Kate from Knit it Up has lots of new things going on in her shop!
She's been busy dyeing roving, and has introduced a new line of Bamboo sock yarn called "Bamboozeled"!
You know what I'm very super-excited about? Her second installment of "Sock Yarn Cinema" will start next month!!! This time, Kate is doing one of her favorite (and mine!) movies "My Fair Lady". I don't know about you, but I feel like breaking out into song about it! But, I'll spare you, and get to the giveaway instead.
Kate is so generous, and sent in an absolutely gorgeous skein of her "Sea Wool" in the "English Garden" Colorway to be given away. This is very very soft and squishable, and has a subtle sheen to it. Rich olive vines, tea roses and antique golds flow through this 380 yd hank.
Kate is also a work at home Mom! Please visit Knit It Up, find something you love, and write about it in the comments section below here. The drawing will be held on Friday! Remember, tweeting, ravelating, plurking and facebooking will net you extra entries!!
Kate, I enjoy your shop so much! We look forward to your next contributions to the box!
Tabby cat in merino/banbo roving looks fabulous. Would make great socks
Normally I'm all about yarn and roving, but her little cedar sachets are just way too cute to pass up without mentioning. It's a perfect little solution to keeping your yarn stash smelling yummy in style, without any over the top essential oil smell. And I just read yesterday that using cedar chips in your storage bins keeps away moths and other bugs that might try to find a home there, so it's functional on top of being pretty!
I've also long been a fan of her knitting cards, they're perfect gifts for fellow knitters :)
She had some roving I was coveting before, but I see it's gone now :(
This yarn is in the same color, it looks like, so it's now my favorite. I'm not sure what it is about the soft colors that I love so much. I usually go for screaming bright colors - but man, I love this Milk and Honey Yarn: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23686604
Cordelia curvy murino- so so yummy. Squishy soft looking and the color is gorgous. This was a hard pick she has a lot of clolrs that make me go *squee*
Cordelia Etherial laceweight is such a pretty green. Love it!
LOVE the gift tags!! And her dye jobs are perfection.
I love the wildflower sock yarn, it looks yummy.
Love the His and Hers sachets-too cute! and, the Briar Bunny hat pattern. So adorable!
I love that midnight tweed sock yarn! However, I also am in love with the beautiful gift tags (and the tin they come in!).
Love the cordelia colorway, great deep colors!
The yarn looked so yummy, I went back and baught 2 skeins of yarn, Blue shoes and happiness and wildflower, I just could not resist.
HYDRANGEA Superwash Merino Top is my first choice, but TABBY CAT Bamboo/Merino Top is a close second!
I love the MIDNIGHT Freckles Donegal Tweed Sock Yarn
gmail - jerseyjessie
So many yarns to love! I think if I had to choose just one it would be the HYDRANGEA - Curvy Merino Handpainted Yarn.
Just re-tweeted ya, too.
Oh lovely! Midnight is my fav. I'll post this on my blog and be back soon.
I love the Cordelia colourway, and the Southwest Sunset fiber, and the his and hers sachets.
OK - it's posted on my blog:
so these colours are just too lovely: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23200496
mrom mrom mrom!
-ravid: burnt3rain
I love the Cordelia Silky Merino Silk Sock Yarn (and the other Cordelia yarns are gorgeous, too).
I really like the Freckles sock yarn - adorable name and really pretty color!
That Sea Wool is gorgeous! I looked around the shop and also love the Southwest Sunset bamboo/merino top.
I think I'm in love! Thank you for introducing us...or maybe not ;) I love the brambles colorway and the hand balm looks yummy enough to eat and the his and her sachets cracked me up! Love,love,love!!
The briar bunny hat is so cute--along with the knitter's hand balm in "Romance"!
Oh, the Hydrangea Merino/SeaCell roving is just lovely! But so many things are here as well...hard to decide!
So many things to love!
CORDELIA - SeaWool Sock YarnALPINE RovingSPICE hand balm
OH MY GOSH! I love knit it up! Her 50/50 merino/bamboo is amazing!
I love both green versions of Cordelia lace yarn, and that Get a grip hand balm is interesting.
My favorites though are the Midnight Donegal Tweed sock yarn and the Hydrangea curvy merino handpainted yarn.
Cordelia is a Beautiful colorway and I love seeing it dyed on four! different fibers and weights! That's awesome and really shows how dye takes things differently.
The gift tags are beautiful! And I love the idea of selling them in tins. Awesome idea!
The Tabby cat bamboo/merino top!
I love the English Garden colors,
and this one: HYDRANGEA - Smooth Operator Luxury Blend Worsted Yarn
is gorgoeus!!
The MIDNIGHT Freckles Donegal Tweed Sock Yarn is really pretty.
Rav id - purple
I really love the "Hand made" tags and the stash protecting bag... and the wildflower yarn... and.... and...
