As soon as I'm done with this post, I'm going to load up my shopping cart at Ambrosia and Bliss. I am participating in a swap and I think my person might really enjoy some of Rebecca's Rambouillet or some of the beautiful soft batts that she sent in for this month's Phat Fiber Box.
Speaking of those samples.. boy were they delicious! So soft, so delicate looking and the colors pretty much perfect! I think my favorite was the fire, though I rarely spin anything that looks like that color-wise, I can see it spun and knit up! Ahh creative vision/inspiration! It would be really neat to have that collection and incorporate all of the elemental colors into one project- a scarf, mittens a double dose might make a s shawl hmmm....
We're giving away this beautiful 4 oz braid of merino in a delicious blue raspberry colorway! Just visit Ambrosia and Bliss and find something you love. Post about it in the comments section below and we'll draw for a winner (probably tomorrow!!) be quick and make sure you use twitter/facebook to help spread the word!
Thanks so much Rebecca, for creating these lovelies for us, and for the charity work you've done with your shop ;)
I love the sugar maple sock yarn, it shimmers so beautifully- lucious looking yarn :0)
I loved the Ambrosia and Bliss January sample; the merino was incredible, and the Corfu colourway was so beautiful and spun up so smoothly. I'm currently eyeing Camouflage and Maize. Ooh, the Maize is even Rambouillet, a wool I've been meaning to try...
RTed too! @owldaughter
I like her handspun. Specificially the Marianas.
Lizbert on Ravelry
I love the earth batt, blue star flag batt, and kiss roving.
I love the elements Batts!!! I got Water in my Phat Fiber box and I'm seriously tempted to get the whole set!
I LOVE the Red Maple merino top! I can also see myself spinning one of the Camouflage tops.
I'm digging the CONGO Falkland wool braid :)
Listing my favorite one is not going to be easy so I am listing them all. LOL
Yukon Roving Top, Dorothy Roving Top, Elemental Air Batt, Pansy Roving Top, Bramble Hand Dyed Yarn, Amazon Hand Dyed Yarn and the Blue Star Flag Batt.
All of them are terrific!
I adore the Red Maple braid. It would make a stunning shawl!
Then I saw a TEAL DEER eating the JUNIPER BERRIES and NEBBIOLO over in the BRAMBLE!
Donna Braamse on FB
jpbddb at yahoo dot com
I love the Teal Deer Merino roving.
The Hand-dyed Yarn - BRAMBLE - Superwash Merino Fingering Weight - 4oz / 560 yards is really stunning.
Roving/Top - POND - Rambouillet - 4 oz this screams SPRING!
Yummm yummy! I adore the Merino/fingering AMAZON! All that roving inspires me to take up spinning!
Beautiful rovings! I love Dorothy -
The Maize Rambouillet roving, put it in my favorites some time ago ;-)
I really like the elemental sampler she put together. I didn't get any samples of her stuff in my box, so this would be a great way to try them out!
I like the colorway of Sugar Maple in the hand dyed merino/bamboo blend yarn.
Knittingdancer on Ravelry
The roving named PEEPS is just so happy and sunny! It looks soft and squishy just like a newborn chick :)
Pretty! I love the Amazon merino/bamboo sock yarn. Yes please!
I love love love the "Hand-dyed Yarn - SUGAR MAPLE - Superwash Merino/Bamboo Fingering Weight - 4oz / 510 yards". It really was love at first sight, not I want to get some cuddle time with it since it looks so soft and scrumptious!
I like the Congo in Blue best
I like the Congo in Blue best
I am liking the NEBBIOLO. I am a sucker for purple. LOL. : )
I love the Nebbiolo roving! What rich colors!
The merino top in Dorothy. I am a sucker for anything rainbow!
Rav ID: LilChickadee
the red maple braid, so wonderful!
Mmmm . . . sugarmaple . . . yum!
I like the air elemental batt. Pretty and soft! mmm
OHHHHH! Hand-dyed Yarn - AMAZON - Superwash Merino/Bamboo Fingering Weight - 4oz / 510 yards- LOVE LOVE!
The congo roving was beautiful! I'd love to see how that spins up.
I think my favorite may be the pansy roving. the colors just scream spring to me!
Roving top: Be Still My Heart. Well, it got my heart thumpin'!
What a bright and cheery color way. NEBBIOLO - Rambouillet love it!
Gah! I cant choose just one! Ice, Kiss, Clearwater beach rovings or the elemental set since i couldn't get a fiber box this month.
Interesting! I was just looking at her Esty site last night!
Love her color sense...it comes close to mine and, heaven knows, I have excellent taste..HA!
