Misty has sent in another really lovely cake of handspun for a giveaway. You all know how much I adore green and this one is so spectacular!
I wanted to quickly let you all know, Misty is having a sale in her shop, there is a section called "Discounted Products" where you will find loads of stuff 30% off! Go ahead and treat yourself to some handspun!
We're giving away this lovely cake of yarn to a lucky commenter on Saturday. Please visit Desired Haven Farm and find something you like! Post about it in the comments section below and help us find out what Misty's done an excellent job on!
Remember, I will count your tweeting, plurking and facebooking as extra entries!
Misty, thank you for being so generous in your sample sizes and for these giveaways, they are such a treat!
Raspberry Twilight Handspun is lovely... could do wondrous things with it ^^
I can't choose between the Jade Green & Shades Of Poppy!!! RTed @millarca
My favorite color is green so I love the Jade Green Alpaca wool blend.
the alpaca rovings are my favorites, especially the jade green one!
As a new spinner, I like the Kalidascope fiber. In fact when I have sorted out my finances (work will you refund my travel expenses soon?)I will get some to practice on.
I also like the lavender fiber and the fact that we are told which sheep donated the wool and its breeding.
I am soooo tempted by the angora fiber. Angora is sooo soft!
I think it'd be fun to card some of the jade green alpaca wool roving with some other colors!
I would so love to try some of her English Angora fiber . . .
Black Raw Wool Sammy One Pound
is beautiful and it doesn't need dying
spvaughan yahoo
shades of autumn handspun is beautiful.
I don't spin, but I do crochet and would love to make a beanie out of the dragon scales yarn. Any of the skeins would do :)
That Ocean Dapples is right up my alley!
I like the lavender alpaca wool roving.
twitter at doccindy
I love the Raspberry Twilight! Yum.
Her dragon scales handspun is grrrreat!
The dragon scales handspun looks beautiful.
I *had* to enter because I *love* this green handspun yarn. Dragon scales is my fav in her shop. Oh please, oh please!!! I have such a green thing :)
Ocean dappels is so lovely! Definately my fave!
very lovely. the jade green alpaca looks drool-worthy!
I love the dragon scales yarn. Such pretty colors!
i love the slate blue alpaca!
Ohh..... It's so pretty I just want to roll around in it.
The Dragon Scales yarn is phenomenal.
I think Dragon Scales looks BEAUTIFUL! Also, angora fibre = WANT!
I want the raw fleece but can't decide between Sammy or Semi.
Deep Lavender is my favorite color. It is stunning. But Faded Overalls wins for coziness!
The lavender angora fiber is gorgeous
I could make something amazing for my dragon loving daughter with that handspun dragon scales yarn. There were so many beautiful yarns and rovings!
LOVE the Slate Blue Alpaca. <3
I want a swimming pool full of Ocean Dapples so I can jump into it.
Lovely stuff. The Dragon Scales yarn is a glorious color.
The dawn twilight is great. Love this color combo...
glowgirl16 dot etsy dot com
I love the shades of autumn handspun and the poppy is pretty also, I have twittered the shades of autumn.
Love, love Dragon Scales
The poppy red handspun warms my heart!
I am loving the dragon scales handspun. It's so pretty & would make an awesome winter cowl.
I am really loving the color in the Jade Green Alpaca Wool Blend. Lovely!
I love so much in this shop, but the Jade Green Alpaca fibre is awesome!
Tweeted also.
shades of autumn handspun is lovely
I especially was drawn to the angora, bamboo and cotton batts. Too bad my July box didn't contain that sample.
Just beautiful!
I LOVE the Shades of Autumn handspun. Lovely!
i love the derby phat fiber sampler im kicking myself for not getting a box this month:-( c'est la vie vbarton24 at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/morgaine24/status/3466572063 twittered vbarton24 at gmail dot com
Oh my! Dragon Scales is a beautiful yarn!
Oooo, Ocean Dapples handspun is gorgeous!
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