Knit it Up Yarns is one of my favorite shops! I have the loose lavender, and I made little knit bags as gifts during the holidays. I purchased the Milk and Honey bamboo/merino top. I've spun it yet, but I do like petting it!
Oooh, Knit It Up has been one of my favorites for a while! I love the little gift tags. And Hydrangea, in both the roving and yarn, is such a beautiful colorway...
I love HYDRANGEA Squishy Transitions Superwash Sock Yarn, and also the tabby cat roving.
Contact me at jecrowley at ravelry
I love the gift tags and all the curly yarn, especially the "Riverfront" colorway. Adorable!
Hydrangea is beautiful
gmail: tomknit
My favorite by far is that "Milk and Honey" Curvy handpainted. I would, love, love, love, love, love to knit that up.
Count me down for:
I wants me some sock yarn!
Midnight Donegal looks perfect.
I'm foolforknit AT gmail
oooh please pick me for this one. I love it! I also really like Hydrangea
hotmail = dadofra
Oh the hydrangea - one of my favourite colours, and the yarn is perfect!
teabird 17 AT yahoo dot com
I love the colors in the Alpine Superwash Merino. So pretty. And the sachets look amazing.
The alpine roving is lovely.
Tabby Cat roving - WOW! This is special, and the prize yarn is lovely, such soft, gentle colors.
The Get-a-Grip hand balm is a great idea. My hands feel their best when working with raw fleece... what better way to extend that feeling than with this balm. A solution to my winter dry-hands problem!
I'm spinning my tabby cat sample now and I want more!
the sock yarn is gorgeous and I would love to knit it up too!
Can't make up my mind between the Hydrangea bamboo/merino sock yarn or the Cordelia silky merina silk sock yarn or the Riverfront curvy merino handpainted yarn...
The hydrangea-colored Extravagance sock yarn looks so delicious!
i am in love with that chunky riverfront! gorgeous! i also love the humor of the his/hers sachets!
Hydrangea. It's beautiful. Just my colors.
I'm bloglessinnj on gmail
I was loving the yarn I got from the April box so much I already bought some cordelia sock yarn and some southwest sunset fiber! I managed to restrain myself to just those 2 things but there is definitely more that I want!!!
I'll go with the Midnight yarn as my favorite.
hotmail - popofra
I love the tags she offers. What an amazing idea! I usually just scribble stuff down on a piece of paper but those gift tags make it so much more special...and includes an area for care instructions!
Favouriting her!
(shortsleeves on Rav)
The Tabby Cat Bamboo/Merino Top roving is possibly the cutest idea for a colorway ever. I adore it!
My favourite is the Cordelia Sea Wool. Oh and the fiber friendly balm (in Citrus), but I already have some of that ;)
I didn't even need to go to the shop to know all that too! ;)
I've posted to my blog at http://kitten-with-a-whiplash.blogspot.com/2009/05/more-than-magic.html
ooh I like Tabby cat merino/ bamboo, very pretty. But I really fancy the Spice fiber friendly balm.
I love the rich green color of the Cordeli SeaWool Merino SeaCell sock yarn! Just beautiful!
Her yarns are beautiful! What really caught my eye was the Get a Grip. I think that's a brilliant idea! I too have that problem with the dry skin from the yarn rubbing.
I love the CORDELIA Ethereal Laceweight Merino Yarn! Brilliant color!
rav id:CptSnoopy
Oooh, the Hydrangea sock yarn is lovely!
I like tthe Tabby Cat and the Bramble
I do love the hydrangeas but truly this English Garden is my favorite. Her gift tags are so cute, too!
I looked through the shop, and I saw so many lovely things. I tried, I really did, but I just cannot decide which I like best, the TABBY CAT in Bamboo/Merino Top or the ALPINE in superwash. They are both so richly beautiful!
~sciteacher at Ravelry
CORDELIA - Curvy Merino Handpainted Yarn
Have you seen this green? SOOOOOO perfect for spring. Here in Montana, we are being teased with snow storms almost weekly, but trees budding. This yarn has the bumps that look like the trees budding, and the colors remind me of tulip stalks and new grass.
Oh, I can almost smell spring!!
This would make a perfect little shawlette!
I love that big old hank of yarn...so wonderful! My favorite from her shop is the rose garden bamboozled...sounds absolutely sinful! I really like those knitting gift cards too, very thoughtful!
I am pretty much in love with the CORDELIA - Curvy Merino Handpainted Yarn! The greens are gorgeous!
RavID: WintersSong
She's got the prettiest tweed yarn! I really love it!
HYDRANGEA - Smooth Operator Luxury Blend Worsted Yarn is my favorite
Her gift tag about "wearing it for the rest of your life" had me laughing to myself for HOURS last week. SO funny.. and true!
I know this sounds horrible, but that Tabby Cat is Yummy!
