gale's artistry that I purchased some "Swirl BFL" fiber from her shop she had named "Pretty Pretty". Though it looked pretty in the photo- it is rare that I gasp audibly when I open my fibery packages. It was not just pretty, but beautiful!! So artfully dyed and all the colors flowed together as if it grew on the sheep that way! Tucked inside my purchase was a beautiful tussah silk sample- the shiniest and softest tussah silk I have *ever* seen! I will certainly be back for more- and very soon!
We're giving away this beautiful "Pigs in Space" skein of sock yarn dyed by Gales Art to a lucky commentor! Visit Gale's Shop, find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner tomorrow so be sure and you get those extra entries by twittering/facebook/blogging about this giveaway!
Thank you Gale, for once again for showing us why your shop is called "Gale's Art" and not just "Gale's Yarn and Fiber!"
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Susan's Kitchen Batt giveaway!

For our Aurora Borealis and Beyond box, Susan's Kitchen sent in the most sparkly and delicious batts!
Susan has much more in her repertoire- stitch markers, roving braids, and sock yarn. Ahhh yes! The sock yarn! It's currently 30% off in her shop right now! You know you need some ;)
You probably will be taking back that Chia Pet you got for Christmas, right? Treat yourself to some fibery goodness at Susan's shop!
While you're there... find something you like and come back and tell us all about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner for this gorgeous batt later in the week! Be sure and tweet and facebook about this to get extra entries- let us know you did it!
Thank you Susan for contributing your luscious drum carded goodness to the December box. I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Fluffington Farms Mystery SAL Giveaway!

Jordan of Fluffington Farms emailed me a picture of the creative process she uses to make her batts- looks like fun to me!!
Jordan has created a new mystery SAL- everything is a mystery except that it will be delicious as everyone loves Fluffington angora- yummy!!
Visit the Fluffington Farms ravelry group here for more info and chatter about it:
One of the great things about being a repeat customer with Fluffington Farms, is that your first oz of this SAL is free- you only need pay shipping. How's that for an incentive to buy?!
We'll be drawing for a winner on Thursday, so be sure and visit Fluffington Farms and find something you like. Post about it in the comments section below and be sure and tell everyone abou this SAL (spin a long) giveaway!
Phat Fiberati

Christmas Eve, I was delighted to receive a Spindies Paint Box on my doorstep! Thank you Spindies, I have lots of ideas swirling around on how to go about spinning your beautiful fiber!
I sincerely hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday filled with fibery treats! If you weren't so lucky, remember there are lots of places to make up for it :)
If you haven't noticed yet, our website has a Phat Fiberati page. This page features the lauded Phatties who have contributed to the box for 6+ months. These contributors are trusted friends you can feel confident shopping with.
We've started a new thread on the Phat Fiber Rav group to nominate phatties of the year! Feel free to add your favorite Phattie to the list!
I've got some wonderful celestial giveaways coming up this week (maybe later today). Please visit back!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Fall Competition Voting!
Look at what everyone has been up to this fall! Visit our Ravelry group and commence voting on your favorites in each category!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Phat Fiber HQ is thankfully *not* snowed in, so we made fast work of getting most all the boxes out already!
The deadline for the Fall Contest is tomorrow! I hope everyone is putting finishing touches on their submissions, we have tonnes of fantastic prizes to be given away!
Congratulations winners!
WC Mercantile Texas fiber club: Kaylan e Senour
Desert Garden SAL- HeatherD
Smoky Mountain Fibers Saturn roving- Jenn Doll
Please email me: phatfiber (at) yahoo (dot) com with you addresses!
Thank you all who commented this week!
The deadline for the Fall Contest is tomorrow! I hope everyone is putting finishing touches on their submissions, we have tonnes of fantastic prizes to be given away!
Congratulations winners!
WC Mercantile Texas fiber club: Kaylan e Senour
Desert Garden SAL- HeatherD
Smoky Mountain Fibers Saturn roving- Jenn Doll
Please email me: phatfiber (at) yahoo (dot) com with you addresses!
Thank you all who commented this week!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Smoky Mountain Fibers Saturn Giveaway!

I hope everyone knows by now that our theme for December's box is "Aurora Borealis and Beyond". I want everyone to also know that our AnneMarie from SmokyMountainFibers has been ahead of the game for a while! She has a lot of celestial inspired fibers in her shop.
One of the prettiest planetary inspired rovings is her "Saturn" colorway, and that is what she's sent in for us to sample in December. It's bright and warm and would be the perfect spin-by-the-fire you need during the dark winter nights ahead!
We're giving away 3 oz of this beautifully saturated hand dyed roving today! Just visit Smoky Mountain Fibers (why not pick a few things up while you're there!) find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a name on Saturday, so be sure and twitter/facebook/blog about this giveaway to get extra entries.
AnneMarie, Thank you so much for offering us a sample of this deliciousness!! It's out of this world! (sorry, I just had to)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Desert Garden Farms SAL giveaway!

