As promised by the weather-man, I woke to a nice fresh blanket of snow this morning. Although still is inspiring and beautiful, I'm growing weary of the bleakness and wishing for the bright greens of my garden to appear.
If you're needing some color therapy like me, please check out Color Bug Yarns! I think Ann's store is the fiber equivalent of a candy shop! Many of her colorways are so cheerful and colorful, you can't help but be a little happy while looking over there.
Last month, Ann's inspiration for her Phat Fiber samples, was Eric Carle's books. We're giving away her "Beautiful Butterfly" corriedale cross roving as a giveaway! All you need do, is visit Color Bug Yarns, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below. Extra entries will be awarded to those who use twitter, ravelry, facebook, or other social media networking sites to help spread the word about Color Bug Yarns.
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful dye-work with us, Ann!
Haha, three guesses which sock yarn I want.
A Beautiful Butterfly. The rainbowest rainbow I ever did see. Fabulous.
RTed @millarca!
Wow, the honeymooon merino batting is beautiful! *puts on list for when bank account recovers* sigh.
I just love everything in Colorbug's store. I just started spinning and I bought my first pound of yarn from her, in the Peacock pheather colorway.
I loved all of Color Bug Fibers, but what drew my eye today was those adorable and very useful pattern markers!!! I'm always losing my place on charts!
I really love the scarlet begonias merino. Reminds me of having flowers growing outside my window!
I love the Color Bug Hand painted sock yarn in A Beautiful Butterfly.
I love butterflies and my bedroom in decorated in butterflies.
All of the colors are so beautiful and brilliant! I have to say though, that I am most in love with that Beautiful Butterfly colorway. You really nailed it Ann--it is gorgeous!
Love the begonia!
I love Purple Pieman - 4.1 oz Merino, as most know, I'm a true sucker for purples!
Klimt! It's so pretty! And I'm just learning how to knit socks...
Ask me which one I DON'T love and there won't be an answer! I think I really love "Pigs in Space," though, b/c I'm a HUGE Muppets fan! The Beautiful Butterfly is also a favorite of mine, and I really hope I win!!
Well-you are right. The colors do perk one up on these bleak days. I think the colors are beautiful, and it is nice just to stare at them for a while.
There are so many that I like, but I have to say that Klimt, Koi and OOAK are some of my favorites!
That Dragon Fly sock yarn is so yummy! My favorite colors all together.
Color Bug Hand Painted Sock Yarn - A Beautiful Butterfly is beautiful. I have been looking for a yarn to try Entrelac with. This is it! "A beautiful mix of purplish blue and rich brown. Will surely remind you of those first spring flowers!" This is the Hyacinth fiber. The description says it all.
Lots of things here that I want. But I really-really-really want the Autumn Peak hand painted sock yarn. Really!
I saw the Color Bug Hand Painted Sock Yarn - A Beautiful Butterfly: it's the most incredible yarn! So many colors in one skein.
I love the scarlet begonia roving...gorgeous!!
I am amazed at the colors of A Beautiful Butterfly roving. It looks like somebody spilled a big container of brightly colored gumballs! And my second favorite (because I can't have just one) is Tidal Pool.
I'm torn between Purple Pieman, Hyacinths, and Dragonfly. What vibrant colours she has!
Also RTed so my friends can sigh over it all as well: @owldaughter
Love all the yarns. So much color! I can see myself spinning A beautiful butterfly or Koi.
I really like the Peacock Pheather BFL!
LOVE LOVE LOVE Color Bug Hand Painted Sock Yarn - Inchworm!
OOOOO! So pretty *Bookmarks site*
I would love to have her sock yarn in the colorway inchworm. I think it would make a really fun, funky pair of jaywalker socks!
I love the dragonfly Corriedale! So beautiful.
What fun colors! Just love them all!
The Inchworm sock yarn is great...it actually looks like the color of an inchworm!
Autumn's Peak makes me all warm and fuzzy inside b/c it reminds me of my childhood in the late 80's early 90's when neon colors were all the rage...haha!!
I LOVE the Klimt sock yarn! So many pretty colors! I think it will come live with me now!
Koi sock yarn! And the Honeymoon batts. Just looking at it gives me a sweet tooth.
I want them all! But especially Thin Mint, Peacock Pheather, Jack Straw and Iris. Wow, so gorgeous!
Ooh! I really like the Jack Straw, Scarlet Begonia, and Hyacinth merino rovings! Those colors are so lovely!
A Beautiful Butterfly, it's like a trip through the crayon box - the big one with all the colors!
