I wish you all could have seen me open the May Moonlight and Laughter samples! You would have seen my jaw drop a few times! I love love love this shop!
Ok, I know it was probably wrong of me, considering this was the sample she sent in this month, but I just snatched her "Rainbow Connection" yarn right out of her shop. If someone doesn't buy the "Marilla's Garden" roving, I'm going to go back and get it- and I won't feel guilty about it either, because here I am- telling you how awesome it is! Lime Greens, deep purples, a sunny nasturtium color and with hand dyed firestar to mix in for some bling! This roving is gorgeous.
Moonlight and Laughter is one of those hidden gems of etsy- once you've bought from Marilla, it is easy to make it a habit!
Marilla is so generous, she sent in 4 oz of her hand painted super squishy superwash roving in the "Marilla's Garden" colorway as a giveaway! Just visit her shop, and find something you like (she's open to custom orders!) and post about it below. I will draw a random name on Friday, and remember I will count your extra tweets, plurks, facebook updates and blogposts as extra entries! Help spread the happiness!
Thank you so much, Marilla for the opportunity to purchase the most amazing rainbow colorway yarn I have ever seen. You Rock.
If I hadn't already spent my fiber budget (twice), I would so be buying that Blue Mountain River roving . . . or the Marilla's Garden. Next month for sure.
I love this one, it's a green bulky weight yarn
Ohhh, Golden Slumbers is beautiful!
Marilla's Garden is indeed gorgeous, but so are Golden Slumbers (spinning fiber) and Blue Mountain River (fiber).
-cthulhulovesme on Rav
I do like the Marilla's Garden, but I think my favorite is the worsted weight,"Limelight". I can't resist purples and greens together.
Okay, I don't normally speak up these days due to time constraints, but I am now elbowing my way through the crowd to the front. I love all of her stuff, but even more, Marilla is a really awesome, down to earth person... and I love, love, LOVE the name of her store, I've always been smitten with it since I laid eyes on it.
oooo i really like Hand Painted Superwash Merino Wool in Blue Days and Green Nights. i really love the red color. it just pops and i think really adds something great to the roving! thanx for sharing!
this colorway (marilla's garden) IS my favorite!! I spun up the sample that I got in my box, and it is beautiful. I bought some from her this weekend! Send me more!! ;) I also love the Scarlet and Begonia roving.
Blue Days and Green Nights looks like it would be fun to spin up! I am loving the Marilla's Garden as well (and hope I get a smidge of it in my box)!!
The shop is on my list of favourites and I check it every day or so.
All of the fiber is gorgeous! I especially love the roving in colorway "Trillium". LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Love the Phat Fiber handpainted in green, purple, and orange... or the Merino Superwash in caramel and brown.
Thanks for the chance to win!
How can Diantha and I get in on the Phat Fiber box?
jesus_iscomin AT yahoo DOT com
My7kids Recycled Yarn Shop
HeartFeltFun Accessory Boutique
Fluff4ewe Batts and Handspuns!
My Thoughts on Life, Yarn, Kids, and Other Stuff
I love this roving. I think it is yummy. I cannot wait to see it in the process of being spun.
I tweeted too!
jesus_iscomin AT yahoo DOT com
My7kids Recycled Yarn Shop
HeartFeltFun Accessory Boutique
Fluff4ewe Batts and Handspuns!
My Thoughts on Life, Yarn, Kids, and Other Stuff
I liked the April Phatfiber roving the best...the colors are beautiful. Also love the color combos in the yarns; they are great!
I would love to win this giveaway! I have a nice bag of "Storm Before the Calm" roving I just purchased from Marilla and I love it. In her shop, I really like the "Blue Mountain River". The way her colors blend is soothing and lovely and I have to remind myself that I should spin my roving instead of just petting it. I keep it out so I can look at it whenever I walk by. :)
The Blue Mountain Rivers Hand Painted Merino Roving is so beautiful,
Unusual for me, since I usually go for hot colors, this roving, Blue Mountain River is truly scrumptious.
Love it!
I love the "Red, Red Wine" roving! So pretty!
I love the sample that was sent in the box this month. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=25546212
I didn't know she had it in her store and a good price too! Must. Resist. Spending. More. Money. On. Yarn!
I really liked the roving in shades of blue.
The "Blue Mountain River" roving is absolutely GORGEOUS!!
I love Hand Painted Fingering Weight Merino Superwash Sock Yarn. 435 Yards, 3.5 ounces it reminds me of a peacocks feathers.Hugs Darcy
I love the richness of color in the 'Golden Slumbers' superwash merino roving.
Gah!! Someone beat me to the Marilla's Garden roving. I hope more goes up because it is gorrrrrgeous!
"Walk at Midnight light bulky is calling me - I might have to get it but I just spent my budget at the great lakes fiber fest.
I recently ordered from Moonlight & Laughter, and the worsted yarn is so soft! Already thinking about what I want to order next... tempted by the sock yarn, and like the King of the Carrot Flowers colorway :)
I love the "Islands in the Sun" roving. It's so springtime-y!
her gorgeous colorways!
love love love the colors of Octopus'Garden in the bulky weight yarn!
Ok, I just love the Marilla's Garden.
I adore the "Walk at Midnight" sock yarn.
I love the "Trillium" roving. Everything is so beautiful.
I love the Leaves of Grass colorway that was in the sampler!
love the "islands in the sun" color of the Hand Painted Merino Superwash Roving, Approx. 4.25 ounces!! Gorgeous!
I spun Marches sample and it turned out stunning!
I want that roving baaad, it is so pretty!
