Am . bro. sia
Something especially delicious to taste or smell.
Supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment.
I love this little shop! Rebecca says 'Ambrosia' and 'Bliss' are two words her family uses to describe things they like. If you've experienced any of her samples in the last four boxes, you will agree that her products are exceptional, and give off a very good loving vibe. We've experienced her delicious lavender sachets, beautiful stone pendants, her wonderful mixed media sheep and this month you'll get to experience her beautiful handspun! She had a custom roving dyed for her by another phattie and it tured out so beautiful! The yarn is meant to remind you of blooming Crabapple trees, and it is so fresh and pretty.
We have a lovely green stone pendant with sterling bail to give away here! Please visit Ambrosia and Bliss, and find something you like. Post about it below, and you'll be entered in the drawing on Friday. Be sure and help get the word out with Facebook, Twitter and your own blog- I'll count you extra if you do!
Thank you so much, Rebecca! I love your shop, your attention to detail, and your keen sense of color and design. We look forward to your future submissions to Phat Fiber!
I've been reading a book on crystals and hoping to get some new one's. This stone is beautiful:)
Love this yarn!
I can just imagine the feel of it!
wow I'm in love with the green speckled pendant in her shop :)
I love Marianas!! The flecks are super awesomely delicious! Must... Have.... Soon....
Yarn - MARIANAS - Superwash wool, sari silk and angelina singles - Sport weight, 175 yards
I love the pendant that is being given away! And I also love her Yarn - CRABAPPLE - Suffolk/Hampshire - Worsted, 200 yds. Beautiful things, and great name too!
Facebooked and Tweeted.
I love Marianas!! The flecks are super awesomely delicious! Must... Have.... Soon....
Yarn - MARIANAS - Superwash wool, sari silk and angelina singles - Sport weight, 175 yards
my favorite is solar flare I, i just love the added sparkle to it~ nice shop and thanx for showing us!
Lovely stuff. I like the Green Dichroic Glass Oval pendant. (And it's reasonably priced, too... hm...)
I wish I could wear earrings...the Ocean Jasper Ovals are so pretty!
I also love the Ocean Jasper Earrings. Gorgeous!
The crabapple yarn is gorgeous. I also really like the Jade Greens and Grays Round Stone Pendant in her shop.
cthulhulovesme on Rav
<3 <3 serenity sax.
I must have a serenity sac.
the solar flare handspun is calling my name!
I absolutely love the colors of her Yarn - CRABAPPLE - Suffolk/Hampshire. In my mind I wouldn't think that those colors would blend easily but boy do they work together! pretty sure that is being added to my favs right now!
I love the Green Speckled Stone Pendant.
I'm in love with the ocean jasper earings! And I've loved the samples I've gotten from her - lavender sachet and the mixed media sheep. Just beautiful!
Have to say Crabapple all the way
The crab apple yarn really appeals to me as I have a beautiful blooming crab apple tree outside my apartment window :)
I love the Marianas yarn! I really like the specks in it.
I love the Ocean Jasper earrings - and the fact that she donates and encourages us to sign up for the registry -
I'm loving the solar flare, but the silver filigree earings with the pearls are too gorgeous for words. This is a really beautiful shop!
gamil: draganafae
i like the Ocean Jasper Ovals earring but then i liked every thing.
I like the simplicity of the pendants. :)
I love the Marianas yarn. I would have never thought to do that with recycled sari yarn, but the end result is beautiful!\
Lizbert on Ravelry
That crabapple yarn is so beautiful. We had a huge crabapple tree in our yard when I was a kid so this yarn makes me very nostalgic. If I don't win it, I may just buy some anyway!
I love the Stary handpainted box! And all the pendants, too! :)
Yarn - CRABAPPLE - Suffolk/Hampshire - Worsted, 200
I love the name.....
Those Ocean Jasper earrings are fabulous! I love them...now if only I could find a way to magic more money into my account...
I am not normally an orange person, but this one just jumped right out at me!
I thought I'd like the yarn best, but the Pendant - Jade Greens and Grays Round Stone looks really good to me.