Wow! Another amazing giveaway from Desert Garden Farms! Jennifer is famous for her SALs! What is a SAL? It's a "Spin- A- Long" where everyone who participates is sent coordinating (either in theme or actual fiber) spinning fiber and as a virtual group, spins and post pictures to the specific group. Desert Garden offers small contests as a part of participating to make it more fun.
Here is what Jennifer has to say about her Star Trek SAL:
Art Batts.....the Final Frontier.
Four ounces of fluffy, out of this world goodness in the form of a Spin A Long with a Star Trek theme! Fibers will be a surprise but may include any number of breeds of wool, bamboo, banana fiber, silk or silk noil, ecospun, mohair, llama, alpaca, plenty of sparkle and who knows what else! If you have an allergy, please make a note on your order. I don't want to send you something you won't enjoy! If you are purchasing this as a gift, let me know and I will make up a little card for you to give so that your loved one knows what has been reserved for them.
Okay, so the details..... Spaces will be availalble until January 20th or they run out, whichever is first. Batts will be scheduled to ship on or about January 25th. You will have until Feb 28 to spin and share your yarn with the group over at Desert Garden Farms on Ravelry. Spin Long and Prosper!
We're giving away a Star Trek SAL slot! Just visit Desert Garden Farms, find something you like, and post it here in the comments section. We'll be drawing for the winner on Saturday, so be sure and tweet/facebook/ravelate for extra entries.
If you'd like to participate in this SAL, please contact Jennifer as I'm sure she would be happy to make room for you.
Monday, December 14, 2009
WC Mercantile Texas Fiber Club Giveaway!

The best little wool shop in Texas has generously offered a Texas Fiber Club giveaway here on the Phat Fiber blog!! I'm so excited!! Many of you have had a taste of Stephanie's artisan dyed fiber in your boxes (check out the top picture for a sneak peek at December!) and the response has been wonderful!
We love all of the different fiber options available in the shop! Silk, Wool, Mohair, Firestar, it's really all there. Go look for yourself :) While you're there, feel free to oogle the spinning wheels, the dyes, the yarn, *sigh* this is where I daydream about having a part time job at WCMercantile (quality control, you know, so Steph can put an 'inspected by J' sticker on everything).
So, you want a Texas Fiber Club? Just visit WCMercantile, find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. Extra entries will be allotted to those who plurk, twitter, facebook, ravelate, or blog about this giveaway/shop. Remember to leave a way for us to find you, but the best way to see if you've won this amazing giveaway, is to check back on Saturday! That is when we'll be selecting a winner.
Thank you so much Stephanie, for bringing us superior products at great prices!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Winners- and water main breakage.
Designs by Tami sheepy knitting needles: Cozyknitting
Wild Hare Lucky roving: PJS (jcloke)
The finish carpenters who are supposed to be * drywalling * my studio just broke a water main (head/desk) . Instead of screaming into a pillow, I'm going to try and finish some gift shopping this afternoon. I hope you all have a great afternoon too! I'm sure I'll be posting this weekend, but I did want to remind everyone that we are FAST approaching the deadline for the Fall competition (Dec 20th!) I hope you're all spinning/clicking/poking away!
Designs by Tami sheepy knitting needles: Cozyknitting
Wild Hare Lucky roving: PJS (jcloke)
The finish carpenters who are supposed to be * drywalling * my studio just broke a water main (head/desk) . Instead of screaming into a pillow, I'm going to try and finish some gift shopping this afternoon. I hope you all have a great afternoon too! I'm sure I'll be posting this weekend, but I did want to remind everyone that we are FAST approaching the deadline for the Fall competition (Dec 20th!) I hope you're all spinning/clicking/poking away!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Shearlock's Choice Award- Light Brown Hare

Our Shearlock is said to be en route back home from Light Brown Hare Headquarters. I do hope he doesn't get caught in a blizzard!
Shearlock had an absolute amazing time this past month, and as you can see from the photos he was incredibly well taken care of- I hope he hasn't gained too much weight or we'll have to put him on that nasty alfalfa sprout diet again.
After discovering the Light Brown Hare crew also enjoys Battlestar Gallactica, Shearlock phoned home to say he wanted to stay a little longer. The food, the wine, the all day dyeing and the cutting up with Dale (Shearlock finally got to use all of his BSG jokes/quotes and references!)- it has been heaven for him.
Dale has already listed some full sized yarn that will be featured in our "Aurora Borealis and Beyond" December box. I am certainly drooling over the 600 yd Nebula yarn. *Sigh* I love it when I can buy a special skein of fingering weight in enough yardage to knit a small shawl. Nebula, you may be mine yet :)
Thank you so much Dale, for taking such good care of Shearlock and for letting us all in on your adventures in dyeing and knitting. We've had great fun peeking in on your artwork!
Speaking of
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wild Hare and Giveaway!

