Jennifer sent in some really nice mini batts for the May box, and I hope to be offering similar ones in the phat shop soon!
Did you know, Desert Garden Farms has a Ravelry group? Show off your spun samples and get in on all the special discounts Jennifer offers!
We're giving away a delicious hank of handspun single ply yarn, spun by Jennifer herself! It's a beautiful green and brown and is quite generous. Visit Desert Garden Farms, find something you like, and write about it in the comments section below. We'll draw for a name on Monday, and remember I will count your extra tweeting and plurking and such as extra entries!
Thank you so much Jennifer, dear! We look forward to your next box submissions!
Love the Raspberry Margarita! Both in her store and in any Mexican restaurant!
the Radioactive is really cool! Lots of yummy stuff on the site.
Candy Coated! Raspberry Margarita! Playful! Also omg the Treat Treat w/ beeswax & honey. NOM. IDAHO REPRESENT!!! LOL!
rt'ed @ millarca!
Yeah, I'd have to go with the Handspun or Spinning Fiber Pampering Club. Fiber made for me with yummy goodies? Awesome!
oooohhh! yarn plus pampering club. sounds like the best present i could ever get in the mail (well, except a phat fiber box ;))
now her club sounds like something to save for! and beautiful yarn to boot!
I love the LAVENDER AND OLD LACE Hand Dyed Yarn.
I like the Dryad hand dyed yarn - pretty color combination.
amiem on ravelry
Her work is beautiful. I just made two purchases. Phat Fiber giveaways are trouble...and yet so much fun!
love the geranium or boy meets girl handspun.
What can I say - I love everything - she is one of my absolute favorites! This skein you are giving away actually resembles one I've been eyeing in her shop for a while - Dryad Handdyed bulky wool yarn. I am also very intrigued by her new clubs...I'm holding onto my pocketbook tightly. :)
carly - orangefaeriedust on rav
oh I just love the lavender and old lace, it's so pretty!
(tweeted @claymuse)
It's all appealing, but Some Like It Hot is very tempting.
OMG...I just love "Cornfield" so lovely....
I like this roving:
I like Some Like It Hot...I blogged about your giveaway. :)
Dryad is lovely.
Her Tiptoe through the Tulips batts are simply devine!
Paper Roses definitely grabed my attention. ;)
I want this
I so want to sign up for that fiber & pamper club . . . gotta check the finances and see if it fits in.
The GERANIUM Hand Dyed Mohair Blend Bulky Yarn is beautiful. I just want to reach through the screen and touch it!
I like the Bed of Roses roving. Really pretty!
Love the Paper Roses hand dyed :)
I like Radioactive and Tiptoe through the Tulips the best. Radioactive rocks!
love the BED OF ROSES 4 ounces Blue Faced Leicester roving!
The Dryad yarn is GORGEOUS!
i love CORNFIELD Hand Painted Yarn Bulky Weight...the colors are so me and i so love bulky yarn!!! seems like most others are doing sock weight~
i blogged about this
Lavender and Lace is gorgeous! The Bed of Roses roving is pretty freaking awesome too.
I am the "some" in SOME LIKE IT HOT! Gorgeous stuff!
I loved LAVENDER AND OLD LACE Hand Dyed Yarn Bulky Mohair Wool Blend not only for the name (b/c the movie was cool) but for the gorgeous purples!
Tweeted giveaway! (yarnhippie)
I blogged it I blogged it!
I love the color combo of the Dryad Alpaca/Silk/Merino Yarn -- just lovely!
Ooooh, Geranium and Dryad are beautiful colorways. Have I mentioned before that I love greens? Hmm, I think so.
The radioactive tumbleweeds is really awesome - would be loads of fun to spin!
mc.crafty.bunny at gmail dot com
Love all the salves, they sound delicious (of course to smell, not eat!) My fav is the "Oh My Aching Salve Must Have for Spring Chores" - excellent name, I can totally use some of this in my life!
mc.crafy.bunny at gmail dot com
I ADORE the mini-batt that came in my May box. Tiptoe Through The Tulips is my favorite fiber in Desert Garden's shop! I also really like the Lavender and Old Lace yarn. That might just have to land itself in my shopping cart soon!
The RUSTIC Hand Dyed Art Yarn Bulky Wool is my choice
ooooh! I am fascinated by the linsey-woolsey batts!! Loved the Little House books and this makes me think of them... http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23821960
And they are so pretty, too! :)
I also love the tulip batts.
I love LAVENDER AND OLD LACE Hand Dyed Yarn Bulky Mohair Wool Blend!!!! so pretty I want to pet it:)(((Hugs))) Darcy
Like the Shout for Joy roving. Very pretty.
love the rovings and the hitchhiker wheel!
The WOWIE ZOWIE Tumble Weeds Fiber Batts are gorgeous!
The RADIOACTIVE Tumbleweeds batt is certainly interesting, but the Wowie Zowie batt caught my eye.
I love alliteration, so I am very tickled by the Teat Treat hand balm. My favorite yarn is the paper roses dk. Beautiful colors!
loving tiptoe through the tulips! very pretty.
The LAVENDER AND OLD LACE Hand Dyed Yarn is lovely.
Off to blog
I've just blogged about the contest on elaine-knitting.blogspot.com
The PAPER ROSES Merino Wool looks lovely.
gmail - jerseyjessie
I like the PAPER ROSES Merino Wool and LAVENDER AND OLD LACE Hand Dyed Yarns.
My fav is LAVENDER AND OLD LACE Hand Dyed Yarn. Very springy.
The purple in the LAVENDER AND OLD LACE colorway wins for me!
Rav id - purple
The Dryad hand dyed yarn looks really nice to me.
My gmail is tomknit
I love the paper roses yarn
LAVENDER AND OLD LACE - no doubt about it!
Love the GERANIUM Hand Dyed Mohair Blend Bulky Yarn, I could see it being a nice colorful pair of mittens!
I like the cornfield yarn :)
Shout for Joy...pretty...pretty...
Gorgeous stuff as always. I like Raspberry Margarita. Must get a new job so I can have a larger fiber budget.
The GERANIUM Hand Dyed Mohair Blend Bulky Yarn is my fave because the salmon color perfectly matches my mother's geraniums.
- DG
i love the paper roses merino very nice. vbarton24 at gmail dot com
http://twitter.com/morgaine24/status/1988605261 i twittered vbarton24 at gmail dot com
I love her colors. My two favorites are Geranium and Tiptoe through the tulips. I also really like the bulky look of her yarns and her salves look nice and soothing, too.
The boy meets girl wool/mohair blend is gorgeous!
i really love the LAVENDER AND OLD LACE Hand Dyed Yarn Bulky Mohair Wool Blend
I love the 'Playful' hand dyed - too pretty!
I like the LAVENDER AND OLD LACE Hand Dyed Yarn Bulky Mohair Wool Blend.
The Cornfield Hand Painted Yarn is delightful.
I love the purple and green in PLAYFUL Hand Dyed Yarn Mohair/Wool Blend Bulky!! yum!
linsey woolsie cuz it matches my hair; boy meets girl because it's playful; and dryad because i never would have thought of that color combo -- wow!
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