I just treated myself to a 4 month "moonbeams" club subscription from Moonwoodfarm!
I'm so excited, I can hardly contain myself!
You see, it was with Moonwoodfarm alpaca that I spun the thinnest yarn I had ever been able to produce. That experience really tore down some mental spinning barriers I had!
What is so special about moonbeams? Well Roo, being the genius she is, has gone to the trouble of carding all of the pretty luxurious fibers together and then has separated the batt into one continuous coil. That means, it's even more ready to spin than a batt would be! It is as if you took some roving and predrafted all of it before spinning- only with this you wouldn't have to! Experience the pure joy of the twist withought the prep. I think it is a lovely idea, because I have so little time to enjoy my spinning- every step eliminated for me is a bonus!
Roo is so generous, she has offered up a Moonbeam Club subscription for a lucky commenter! Don't worry if you've already bought a club spot- you can choose who your winning club will go to! All you have to do, is visit the Moonbeam Club listing in Moonwoodfarm's shop and tell us what colors you would love to see reproduced in moonbeams! We'll draw for a winner this weekend, so there isn't much time to help spread the word! Use facebook, twitter, ravelry, your blog etc and I will count those efforts as extra entries!
Roo, thank you for offering a special slot in your club! We all covet your fiber!
Definitely Pharoah's Daughter and Neptune! These are absolutely gorgeous.
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/wildwoodflwr/status/3264630487
I love Neptune! Just a gorgeous combination!
I think you've got all the colors pegged. I love lavenders though
ooohhh Neptune is my favorite.
The Country is amazing. I can see that being something gorgeous
I'd have to cast my vote for Harem Girl.
Lizbert on ravelry
Ohhh Roo you are too kind! We love our kids (angora) and I hope it shows thru their fiber! My most favorite color is lavender so lavender it is!
I love Harem Girl! Actually, I love them all, but if I have to chose a specific one, she would be it! Pretties...
Harem Girl is just outstanding.
Sweet Princess would be fab- I also but her bamboo fiber into my faves.
Definitely Earthsea. Even though she originally dyed it with top, it would be amazing in moonbeams. The colors seem to blend into each other, should make a stunning yarn. Absolutely gorgeous!
RT @marimba26
I'd love to see the colors from the August milk reproduced in a moonbeam. That would be spectacular!
tweeted from DigitalDurga as well.
Thanks Roo, what a generous donation from a fantastic Phattie.
i so love the Pharoah's Daughter! i will tweet and facebook!
I can't pick just one, I love them all !
I'm getting a really great overview here of colours that strike people as beautiful, and I LOVE the suggestions you're all making about alternative moonbeam colourways. Fantastic! Keep it coming, I love seeing this :)
I just love Roo and her fiber. And the packages always smell SOO GOOD! I think Sweet Princess is my fave of this lot. It was hard to pick though, I love most teal or lavender colors. :)
lovely! oh, any and all of them! love Pharoah's Daughter, and neptune!
tweeting it too! vtknitboy
Neptune is gorgeous, but I'd love to see some greens.
I'm digging the Red Hot Cinnamon, in her shop. I love Roo and her fibers and have already signed up for the club. I can't wait to get my first shipment!!
Forest Fairy and August are my favorites! I also tweeted.
My vote is for Neptune!
i am in love with the hot cinnamon buns colorway in the shop....
and pharoahs daughter is stunning as well! lovely!
Pharoah's Daughter, Pharoah's Daughter, Pharoah's Daughter!
First I checked out the Moonbeams colors and fell in love with Sweet Princess. In a few years that will be my hair! (Hm, I may need a sample to show my hairdresser.) But the instructions say: "tell us what colors you would love to see reproduced in moonbeams."
So I looked again. Blackberry caught my eye. Deep, subtle, and ... unreproducable.
So I looked yet again. (Gladly, the colors are beautiful.) And found Greener Pastures to love.
I love Country Rose, Purple Haze, Grapefruit, Pale Mulberry, Fairy Tale, Big Sky and Tea Garden.
I am smitten with the triple pack milk latte colors, they look like a cool refreshing ocean.
I love Sweet Princess, too. I also think that August, Whisper, and Fairy (the alpaca batt with sparklies) would make excellent moonbeam choices. The idea of a sparkling moonbeam is enchanting.
Also tweeted @ knittygirl78.
My favorite is Sweet Princess. So soft and beautiful.
RavID: MuddyMoose
Twitter: MuddyMooseAK (RT'ed)
I would love to see the colors turquoise and salmon together.
I like Neptune, with Sweet Princess coming in 2nd. I also like the tea Garden
Oh, sweet princess would HAVE to be my pick. I love purple and sparkly. :D
The RED HOT CINNAMON alpaca spinning batt - brown red gold tones is really RED HOT! Love it!
The Sweet Princess color was amazing.
Jupiter and Neptune! They're both so beautiful.
They are all wonderful but I really love Neptune.
Going to tweet too: twitter.com/rocketyarn
Easily without a doubt, Neptune and Demeter for me. I would LOVE to spin something like that on my wheel! And a whole subscription as a prize? I WANT! I WANT! What a great way for a poor college student like me to get my hands on new fiber while still hopefully scraping up enough money for textbooks....
Count me down for,
oh my gosh...i so just added her to my favorites! i think i am in love! The color blends are fantastic! did i say theyre fantastic already!?? seriously! maybe it's just my taste but i really really like their work! and really.... i so cannot pick just one fav!
blogged and facebooked as well. can you tell i really love this fiber? ;)
i love the Pharoah's Daughter! Nice autumn colors. gorgeous.