Love the colors of the wildflower curvy merino handpainted yarn :)
I think I like the CORDELIA - SeaWool Merino SeaCell Sock Yarn the best. I love SeaCell for making socks.
ravid: rebelhousewife
The Midnight Freckle sock yarn is fantastic! A nice simple pair of cabled socks would look so lovely
ooh, that Cordelia sock yarn is just the color I need! NEED I tell you! Gorgeous stuff, and the tags/sachet-adorable!
I've been drooling over the Cordelia yarn for a while!
Cordelia.... I roll the word around in my mouth, rich, intense... great name for all the greens of summer.
I would love to have the sea wool in english garden color way. I have never tried this yarn.
Those gift tags are so cute! Fiberwise- I really like her cordelia colorway.
I think I'm off to buy the "Selfish" Knitter gift tags. Love them!
Ooooh! I love the Alpine Superwash Merino. And the little tags are a great idea!
I like her Cordelia colorway. Her lavender is awesome, I ordered a pound of it and my whole yarn room smells wonderful!
I love the MIDNIGHT Freckles Donegal Tweed Sock Yarn :D
Wow, that Alpine roving is purty...
I LOVE her crochet gift tags and the hand balm. Have heard great things about the balm. And the gift tags would save me so so many little notes that are lost in packages.
I love the cordelia and alpine colorways the most. They are very fresh and pretty.
Oh wow, I want the CORDELIA Silky Merino Silk Sock Yarn so badly!!!
Love the Dogwood too!
I'm greatly attracted to the Hydrangea colors, whether they are rovings or yarn. However, I'm really a sucker for stationery and prints and the gift tags and their tins, so that might be an even bigger attraction.
P.S. I forgot to mention that I really love that first photo in this blog entry. It looks like the noodles in bags I can get in Asian supermarkets, except even more delicious.
There's a couple of things I like--the idea of the cedar sachets is much more attractive to me than lavender--I'm rather sensitive to smells, etc., and have been overwhelmed by lavender sachets in the past. So far, I've never noticed cedar to bother me (so I guess I'm not a pest!)
I also really like the Southwest Sunset bamboo/merino fiber. Such pretty colors, and those are great fibers.
Love the Pomme Freckles. Anything with freckles is my favorite. You'd have to see a picture of my older son to realize why!
I so love Southwest Sunset!! All her stuff is right up my ally though. :)
I really like the gift tags, very cute & useful.
MIDNIGHT Freckles Donegal Tweed Sock Yarn just love it!!!!Hugs Darcy
All the colors are so yummy. Real inspiration.
I just posted about the contest on my blog http://pixiefashions.wordpress.com/2009/05/07/more-contests-at-phat-fiber-2/
ravid rebelhousewife
Kate is very talented with the yarn! I particularly love the colorway that is on your post.
I forgot to say that I am blogging this!
I really love the greens in the Cordelia sock yarn, but, as I've said before, I'm a sucker for green.
-cthulhulovesme on Rav
i love the HYDRANGEA Squishy Transitions Superwash Sock Yarn so luscious vbarton24 at gmail dot com
http://vickiescontestblog.blogspot.com/2009/05/knit-it-up-contest.html i blogged vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i twittered twitter.com/morgaine24 vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i did the facebook thing username Victoria Barton vbarton24@ gmail dot com
this naked curvy merino is beautiful
I am so in love with the ENGLISH GARDEN - SeaWool Merino/SeaCell Sock Yarn. The temptation to buy it is overwhelming!
i love the colorway cordelia. i am a strict GREEN person!!
wow. I just added the shop to my favorites! The gift tags are so cute, and all of the sock yarn is beautiful!
Ohmigod so much awesome stuff! The get a grip balms are so neat - I love the way Spice sounds like it would smell. (That sounds awkward.)
The Milk & Honey merino is soooooo gorgeous! And so is Hydrangea!
I can't get over the colorway for CORDELIA Ethereal Laceweight Merino Yarn! The transitions are soft and subtle and the colors are gorgeous :)
oh i am so wondering what this ROSE GARDEN - 3 oz Fine Superwash Merino Top 19.5Micron would look like spun up. Its gorgeous and would love to get some.
Definitely Tabby Cat fiber - my Mom has been bugging me to knit her the cat hat in the Kitty Knits book. I'd love to spin Hydrangea too as purples are always calling out to me and yet I never seem to have any in my stash.
Southwest sunset--Perfect for me!!
Everything in the shop is really pretty, especially the "rose garden" sock yarn :)
I'm weak in the kneehighs over the colors in the ENGLISH GARDEN Silky Merino Silk Sock Yarn!
Chrissy at knittoday(at)hotmail(dot)com
The southwest sunset is pretty.
Love your yarn/fiber
twittered about you giveaway and following ur blog.
Love the gift tags and the get a grip hand balm along with the hydrangea color way sock yarn. Rav ID dragonfly8928
The hydrangea merino top is gorgeous and so is the yarn of the same name, but I would rather have the top. The other is the top called Rose Garden.
The HYDRANGEA - SeaWool Merino/SeaCell Sock Yarn looks interesting.
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