I love that Marilla's Garden too, those colors look awesome together and I bet it would make some unique handspun
I love love this http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=24891855 The oranges are to dye for. (haha *goran* I know)
I really like the golden slumbers roving.
Marilla....Marilla... Would you please call me Cordelia?
Ok, I faded into an Anne of Green Gables dream sequence there.
Love it!
Wow, the Marilla's Garden superwash merino roving is phabulous! I hear it calling my name! :D
Ravelry ID - Melanie
Octopus' Garden is soooo pretty. Good name for it.
I love her Hand Painted Light Bulky yarn! Looks like tons of fun!
Leslie Cooper
I love the way she has her milk fiber in a measuring cup! So cute and unique.
I love the merino roving dyed in the Blue Mountain River colorway. Very pretty.
I love the "Early Morning Rain" sock yarn. I also like that she carries a variety of weights in her shop...I love bulky weight yarn, but sometimes it is harder to find from independent artists.
RavID: MuddyMoose
Twitter: MuddyMooseAK
This stuff is just gorgeous! In her shop I am particularly in love with this roving!
I love the "Walk at Midnight" sock yarn. Those deep blues... mmmmmmm
Mmmm....Walk at Midnight is lovely....
Hmmmmm... "Blue Days and Green Nights" I think. Wonderful, fun colors!
Golden Slumbers is amazing. So are the stitch markers!
Well, I love everything, but especially the "Red, Red Wine" roving (try saying that 5 times fast).
Dagmar (new phattie =] )
I love the Phat Fiber Fingering yarn. It is bright and love all the colors.
I love the sock yarn that is shades of blue. Very subtle and lovely
My favorite is the very pretty superwash sock yarn is what looks like lavender and greens.
Rav id - purple
I love all the fingering yarns. They don't seem to have names but my favorite is the one that reminds me of sunlight.
hotmail - popofra
Walk @ Midnight and Octopuses Garden are gorgeous!
The Golden Slumbers superwash merino is very enticing!
I love the bright, sherbert-like colors of the "Islands in the Sun" roving.
I love the subtle touch of colors in the Superwash merino wool roving named "Golden Slumbers" ~
It reminds me of sunlight filtered through amber colored antique window panes. It left me imagining getting to spend time curled up with a good book in a sunny window seat.
love the Hand Painted Fingering Weight Merino Superwash Yarn... dyed in the poppy and such... beautiful! :)
I love the blue sock yarn.
Now off the blog
I blogged, therefore I am :-)
at elaine-knitting.blogspot.com
hand painted superwash merino in the blues and greens. what lovely work. just beautiful. thanks~
Her fingering yarns are lovely. I especially like the one with some purple in it
Love this Phat Fiber fine wool roving: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23864938
The colors are lovely...
I love the fingering yarn in the blue colorway
I always feel like I'm late to the party. I like any of the fingering weight yarns.
hotmail - dadofra
My favorite is the shades of blues fingering
All of the fingering yarns are devine.
My favorite item is the thrum mitten kit with the yarn and fiber in coordinating orangey colorways.
I've been looking for a rainbow colorway, and the PhatFiber one is just perfect.
The Blue Mountain River is gorgeous!!! As soon as school is paid off (next month is last payment, woot!) then I can start buying roving again, I have favorited her shop. :)
I love her dyed milk - yum!
I love her dyed milk fiber - yum!
I love the "vanilla sky" sock yarn. So pertty!
I really love these colors: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23864938 Beautiful!
Some lucky folks already got samples of this which caught my eye right away.
Marilla-- I'm glad the yarn makes you happy! It is obvious in all your happy cOloRs!!! Very pretty! :)
I 'specially love the "Rainbow Connection" colorway.
I really like the Blue Mountain River merino roving and pretty much all her bulky yarns! Great stuff, I was sad I didn't get a sample, but perhaps I'll win (and if not I'll buy!)
i really love all the color's she has they are sooo rich, i deff love the "Marilla's Garden" but there was a pretty blue roving that was called "Mountain River" (i hope i got the name right) that was way pretty!:D
So many lovely things, but the "Marilla's Garden" merino roving just cries out the loudest.
Must. have. this. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15026043
Awwww... I love the Rainbow Connection yarn. How bright and happy. Marilla's Garden is a sensory delight.
I have to copy all of the Marilla's Garden and Golden Slumbers lovers. None too original, me...but M's Garden is so loverly.
Yummmm! I love this one: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23202276
The Walk at Midnight sock wool is so lovely!
Jen (zgma on Ravelry)
Oh Like this one best. Phat Fiber Hand Painted Fine Wool Roving-Approx. 4 ounces It is kinda romantic looking, the colors remind of Victorian roses.
I love the Walk at Midnight Handpainted Fingering Supewash Merino sock Yarn.
I've posted to my blog.
Have been craving a thrummed mitten kit to knit. this kit is great!!
I like the light blue: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=18307577
i love the handpainted blue merino wool roving very nice vbarton24 at gmail dot
twittered http://twitter.com/morgaine24/status/1955365170 vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i did the facebook thing vbarton24 at gmail dot com
I love the stitch markers, the copper pearl ones, so pretty and unique!
aka BratKnits
The rainbow connection yarn is yummy as are the stitch markers.
Oooh the Phat Fiber Hand Painted Superwash Merino Wool Roving-Approx. 4 ounces would make a fantastic pair of socks! Great shop!
I love the Phat Fiber colorway! I wasn't able to get a box, so this is the first I have seen it. LOVE!
Darnit, I wish I hadn't spent my fiber budget already! I love love love the handpainted milk roving - it's absolutely beautiful, in so many colors!
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