I'm so very excited to be featuring this Phattie today. Wild Hare's shop is absolutely brimming with fiber candy of all shapes and sizes! From the awesome Spinolution wheels and spindles to art yarns and finished scarves this shop has it all!
Wild Hare is a one-stop shop with an artistic flare. Take a look at her new fiber ornaments! So festive and adorable! Melissa is also famous for utilizing local mills and fiber to create unique products like her tweedy roving (ingenious!)
I hope you all have fun perusing Wild Hare today! Melissa has generously offered this beautiful 3 oz "lucky" wool top for a giveaway! Just tell us which Wild Hare product really floats your boat in the comments section below. We'll be drawing for a winner on Friday so be sure and let your other online friends know about the giveaway- twitter/facebook/ravelry.
Melissa, thank you so much for sharing your ingenuity with us!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Designs by Tami *giveaway*

Tami sent in the cutest santa sheep stitch markers last month! Did you know she has matching santa sheep knitting needles? What an adorable gift it would make - or embellishment for the top of a knitting related gift!
I wanted to have a little blogpost on this busy Monday, to remind you that Tami has lots of inexpensive but cute items you can use to stuff your stockings this year! Check out the photo bracelets!
We're giving away this adorable set of Santa Sheep knitting needles! Just visit Designs by Tami, Find something you like, write about it in the comments section below this post and remember to retweet/facebook/blog for extra entries!
Thank you so much for creating these adorable sheepies for us to enjoy, Tami!
Friday, December 4, 2009
We have winners this week!
Alisha Goes Around Spark sock- Crystal Rutheford
Blue Mountain Handcrafts batts- Stephanie (nephnie)
Moonlight and Laughter batt- Lilyunfolding
And in non-fiber news:
Tonight, Marcus and I will have the exceptional pleasure of learning How to Rob a Bank- No really! My beautiful sister is hosting a house concert for Willy Porter at the Dairy in Metropolis, IL, if you're in the area (worth driving to if not!) it should be an intimate but amazing performance.
Alisha Goes Around Spark sock- Crystal Rutheford
Blue Mountain Handcrafts batts- Stephanie (nephnie)
Moonlight and Laughter batt- Lilyunfolding
And in non-fiber news:
Tonight, Marcus and I will have the exceptional pleasure of learning How to Rob a Bank- No really! My beautiful sister is hosting a house concert for Willy Porter at the Dairy in Metropolis, IL, if you're in the area (worth driving to if not!) it should be an intimate but amazing performance.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Moonlight and Laughter Batt Giveaway!

Oh I've yet to have my first sip of Egg Nog this year, but the November Moonlight and Laughter samples made me crave it! I also look at the yarn and immediately see a little knit dress with embroidery on the bodice for my little toddler. Hmmm. Maybe this yarn needs to be mine?
Marilla is one of the sweetest Phatties there is and her strength and wisdom as a person amazes me. She dyes some amazing yarn and fiber too!
We're giving away this beautiful lilac batt created by Marilla. It's incredibly floofly and delicate looking and would make the lovliest yarn, I think! Please visit Moonlight and Laughter and find something you like, write about it in the comments section below so we can all see! Remember, to always leave a way for me to find you, and remember to use your social networking sites as extra entries- let everyone know about Moonlight and Laughter and what you like!
Thanks Marilla! Your colorways are knitting and spinning inspiration!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Blue Mountain Handcrafts fiber Giveaway!

As we approach Winter, there is no need to be glum! Winter has traditionally been a time to catch up on all of our fibery projects, a time for quiet reflection and to notice the subtle winter beauty that surrounds us.
Beth, from Blue Mountain Handcrafts has created this gorgeous set of spinning batts called 'Bare Trees and Blue Sky' for a giveaway (psst click the link and buy it for yourself while it's still in her shop!) A beautiful melange of blues, grays and black with a hint of sparkle.
When you visit Blue Mountain Handcrafts, you'll notice right away, the humorous and whimsical atmosphere and the colorful creations. Beth has also managed to use the word fiber and bail in the same sentence and for that, I think she needs some special award :) It got me thinking about what a happy place Blue Mountain must be, and reminded me of that old song about a "Big Rock Candy Mountain" Swap out fibery goodies for the sugary stuff and that must be what Blue Mountain is like!- Am I right, Beth?
We're giving away this beautiful Bare Trees batt set! Just visit Blue Mountain Handcrafts, find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll draw for a winner on Friday so be sure to check back! Also remember to retweet/facebook for extra entries.
Thanks so much Beth, for your gorgeous creations and your lighthearted and supportive outlook on what is normally considered a serious affliction (at least that's what my hubby thinks!)
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