Dani is part of the Phat Fiber Posse! Yes, Phat Fiber has a posse. (Sorry, I had to find a way to incorporate Shephard Fairey with Phat Fiber in the same blogpost because I'm a real nerd. ) She submits samples religiously and this month, we're giving away a full skein of her sock yarn called "Field of Daisies". It was so funny when I received her February box and this was in there, because I had almost bought this yarn a few different times! Dani has a new awesome sock club called "Rock Your Socks Off". She chooses a band and creates really awesome colorways based on their music. What is also really very awesome about this club is you can purchase on a month-to-month basis and she lets us know which band she's doing next. Read Dani's blog to find out who she's doing for April.
I'm so excited Dani has taken up spinning! She's been listing some really nummy handspun and roving lately!
I'm very proud to be working with Dani and creating custom yarns for the Phat Shop- she's really easy to work with- I tell her my ideas and she makes them happen!
On to the giveaway! Please visit Dani's shop and find something you like. Post about it below here and we'll be drawing a name late Friday. Be sure and tweet, plurk, blog, etc about this contest for extra entries! Remember, I need to find you if you win, so throw me a bone and leave your rav id or other way of getting in contact with you ;)
Thank you so much Dani! You Rock.
The Wild Violets handspun, no question! I have been looking for a a yarn like that for a while!
omg her seascape lace! I am now coveting it for my wedding shawl!! lol
I love the Sonoran Sunset Merino Superwash Roving just gorgeous.
I will post about the contest at my blog.
I love the al-Chadir sock yarn - the hues of blues and greens are so much like the colors we see here in Maine on the ocean. Beautiful combination. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=20615708
I haven't made socks yet but its my next project after I make a hat (I'm a new knitter - November 2008)
Oh... so in lust...
(and swampcrone @ ravelry)
I love the Deep Purple merino sock yarn. So pretty!
oh oh oh! Gorgeous, it's all gorgeous!
I learned to knit Jan 2, '09 - and I have yet to make socks, but that's the reason I started knitting!
Jessie - you feature the most wonderful artists - these fibers are amazing! Thank you!!
zebra dot freak at gmail dot com
or, oopsiknittedagain.blogspot.com
I love the lace soap sock. How fun that would be to have in my shower!
Oh man, the Sunrise Hand Dyed is AMAZING!!! Mind-blowingly gorgeous. I love bright, warm colors like that so much. Also tweeted @millarca!
I do have to agree with wenchlette, the seascape lace is gorgeous!
My twitter timeline is flooded with retweets about this giveaway now. e_e
Oh, pretty pretty pretty! She does such lovely work. :) I think my favorite is Wild Violets - her handspun is GORGEOUS. :)
silverstah at gmail! :)
I LOVE the al-Chadir sock yarn. Its so gorgeous, and I love the story behind it!
Mmmm --- Red Rock Sunset. Beautiful.
knottybear on Rav
txnightowl on ravelry is drooling over seascape
The seascape lace... gorgeous!
Oooh, the Sanoran Sunset roving is sooooo pretty! I love all her colors but that one is really calling my name.
Why do I have to choose one????? I love the striped felted tote, the sunshine yarn and the braided mug wrap.
I'm just gluttonous, I guess.
It seems like no matter how early you check here, there are always lots ahead entering the giveaway!
So sign me up.
I'll blog about if for another entry and let you know when I've done it.
The wild violets handspun is unbelievably beautiful. Congrats Dani.
I really love the Fresh roving. The colors are great, and it looks so squooshable.
Oh, I love the Red Rock Sunset BFL handspun!
twitter @knitknit
Wild violets - no question. Love it!
gmail account: jerseyjessie
Sonoran Sunset and Fresh rovings are my two favorites. I really really really want it!
ravelry jecrowley or follow me to my blog!
I love the Wild Viloets Homespun - it is waaay tooo pretty to not come to Virginia and live with me! I promise to make something lovely with it! It'll have a good home... do you need references? LOL
I will be posting about it on my blog this afternoon - please check it out. http://bonaircat.blogspot.com
I've posted it on my blog which is becoming all phat, all the time!
I love the Wild Violet Handspun. It is amazing. It is perfect for an upcoming project
Oh I am loving the Rosehips Wool. I have NO idea what I would do with it, but I LOVE that color...
Off to blog for this one too...
The al-Chadir is so gorgeous!
Putting this on my blog :)
Ravelry @ Hallie
My favorite is the yarn in her banner. Dani....is that making an appearance in your shop anytime soon?