Oooo, so pretty! I love the Koi and the Dragonfly and the Peacock Pheather and the Tide Pool and the OOAK (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32792059)...
I love the Color Bug Hand Dyed Yarn - Ocean. It's so peaceful.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
pigs in space and butterfly are amazing. The colors are just breathtaking!!1 I love them all sooo much!!!
Ooo, I really like the Autumn Peak!
I think she does amazing work! But I REALLY love "Pigs in Space." The name makes me laugh, and the muppets rock...
I like the beautiful butterfly roving for socks.
Oooh, her colors are so vibrant! I love Dragonfly - 4 oz Corriedale X and Peacock Pheather - 4 oz BFL. Both so pretty!
The colors are so happy! I think I like Scarlet Begonia the best but it is a tough choice.
I like this one: Ribbit - 2.4 oz Merino Batt
"Koi" is definitely my favorite. What can I say, I love blue!
Ravelry ID: LilChickadee
Love the very colorful Beautiful Butterfly yarn. (Very Hungey catepillar is my daughter's favorite book!). Inchworm yarn is fun too!
Love Color Bug Hand Painted Sock Yarn - Dragonfly
I really like the Scarlet Begonia roving. the colors are so intense!
lol at the cute bug packaging!
Love the scarlet begonias merino!!
dragonfly- love her shop
I really love the Koi Corriedale but I'm probably partial because I have a koi tatto!
Purple Pieman - 4.1 oz Merino
Looks so nice , love the colors !
i love all of the bright colors. i especially love "pigs in space"!
All of them are beautiful! I just bought Koi for a swap partner and the customer service and friendly attitude were so great! Love this shop!
I like the Color Bug Hand Painted Sock Yarn - Inchworm
I love Ribbit!
It's great!
There are so many beautiful things in Color Bug's Shop!!! But if I was going to buy something right now it would be the Beautiful Butterfly Roving would be top on my list. I would love to try to make a yarn that shifts from color to color and use it to knit a Zozo!
I really love several but the Lemonade roving is wonderful!
Dragonfly is beautiful!
I am torn, I liked the Tidal Pool with the mix of turquoise, blue and purple. Corriedale is my favorite spinning fiber. But the Inchworm is lovely as well, reminding me that the "wearing o' the green" seasaon is right around the corner!
Pigs In Space, definitely! XD What a great name!
Color me Preppy or Ribbit!! Those batts would felt up beautifully!
I'm usually not a huge fan of blue but I really love dragonfly. What great bold colors
I am loving "Lemonade"!The colors make me smile.
I love the Autumn Peak handpainted yarn, such a gorgeous blend of colours.
I'm new to spinning corriedale and LOVE IT, so I'd say my fav is the Autumn peak-- my favorite time of year in COLORADO.
thanks! Leanne@thewoolwideweb.com
I love Tidal Pool. And Dragonfly. I guess I am in my blue phase. My little girl went for the Colorful Butterfly without a single hesitation.
I LOVE the Peacock Pheather roving. Soooo gorgeous!
I am in love with her hand painted sock yarn in Klimt, I have it favorited and it's next in queue to be purchased from me! I am slowly learning to knit socks and I love the vibrant colors in this, its so "me"!
Bohemia Fibers
I love A Beautiful Butterfly, 6 oz Roving for Socks the braid is so pretty.
"The Beautiful Butterfly" in Corriedale is such an amazing antidote to the bleak colors in my world right now....
What great, bright colors! I love a beautiful butterfly colors.
LOved the Ocean. So leaping into spring!
I love colors. I LOOOOVE colors. So I love everything in there. But especially the sock yarn in Inchworm. Would make a perfect pair of spring socks.
I'm really interested in how the Peacock Pheather BFL will spin up. Maybe after my student loan comes in...
I love the merino batt in the pantsuit colorway.
No question. The tidal pool roving.
The Honeymoon merino is gorgeous.
Also when I was a child Eric Carle's Hungry Caterpillar was my favourite book.
And I tweeted
i like the a beautiful butterfly roving vbarton24 at gmail dot com
Lots of fun happy fiber to choose from in this shop! My favorite is the Ribbit merino batt - the green/purple colors really speak to me - love it!
Currently loving the Hand Painted Sock Yarn in "Klimt" - looks like something from last night's Olympic Opening Ceremony!
Color Bug Hand Painted Sock Yarn - Klimt
STUNNING! So amazing. The photo is gorgeous, the yarn in a feast for the eyes.
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