There are changes happening at Desired Haven Farms! The weather is getting warmer, the lambs are born, and Misty is focusing her artistic efforts on supplying us with wonderfully dyed spinning fiber! She's slashed her handspun yarn prices dramatically- so go check her shop out and help her clear out and make space in her processing room!
Misty sent in the most gorgeous deep cobalt blue handspun yarn as a giveaway! There is a cute story behind this! Misty was experimenting in her dye pots and she happened to lift it out right as her sister walked through her kitchen. She said "My God woman, you've killed Cookie Monster!" So Cookie Monster is what Misty has called it.
Because Misty is rearranging her shop, we need your help! Let us know what you like in Misty's shop, and comment about it here in the comments section below. You'll be entered in the drawing for "Cookie Monster" to be won tomorrow! Remember, I will count your tweets and plurks and facebook updates as extra entries!
Thank you so much Misty for this delightful giveaway!
Well - I like just about everything in her shop. I love how she uses a drop spindle in the pictures - its kind of brings everything home for me :) I love the Dragon Scales yarn: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=16089742 I've been on a green kick lately and this is lovely!
while I also think the dragon scales is pretty nifty, I immediately fell in love with the Raspberry Twighlight! wow, I mean really... wowzers!
(also tweeted this giveaway @claymuse)
Lovely yarn. My favorite was Waste Not Want Not but I LOVE Cookie Monster!
Rav id - purple
oh, Dragon Scales and Waste Not Want Not are lovely!
Love the lavender and Jade Green rovings
I love the colors of the Raspberry Twilight. Delicious colours. But I also want to get my hands on the white angora. Simply because it's white angora.
I love the rovings! They look great. I'm thinking that the white background may be detracting from the pictures. She's got such great rovings that they look better with the red background. Honestly? I've used towels as backgrounds in my pictures before. They seem to soak up light rather than reflect it.
I like the one hundred percent handspun white angora (rabbit) one skein.
I tweeted here:
Another tweet!
Love the Waste Not Want Not colorway. Really pretty!
I tweeted again.
The last tweet!
Love the waste not want not 2 thrum rovings 4 oz ball. Thanks for the chance to win!
jesus_iscomin AT yahoo DOT com
My7kids Recycled Yarn Shop
HeartFeltFun Accessory Boutique
Fluff4ewe Batts and Handspuns!
My Thoughts on Life, Yarn, Kids, and Other Stuff
waste not want not yarn would make a beautiful so many things, i can't stop the ideas. oh that's nice yarn!
what a nice shop.
I tweeted!
jesus_iscomin AT yahoo DOT com
My7kids Recycled Yarn Shop
HeartFeltFun Accessory Boutique
Fluff4ewe Batts and Handspuns!
My Thoughts on Life, Yarn, Kids, and Other Stuff
My favorites are the jade alpaca fiber and the Dragon Scales yarn! And I think Cookie Monster is a great name for the giveaway yarn!
i like the one hundred percent handspun white angora. it looks soo soft. i also like the colors in dragon scales. i really like the dyed yarns the best!! good luck with the shop!!
What a horrible thought! Cookie monster stewing away on the stovetop! Ick ick ick.
I love the shop. I think my suggestions would be to use some better lighting when photographing the yarn--in some of the pictures the yarn looks dark. Maybe use a different backdrop, too. Just a piece of plain cloth. I'd also suggest taking some nice close-up photos of the products to show off their nice textures. Finally, make more of the raspberry twilight handspun. It's gorgeous.
Ocean Dapples...looks soothing.
I think Waste Not Want Not is just great.
Off to blog about the contest at
It's been blogged about
I love Waste Not Want Not
I love Raspberry Twilight handspun.Hugs Darcy
Slate Blue Alpaca Wool Blend 7 oz's is such a rich shade, I couldn't resist it.
Mmm the Raspberry Twilight handspun is lovely -- and I also like the pictures, w/ the spindle.
the chincilla angora looks really nice.
I love Waste Not Want Not.
hotmail = popofra
That Rasberry Twilight handspun is gorgeous - I'd love some fiber in that colorway!
Lots of very pretty choices, but Waste Not Want Not wins the prize!
The Bronze Cormo handspun wins my vote. It's a really nice yellow tone, without coming off neon.
Lizbert on Ravlery
I really like the Waste Not Want Not that is mostly purple, located here:
I like Night Lights Novelty Handspun for a nice yarn. I think the yarn and rovering would sell better with more lighting.
I love the Jade Green Alpaca Wool blend
Waste Not Want Not wants to come to my home
The Jade Green Alpaca is just gorgeous. Love the handspuns, too!
I also really like the Waste Not Want Not
gmail - tomknit
I may NEED the Waste Not Want Not
I definitely NEED the cookie monster.
All of the yarn is really pretty but I think the Raspberry Twilight is my favorite.
My favorite is the dragon scales yarn. I'm such a sucker for green, and the three colors in that yarn work so well together!
RavID: MuddyMoose
Twitter: MuddyMooseAK
I liked the tort angora handspun. Fluffy.
I like the Dragon Scales - gorgeous.
I like it all but this is my favorite color: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=14202077
Blogged about this giveaway here: http://sewmamalady.blogspot.com/2009/05/what-another-phat-fiber-giveaway.html
I love Cookie Monster and all her colors...I think I saw Oscar and Elmo in there too!
GORGEOUS Dragon Scales yarn!
NUTMEG a Alpaca blend with Angora Shetland Wool...it is beautimus and green...as in waste not!!! use it up!!!
Waste not want not and Dragon Scales are lovely!
The dragon scales yarn is lovely.
Wow, I love the Nutmeg and Dragon Scales yarns, and wish I did not have to be Good right now!
I really like the Jade Green alpaca/wool fiber. Beautiful!
Jen (zgma on Ravelry)
I love the deep Slate Blue Alpaca/Wool blend. Like the Cobalt, the richness of the color realy impresses me.
I've posted to my blog.
Okay, Cookie Monster, my toddler would, like, freak! Now I just need elmo to go with it and her Christmas shopping would be done:) Love Misty, one of the sweetest people I've met through Phat Fiber.
The slate blue roving is enough to tempt me to learn how to spin.
C is for cookie...
I really like Dragons Scales!
i love the waste not want not and the dragon scales. nice... vbarton24 at gmail dot vom
twittered http://twitter.com/morgaine24/status/1955544155 vbarton24 at gmail dot com
torte english angora....yum! I also agree with how she shows items with the aide of a drop spindle, very nice presentation!
The Starry Night handspun looks like fun :)
I like the colors in Raspberry Twilight and love the picture of the angora rabbit.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the dragons scales!!! :D *sigh* im in love lol ;)
I love the raspberry twillight yarn, just lovely as can be!
I'm loving the Jade Green Alpaca Wool Blend!!
I love the Dragon Scales yarn. And I love the pictures of her yarn with the spindles.
ooo the jade green alpaca is way pretty:D but i deff like the cookie monster color:D
I really like Waste Not Want Not, but cookie monster is my fave.
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