Have any of you been wondering where I purchased the cute stamps that decorate the outside of the Phat boxes each month? We have two very talented phatties who carve their own stamps! The ones I've purchased from Winemakerssister are very well done. Thick and sturdy, they don't need to be mounted on wood.
Many of Heather's designs are fiber or knitting related! I especially love her knit love one.. expect that to be gone soon :)
If you are looking for some gorgeous stitchmarkers, winemakerssister has so many to choose from. I love that many of them are gold tone- you don't see that very often and it lends to an air of sophistication. I am especially in love with her coffee bean ones!
Heather sent in a few gnome printed note cards with March's samples- how cute are those guys! I am just amazed at how talented this woman is! Heather's April samples are here and I'm super excited about them (something new!).
We are giving away one of Winemakerssister's hand carved "celtic heart" stamp! Please visit heather's shop and find something you like! Post about it below (second entries for helping get the word out on twitter, facebook, plurk or blogs) and the drawing will be held Tuesday.
Thank you Heather, for being a contributor to Phat Fiber! We hope you continue to contribute more beautiful samples.
The "Make coffee, not war" and "Make cupcakes, not war" stamps are adorable! Too funny!
Thanks for the lovely write-up, Jessie!
I think that I might have to order the OM stamp for my daughter, but I love the sheep stamps.
I love the cat and coin stitch markers!
I think the "Keep calm and carry on" stamp would be wonderful to use for random acts of kindness tagging.
"Keep calm and carry on" definitely!
teabird / ravelry
Oooh ooh oh - I want the Bulky Sheep Stamp. Cuteness! I've admired these stamps before, I might have to break down and buy some soon!
I love the "Make Coffee, not war" stamp, and I know several people who would love the stitch markers with the mugs. Wonderful find!
LOVE the OM stamp - and the snail mail, and the yarn and needles - of course Make Coffee, Not War....so many things. Another talented artisan you've brought us! Thank you!
Retweeted, of course!
LOVE the OM stamp - and the snail mail, and the yarn and needles - of course Make Coffee, Not War....so many things. Another talented artisan you've brought us! Thank you!
Retweeted, of course!
I love the happy and grumpy carrot stamps. They make me giggle!
I'll post about your giveaway on my blog, Heather!
As a letter writer, I have to say her various snail mail stamps were favorited and along with the make cupcakes not war stamp. Loved her shop!
Yum! I'm loving the Ice Cream Cone Notecards.
I like this stamp:
Bulky Sheep Stamp
I love her stamps! (and pretty much everything else) I was wondering where Jessie got her Phat Fiber stamp!
I think I woulds get more use out of the please ruse stamp because I reuse every box that gets sent to me! :)
But since I was a barista for a decade, the coffee stamp is cute!
Zomg I choose http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=17983348 the angry and happy Carrot!!!!! There are so many cute stamps and things on here... but I think I could not bear it if happy carrot became sad carrot because I did not pick him.
ravid: burnt3rain
I love all her stamps! On my list of things to buy when I get myself a little treat, for sure!!
i can't pick just one...love the celtic stitch markers, the tea wallets, the leaping lamb Knit stamp....maybe i'll get some good tips at work today!! great crafter! PS Knick is on his way back to you in todays mail.
I love the yarn and knitting needles stamp and also the "Keep Calm and Carry On" stamp. I think my English grandmother would really enjoy that one. ;)
I love the "Bulky Sheep" stamp and and "Aqua and Friends" notecards. I also like the "Earth Laughs in Flowers" card. I have a garden plaque with that quote and it's one of my favorites.
I love her ball of yarn and needles. The sheep are cool too!!
here stamps are awesome! :]
There's not much I don't like in her shop. I especially love the snail mail stamps, though. =)
the cletec heart stamp of course, the bulky sheep and there is an awesome knitting bag that I covet... sigh...
I like the patchwork notebooks!
The yarn and knitting needle stamp, but I also love the chocolate heart stitch markers. Oh and the happy carrot and grumpy carrot stamps. What a great shop.
Wow, those stitchmarkers are gorgeous!
lucky cat & coin stitchmarkers
Gryffindor charm bracelet
Red felted Rose Brooch
and so many more! I wish I had the money to get these, but it will have to wait until I have a job again.
Great giveaway!
MariAngel on Ravelry
The fat sheep and love knit stamps are my favorites! But the quilted paper notecards, Wow!
I've been eying those sheep stamps!
i like the acorn stamp best. i think it's really strong in it's simplicity. nicely made!
rav id: talithkuomi
I like the Hogwarts Bracelet for Gryffindor and I'm not even all that into Harry Potter. I just love the colors.
Chrissy at knittodayAThotmailDOTcom
I love the please reuse this stamp and the lucky cat stitch markers (so cute!)
I twittered this too.
My twitter id is Marn0032
Heather's stamps are wonderful..I ordered a sheep stamp from her and have started using it on all of my packaging! The carrot stamps are fun and would be good for angora people to use! Her shipping is super fast, it came wrapped and with a candy..just for me. Thank you Heather!
Lots of cute stuff! The snail mail stamp is adorable :) I also like the Lucky Cat and Coin stitch markers.
I love so many things in her shop very cool stuff.My fav is Yarn and Knitting Needles Hand Carved Rubber Stamp.Hugs Darcy
rav id knottyknitter40
Lucky Cat and Coin Stitch Markers. That is so cute.
monkalicious on Rav
The snail mail stamp would be perfect for the letters I try to write:)
I absolutely love the lucky cat and coin stitch markers. I might need to do some shopping....
dragonmaille (Rav)
I love the stamps! My favorites are the "Make Coffee, Not War" and the celtic heart stamps.
Lovely job.
knitmomma on Rav
Those stamps are great! My favorites are all the snail mail ones and the yarn and knitting needles one.
I really like the "Make Coffee, Not War"-handcarved stamp. Isn't it just fun??? I think so.
I really like the stamp that is the sheep that says "knit" inside. Soooo cute!
I like the Make Coffee, Not War stamp!
I love all the stamps! I can't really choose between the sheep or the yarn ball though. They are my faves.
It's so hard to decide. The Bulky Sheep Stamp caught my eye right off and made me smile so I'll have to go with that one.
Rav ID puglvr
Thanks for all the lovely comments, everyone! They are so much fun to read.
I just wanted to mention that I wasn't the one who carved the stamps on the PhatFiber blog header -- the credit for those goes to Kata @ kataish.etsy.com
I am trying to get into stamping-I like the pink and brown notecards and the snail mail stamp!
I love the coin and cat stitch markers. You can never have enough!
I like the Lucky Celtic Stitch Markers.
I like all the stuff, but the "make cupcakes not war" is my favorite.
Rebelhousewife on Rav
I also posted about this on my blog
I love the acorn stamp. Looking at her shop makes me feel like I should get out my stamps and make some cards.
There really are too many lovely things to choose from. I like the bulky sheep stamp and Peace in Sanskrit. All of her stitch markers are beautiful too.
Rav ID = desertknitta
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