CarissaMarie on etsy and Rav
wanted to let you know I tweeted and blogged about you this morning.
Also hit Facebook today.
I love the Wild Violets handspun. The colors are just wonderful.
Rav id: purple
I vote for the wild violet handspun. Love it. A lot. Really a lot.
bloglessinnj AT gmail
I didn't see a thing I didn't like but the el-Chadir was beautiful
Evertyhing it gorgeous. I love the wild rock handspun.
the seascape lace is dreamy...
I don't need to be entered in the drawing, unfortunately yarn in general is so wasted on me, but I wanted to mention that in the short time that I've known Dani she has come so far as she's spreading her wings into different areas of the fiber business and I'm immensely proud of her, especially reading all the comments that are being left for her handspun. You go, girl!
Her Red Rock Sunset BFL handspun screamed at me as soon as I saw it. It is gorgeous!!!!
cdaniele on Rav.
I have been ogling the Rock Your Socks Off club for quite some time! But as far as a single yarn, I really love the Deep Purple Merino Sock yarn - very pretty.
Rav ID: LilChickadee
So many pretty choices, but I think I live the Wild Violets Handspun best.
tomknit At gmail DOT com
ooo...i love the Wild Violets handspun yarn. the colors are stuning, and would look even better on my feet as socks.
Everything is just lovely as everyone above has said. The seascape lace is the one that calls to me, which could be partly because I'm always looking for a way to combine my two loves: knitting and the ocean. Blog and tweet @onesweettart
The Sunrise Handdyed Worsted is beautiful. It's so bright and sunny, just like a sunrise!
wendymc @ ravelry
Oh, the al-Chadir is wonderful! and the story behind it is beautiful, too. I make items for Afghanistan and this would be perfect for mittens.
protocrone on Ravalry
I love the Fresh Superwash Merino Roving. Fun, spring-like colors...I'd love to make some sock yarn out if it. (kchealy on ravelry)
The al-Chadir sock yarn is so good looking...
I'm AwayWeGo88 on Ravelry
I love the Wild Violet and Red Rock Sunset handspun! The al-Chadir sock yarn is beautiful, and my son would love it.
Absolutely LOVE the deep purple merino! :) nursepickle on Rav
I'm in love with the Sonoran Sunset Roving . . . as soon as I get some practice spinning, I'm going to spend a bunch of money on rovings to spin . . . .
I love the Sunrise and Sunshine hand-dyed wools, but that Field of Daisies skein is gorgeous! The blue-green roving in the third photo on the blog is really pretty too. That would be a great sample to get!
Love it! I'm dying for some of that Sunrise and Sunset, and Kermit is just adorable! I don't know why I never thought of knitting a mug wrap before, but I will now! Also, man I would LOVE to join the Rock Your Socks Off club, but I'm pretty sure my hubby would kill me...!
tianac2 at gmail
I am loving the Alight Superwash Merino Roving colors very much! I'm seeing that in a pair of socks. Yummy!
Rav. ID puglvr
Definitely the Red Rock Sunset BFL handspun for me. I want to learn how to do that technique.
Ooooooo, the Sonoran Sunset Merino Superwash Roving! So pretty, and so aptly named.
Sonoran Sunset Merino Superwash Roving
I love this color, and it does remind me of the sunsets when we lived in the Sonoran desert. They were gorgeous, as is the roving.
quiltingpansy @ gmail.com
Wow, it's all so lovely! :) I really like the Elemental Superwash Merino roving...
I'm also loving the Elemental Superwash Merino roving.
navars2 on rav
I saw the Wild Violet handspun first and fell in love with it. I made myself look at everything else (all gorgeous, btw) but am returning to my First Love. :)
i have been wanting to knit up these butterfly wings for my dramatic, dancing 9 yr old daughter. 'in love with lace' would be beautiful. i can see how the shades of pink would really give depth to the lacework. lovely. oh, to fly... peace, t.
rav id: talithakuomi
The Sonoran Sunset roving is calling me like whoa.
Have twittered this (gonzopants)!
As so many others have said, the Wild Violets handspun yarn is my favorite thing in the shop. I've never been tempted by handspun before - it's gorgeous.
I also blogged: http://gidgettm.blogspot.com/2009/03/busy-busy-and-bored.html
and twittered: http://twitter.com/gidgettm.
I'm the Jenna up in the comments, too. I'm Gidgettm on Ravelry.
Ooh, the Sonoran Sunset roving, if only because my geeky brain read it as SonTAran Sunset...
punkcatknitter on rav
Ah, the al-Chadir sock yarn, because it's green, and we all know how much I like green. Especially in March, when up here, there's no hint of green at all, except in the pine trees......
