Here at Phat Fiber, we see a lot of knitters, crocheters and spinners- where are all you felters?
I've got a few amazing giveaways here- several pounds of mohair locks for felting. They were harvested from an older female and are coarser than you would use for spinning, so Brice Wonders of Wonders Mohair has sent them in to be given to some lucky fiber artists who comment here!
Brice would like to know what you all think of his shop, please comment below and let us know what is your favorite of his dyed mohair locks! We'll draw for 3 winners next Friday! Be sure and use your plurk, facebook and twitter to let everyone know about this contest! We'll add extra entries for you, if you do.
Brice, thank you so much for sending in your dyed mohair for us to sample- it's lovely!
Ooooh, I've ALWAYS wanted to try some needle felting. It looks like such a good way to get out some aggression. That Dark Party Mix is DREAMY. RTed @millarca!
Ohhh I want the olive green ones but, I want to spin them into a yarn and not felt them lol
Love her color ways
Oh I really, really want to win this one! I have several felting artists in this house!!! I love the colors of his locks - love the dark party mix, love the plum party mix, love the royal blue, the purple and the red. If I ever learn how to spin locks, I'm getting some of each and mixing them all up as the most gorgeous yarn ever. Meanwhile, I might have to order some for the girls to use in their needlefelting endeavors.
i'm interested! i'm thinking it might be fun to try and spin them smoothly and see if the resulting yarn wouldn't work for warp :-)
I would have to say that Party Mix is my favorite. The colors are unusual and stunning. Also tweeted!
I love the bright colors, I did not know that mohair could be so bright. I will also tweet.
I think the Burgundy is a rich and luscious color!
I was just doing some needlfelting this morning so this contest perfect! I love all of the mohair - but the purpley one is my favority.
I love the Seal Brown.
I love needlefelting above all else... would love the seal brown and the olive green mohair locks!
Sorry, all... had to buy. :)
Angora Mohair Locks, Bright Purple
i the yummiest color!! i just want to cuddle and squish it a while.
spvaughan yahoo com
Plum party mix - just fabulous colors!!!
Fabulous colors but the Plum is my favorite.......I'm a sucker for purple ;)
I'm a felter! Love the peach party mix. Would love to use!
I like the plum party mix but my eye keeps coming back to the coral. Needle felting is on my to do list.
That peach party mix is yummy!
My favorite dyed mohair locks are the bright purple. The color is amazingly rich!
mc.crafty.bunny at gmail dot com
most of what's on the site now is really, really dark... have y'all been shopping? I think you could do a really cool surrealist "sky" with the purple mix.
all I can say is YUMMO!!!!
I've just started to dip my toes into the felting world - and seeing this shop has just made me want to jump in! Love the colors!!
The angora locks in Coral got my attention. I received some Wonders Mohair locks in Plum in my Phat Fiber box and I think they are the prettiest mohair locks I have ever had the pleasure of petting!
oops forgot to mention colors (i was rushing lol)...the purples and the royal blue are my favotites! he's getting incredible depth of color :-)
I love all the colors but my favorite is Peachy Party Mix!
All the angora mohair locks are so lustrous! I like the dark party mix and the plum party mix.
I would love to felt with these. Each year, I felt some eggs at Spring, and these colors (especially the pink / red and blues) would work really well.
This is a great looking deep set of colors, Angora Mohair Locks, Plum Party Mix!
The fire silver mix looks yummy!
Wow I would love to get in on that action. I love mohair and felting.
I love all the dark colors on the site but I think the Lighter pink and purple colored party mix is my favorite.
The colors are all shiny and wonderful. I couldn't pick just one favorite.
I'm drawn to the Fire Silver mix. Might be a good choice for needlefelting my Christmas pins.
They are all so beautiful, but the Party Mix is my fave. Royal Blue is a close second. Lovely!
My favorite are the royal blue locks.
I think peach party looks beautiful!
the shop id awesome i just want to break up these locks and spin i love the peach party and the plum locks GORGEOUS!!!!! I love the prices as well very nice vbarton24 at gmail dot com
plurked http://www.plurk.com/vbarton24 vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i facebooked facebook.com/victoriarobinsonbarton vbarton24 at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/morgaine24/status/3593904095 twittered vbarton24 at gmail dot com
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