I love them all, but neptune is so pretty
I love sweet princess beacuse its so close to berry stianed dress! Soo pretty. I also love Neptune as well.
I love Neptune! I'd also like to see something in leaf green or chocolate brown.
neptune is so striking. i love harem girl as well.
juliaa on rav
I adore sweet princess.
What beautiful fibers! I'd love to see some orchid, yellow, gold and a hint of green. IT would be my favorite flower...the orchid!!
Julie Smith
The Spinning Sheep
Oh a lavender and yellow combination! that would be pretty...
mentioned it in this post:
OOOH! The Pharoah's Daughter & Harem Girl are just LOVELY. I love that combination!
My favorite moonbeam shown is Neptune-- how gorgeous is that blue-- but I'd love to see the August colorway as a moonbeam. Lovely!
I love the Sweet Princess but they're all pretty!
I love the Drenched, mixture of Water and big Sky! So many beautiful colors!
A gorgeous sunset mix of deep reds, oranges and yellows.
I'm a blue/green girl, for sure, so Neptune. Although they do all look heavenly!
Off to tweet about it now. :-)
Would love to see a choclate brown with highlights of green, gold and orange.
Although they are all gorgeous, my choice would clearly be Neptune! I love the names, by the way :)
What a generous giveaway! I vote for Neptune. Absolutely gorgeous!
I'm thinking a really bright turquoise mixed with some lighter colors, maybe gold, would be amazing!
I love your bamboo sampler!
I just spun a bamboo sample recently and I think I'm in love :)
I love the Neptune and the Pharoah's Daughter. I would love to see some brighter colors, maybe some reds.
i really like sweet princess but would also love to see a moonbeams in the tea garden colorway~
I love the pharohs daughter shade! Anything in a scarlet would be nice too
Tweeted about the giveaway and blogged! @sewmamalady & http://sewmamalady.blogspot.com/2009/08/another-phat-fiber-giveaway.html
I love her milk fiber in the "Tea Garden" colorway - just beautiful!
If you mean which of the colorways pictured I would love to have her do again, then Neptune, Sweet Princess & Pharoah's Daughter
Otherwise, deep purple (plum, eggplant, etc.) teals, royal blues, roses, emerald greens.
Beautiful! I love the country colors, and the moonbeam main picture (blue). Ahhhh, very nice.
I love the sweet princess and the pharoah's daughter ones!
Oooo I love Demeter and Pharaoh's Daughter!
I love Iris in the Field and the Cirtus colors
So beautiful I must try it!
ooh...I LOVE Sweet Princess!!!! All Roo's stuff is gorgeous!!!
...forgot to mention a fav color, I love reds, deep delicious reds...Also, how do you track comments on twitter, facebook & Ravelry? I commented on facebook as well, do I have to mention it here as well? I also posted on my blog ta boot!
Thank you
Absolutely beautiful! I am sorely tempted by red Hot Cinnamon!
I blogged about it at: http://smokymountainfibers.blogspot.com/
Fairy was gorgeous! Love those lavender colors!
Gosh, what an amazing collection! Soooo tempting. How about a "Moonlight" colorway -- dark blue, black, royal blue, gold and silver...
Sweet Princess is saaaweet!
: )
Wow! That's all I can say. I love the alpaca blends-Forest and Fairy are boo-tiful! I cannot believe how beautiful the milk fibers take dye. Just WOW!
I would have to say Sweet Princess! It's gorgeous!
I like the Country colorway!
I'd love to see Neptune! It's beautiful!!
mc.crafty.bunny at gmail dot com
I love the Neptune colors. I know it's not part of the set, but the Tea Garden sure is pretty too!
This SEA MAIDEN 4.6 oz hand painted bamboo top - gold aqua green blue pewter ocean is rally wonderful. I'd like to see a moonbeam of dove grey and soft violet.
I've posted to my blog at http://kitten-with-a-whiplash.blogspot.com/2009/08/when-lizards-were-lizards-men-were-this.html
Neptune is gorgeous! I would like to see a combo of deep purple and blues as well.
The best are Neptune and Harem Girl - wish I could buy a club membership!
For some reason I'm really drawn to the Harem Girl--I like gold & purple together, although I've never spun any yarn from batts like that. Pretty! :)
I really love ANYTHING (almost,lol) with purples! I'm a purple freak--purple & black? :)
Neptune is pretty, but I totally heart the hues in Demeter.
I think Red Hot Cinnamon or Elements would be fantastic moonbeams. Anything with some contrasting colors for definition would be fantastic.
I like the Sweet Princess the best of the Moonbeams, but I'd like to see the colors of American Girl and Fireside. So pretty!
I like Demeter. I love greens! I have never spun in my life, but I have given it some thought. I believe if I won a subscription I'd get myself a simple little drop spindle and give it a whirl.
Oh, I soooo love Rooo's shop! I'd love to see anything of Serious' reproduced (it had to be said, I have such a thing for that boy). I also love Blackberry-so it just has to be reproduced! Elements, Antique Rose and August,because it reminds me of the sunset here.
Blogged,twitered, plurked, tweeted, fb whew!
I would love to see dark blues and purples with a hint of flash
Love Harem Girl!
I love the PHAROAH'S DAUGHTER. Which is funny, because I normally always go for the greens, purples, and blues. But this one really caught my eye.
Posted on Facebook and working on Twitter too!
I'd love to see a combination of the country and the elements. They both have great colors and I think the more muted colors of the element intermixed with the brighter country colors would make a really fabulous mix.
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