I like the Seascape Lace. The blues are beautiful!
Chrissy at knittodayAThotmailDOTcom
The Sonoran Sunset merino roving is very appealing.
rav id djmars
I'm in love with the Seascape Lace, but her stitch markers are beautiful and the Golden Apple earrings rock, too!
I'm blown back by the Wild Violet Handspun Wool - isn't it beautiful? I love love love the colours - all about those colours...
I love the Blue Soy Scarflette.Hugs Darcy
knottyknitter40 on Ravelry
Her Seascape lace is gorgeous!!! I love her blue green mixes.
Night Fire Heavy Worsted is my favorite... simply stunning!! :D
I love the al-Chadir sock yarn! Those greens are to die for....want for socks!!!
red rock sunset is one of my favorites! I love dani's blog and read it daily.
Seascape Lace
although i don't do lace so i'm not sure what i would do with it... :)
karijo.09 at gmail dot com
I LOVE the Seascape Lace!! I love any lace but that is soooo pretty.
I'm girlscoutleader on ravelry.
Love the Alight Superwash Merino Roving!! Very nummy!
I really like the al-Chadir sock yarn (I'm a huge green fan), with a side of Sonoran Sunset merino superwash roving, because I'm a spinning junkie.
-cthulhulovesme on Rav
That Seascape Lace looks incredible!!
littlecaitie on ravelry
The "Fresh" superwash merino! Perfect for springtime spinning projects.
Red Rock Sunset BFL handspun is my fave by far...love the colors, and the thick n thin is right up my alley for sure!
The seascape lace weight is beautiful! If I only had money it would definitely come home with me. I love the yarn base, the colors and especially the yardage :)
I love the seascape lace, beautiful (and nice yardage).
I love the Sunrise Hand Dyed Wool! I have been dying for summer, so that's probably why I was attracted to it so much.
Ravelry: brandnew
Wow - the Sonoran Sunset is so gorgeous!!
The wild violets handspun wool is beautiful!
I love the al-Chadir sock yarn - perfect for spring.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Definitely the Wild Violets handspun, BUT I loved the seascape lace as well I just don't knit lace weight.
The Sonoran Sunset Merino Superwash Roving is really beautiful. I'm getting closer and closer to learning to spin, thanks to temptations like this!
Wow, the yarns look great. I love it, especially the yellow green bundle!!!
This is Beautiful! I love the colorway :)
I'm just another fan of the Sonoran Sunset. What a beautiful combination of colors.
I think my favorite is the alight superwash merino. I am tempted.
I'm going to go with Sonoran Sunset, although I could list many more. This lovely is beautiful.
That spring fever colorway is awesome! :]
The al-Chadir speaks to me. It's got a story and it's in greens! What more is there to love!
~ K.
(Rav: JadedKnitter)
i love the sonoran sunset roving very gorgeous vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i twittered morgaine24
Mmmm... that seascape lace is beautiful! If it follows me home, can I keep it?
I am in love with the I'm in love with lace. That is very pretty. You can find me as Brody on rav.
All of Dani's stuff looks wonderful. My eye was particularly caught by the Bishops Beach Wensleydale Teeswater Blend that I found in her sold items. Yumm!
I love the Sonoran Sunset roving! I'm lucky enough to know how amazing her stuff is - I won a Rock Your Socks Off contest with a colorway suggestion (Johnny Cash black with streaks of June Carter's lipstick) and made some toasty mittens with my winnnings! :)
I just wanted to let you know that i posted about your giveaway on my blog:
Zaneta :D
I love her Sunrise colorway! And the idea of getting your own custom colorway, just sounds awesome!
KJo (on Ravelry)
The deep purple sock yarn is so amazing looking.
I'm also smitten with the al-Chadir sock yarn.
Hotmail: skorky64
The Sunrise colorway is beautiful though I love the fact that you can custom order any colorway you want!
I think my favourite was Date with the Night.
But everything was gorgeous!
Bookmarked immediately.
The Wild Violets Handspun and the El-Chadir sock yarn (probably spelled that last one wrong, sorry)! What great stuff!
Rav ID: 5elementknitr
The Sunrise Hand Dyed Wool just pops with color...but all her yarns and rovings are beautiful!
I am "HookedonKnitting" on Ravelry...
Anasazi Women is a gently colored yarn, full of strength and beauty.
The Sonoran colors are so rich, I think that is my very favorite.
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