Great stuff! I love the serenity sax - especially in pacifica.
love the Yarn - CRABAPPLE - Suffolk/Hampshire - Worsted, 200 yds good color rav id:cptsnoopy
I love those crabapple yarns. I love yellow-green and red-purpley-pinks and I love them even more together.
The green pendant is really pretty too. I can imagine with something pink.
I love the suffolk/hamp Crabapple. What gorgeous colors!
The Crabapple Merino/Bamboo looks so springlike and pretty.
beautiful items!
I love the round jade green and gray pendant. They are all so beautiful.
OH! I love the Wood-grain Stone Oval pendant. So pretty! Wow!
It was my pleasure to "attack" Ambrosia and Bliss during a recent Sneak Attack. I was able to grab a gorgeous skein of her handspun then!
I have to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Hampshire/Suffolk version of the Crabapple colorway. Gorgeous!
I just love the crabapple yarn.
I'll go blog about the contest next.
So many pretty jewelry items. The green speckled pendant is my favorite.
hotmail = dadofra
I've just blogged about the contest on elaine-knitting.blogspot.com
The crabapple yarn is fabulous. i just love the colors.
Too many pretty choices. I especially like the Green Speckled Stone Pendant
Although I'm not normally a big fan of many different colors mixed, the Crabapple - Merino/Bamboo - Sport is just gorgeous
gmail - weyuker
The Crabapple - Merino/Bamboo - Sport is absolutely gorgeous.
gmail is foolforknit
I love all of the pendants.
tomknit AT gmail
i love the crabapple yarn.its gorgeous!!!! I so want to win some fo gthis and a giveaway!!!
I like the Serenity Saks, what a cute idea. The jewelry & yarn are nice too. Talented people here!
mmmm Crabapple x3! Great shop, I am in lurrve.
I tweeted ... had to spread the word! mamalefae on tweet
love the pendants. They're very pretty.
Solar Flare is amazing and this pendant giveaway is very fun.
Well that was easy. Definitely this one:
Yarn - CRABAPPLE - Suffolk/Hampshire - Worsted, 200 yds
by AmbrosiaandBliss
Love it!!
Bridgett at Rav.
The jade earrings are calling to me!
Love the Crabapple merino/bamboo yarn! The color is great and I'm always a fan of bamboo yarn :)
I love the green speckled pendant
Ravid: purple
I really love The Crabapple - Merino/Bamboo - Sport. It is really pretty.
hotmail is popofra
All the jewelry offerings were tempting (especially for a science teacher with a fondness for gems and minerals), but the one thing that caught my eye is the Hand-painted Memory Box with the Starry Night theme. It does remind me of the van Gogh painting, and that is my all-time favorite piece of artwork. Fantastic shop!
~sciteacher @ Ravelry
I LOVE the Earrings - Sterling Silver Filigree and Pearl! Simple yet so elegant, I'd wear them to the grocery store or to a special dinner with hubby.
love it all but the colors of the crabapple fibers are lovely
The Crabapple merino & bamboo yarn is just beautiful. The soft colors blend in the way I remember seeing the flowers of our childhood crabapple tree from my window. Really lovely.
It's pretty hard to pick just one thing from this lovely shop. If I had to pick, I'd be especially attracted to the Milky Yellow Teardrop Pendant.
I love the "Solar Flare" yarn and "Ocean Jasper Oval earings"
The Crabapple yarn is lovely, so springy and refreshing!!
I was kina bummed last month when i didn't get a sheep, i think they are adorable!
Nothing else touches the gorgeous handspun Crabapple yarn!
The colours just satisfy every tingling creative nerve ending in my body!!
The combination of the colours take me back to when I was a little girl ... Tiny Tears' rosebud dress ... my mother's front room which was used only for special visitors ie when the Priest came to visit ... forbidden sweets in jars at the corner shop ... Sunday puddings like apple crumble and custard with a plop of strawberry jam on top!!
Crabapple is even prettier than my favourite yarn: Artesano Alpaca (hummingbird) ... and THAT's saying something!!
I love the wood grain stone oval!
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