I, also, love that the fiber Batts are 4oz! That is kinda rare. Love spinning(drop spindle) from batts, I've just discovered.
I love her roving/tops, esp. the Moss, Algae, Congo, Teal Deer, Dorothy, nad Red Maple.
So pretty! I'm favoriting her.
I like so many, but my favorite is Roving/Top - YUKON - Merino - 4 oz. It just caught my eye!
I'm normally drawn to greens and blues, but for some reason I love the looks of her fire batts and tropical fruit roving. If I had more money this month I would have bought the fire batt to compliment the earth one I got in my box as a sample.
Oh the King and the Marinas and the Kelpie yarns are just luscious.
RT'd @Echo6979
you know, i've never understood the "blue raspberry" flavor, but the color looks gorgeous. i also love the clearwater beach roving. this shop could be dangerous...
atthebreakofnoon on ravelry
I love the Green Goddess batt! The colors are all so beautiful!
Uhm, everything! But, I really like the Amazon and Congo colorways.
I think her elemental batts are amazing. I got a sample in my phat box and it is so soft and pretty!
Love love LOVE the Spring Fling!
I love the pansy and pond but oh they are all soo amazing!!!
i love the TEAL DEER Merino it;s beautiful
My favorite is the Teal Deer roving, but I love it all!
Elemental Earth- wonderful!
I love the batts they look so fluffy. I have a hard time deciding but would like to try the Green Godess it just looks so springy.
lotsofhermies on Ravelry
I love the blue raspberry colorway!
I like the Roving/Top - DOROTHY - Merino - 4 oz
Beautiful! I've loved spinning all the different samples i've gotten from her :)
And i want the Teal Deer roving because it makes me giggle every time I see it lmao tl;dr hehe
I love the handpainted braids in this shop - the colorways are unique, vibrant and very fresh! My favorite is the PANSY - Rambouillet - these colors together are to dye for!
The Pansy dyed roving looks bright and cheery to me! Lots of fun colors to choose from though :)
I'm Knitmit on rav
I also tweeted about the contest :)
knitmit on rav
I love the "Congo" Falkland roving!
I want to go over that rainbow with Dorothy!
The Fruit Salad roving is so pretty I'd be afraid to ruin it by spinning it. I also like the rovings in Red Maple and Tropical Fruit.
Love the green goddess batt! Great color, and fun name :)
Bramble! I love Bramble! Gonna get me some Bramble! LOL
The Teal Deer roving is quite lovely. Thanks for the contest and for another Etsy shop to stalk ;)
--Vickyknits on Ravelry
The elemental Earth one just calls to me. Gorgeous!!
Eee I love the Ambrosia & Bliss batts! They're so gorgeous, and Rebecca is so nice!
Dana, aka craftygirl83 on Ravelry
I love how soft the elementals look. Air is one of the loveliest shades of white I've seen.
I really like the Elemental Series and Camouflage - but it's really hard to make a choice. All her roving looks great.
I've been eyeing Dorothy and Grandma's Kitchen for ages now. Love, love the colors of the roving.
cthulhulovesme at Rav
I love the SUGAR MAPLE Hand-dyed Yarn. It looks so yummy.
I'm really diggin' her interpretation of the earth element in Batts - Elemental Series EARTH - Merino/Firestar - 4oz, if only I had a bit of play money at the moment, they would be mine!
I love the colors in the SUGAR MAPLE - Superwash Merino/Bamboo Fingering Weight yarn! Gorgeous!
Blue Sky and Corfu are really nice. Her colors are really great. The sock yarn is really pretty too, but I am on a sock yarn diet. I try not to even look.
I Love the Solar Flare! What a nice spacey name--and it does do a lovely approximation of the colors of the actual phenomenon!
I like the Roving/Top - NEBBIOLO - Rambouillet.
I love Batts - Elemental Series EARTH. Those are totally my colors!
In the spirit of March, Green Godess Batt looks lovely!!
So many lovely colors. I love the Pansy one. And just got my first spindle, so I just can't stop spinning now.
I love this one:
Roving/Top - NEBBIOLO - Rambouillet
Love Pansy, love Ice, and love Congo
The Dorothy merino is beautiful!
I'm a sucker for the greens and blues and can't decide whether I like Pond, Algae, or Spring Fling the best...hmm...maybe I shall spend my fiber allowance on one of the three!
I really liked that there is a variety in the shop. I also love this colorway Roving/Top - CLEARWATER BEACH - Rambouillet - 4 oz
The number one item on my whishlist is FIRE from the Elemental Series. But I could quite easily be talked into buying the TEAL DEER Roving/Top too. Or SEAFOAM!
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