Monday, April 27, 2009

Vines *Giveaway*

Friends, there are some shops that I routinely stalk. Vines is one of them.
Erin has been contributing to the box since it's inception and every month I am beyond thrilled with her samples! In April, she was one of 2 innovative Phatties that chose reusable plastic containers for her samples.
I could seriously gush all day about Erin's shop. I just spied her "Plump" colorway and I am so ready to make that one mine! Her spinning is truly amazing as well- completely even and balanced, yet funky!
Erin has sent in a generous and beautiful 3.75 oz bump of roving for a giveaway in her "Painted Desert"colorway. One, I have almost bought on more than one occasion!!
I will be drawing for this giveaway on Friday. Please visit Vines and find something you like. Write about it in the comments section below here to be entered. Remember, the point is to help Erin out this week and get folks looking at her shop- so any other social networking like twitter, facebook, ravelry, your blog posts, etc will be counted as extra entries for you.
Thank you so much, Erin! We adore you and your shop! Your creations are awe inspiring!


HanamiGallery said...

wow such awesome colors! and shes close to where i live! awesome! im going to have to say hidden is my favorite! the colors are just great! though a close second is icy! thanx for showing such a great shop!

Holly said...

I love the Phoenix but wow! I'd feel like I was wasting such lovely yarn if I ever used it! But the colors in Ginger Cat just popped out at me - Absolutely love them!

redshoes said...

Oo, oo, mine! I really love her Purfume roving. Yumminess!


Anna M said...

I like the Icy roving, very evocative.

Brat said...

Two months, two boxes, still no Vines sample for me. S'OK I'll just keep trying!

I love the Red Hopper BFL. The colors are fun but still kind of grown up.

aka BratKnits

Classic Mully said...

Her store is so great! Skydiver is right up my alley, but Giner Cat is great as well! Thanks for letting me know about this shop! :)

Anonymous said...

I spun some of Vines' fiber into my Pastel Sprinkles yarn and it was a joy to spin. Very soft, gorgeous colors. I love the color combos she has in her shop!

TNTknits said...

They are all lovely, but I really adore the Nimbus. It's different than most of my stash and Merino/Tussah Silk=YUM!

Anonymous said...

they are all too lovely. ginger cat is nice

Unknown said...

Ooooo. i really like the Sky Diver Rambouillet top. It's pretty darn sweet!

Count me down for:

and Blogging!

I've deciding that I don't have the greatest luck with these contests....

Minou14 said...

I like "Ginger Cat", "Hidden" and "Walking on Sunshine". It's really hard to pick a favorite!

Unknown said...

Ohhhhh wow. I kinda hate you now for showing me that, but the Nimbus Merino/Tussah top is just calling my name:

I'm SO not a pink girl, but once it's mixed with another color, especially green, I'm done for.

Also tweeting and Facebooking.

Monica said...

Nimbus! Definitely a little mysterious but beautiful =)

Cindy said...

There are so many gorgeous items.
Love this one:
Hand Dyed Rambouillet Combed Top PLUMP


Lady O said...

I love the Blue Heaven silk/wool batt, and the colours of nimbus.

Mia said...

For some reason I am drawn to the merino/bamboo top called Delicate Genius. The colors are not typical of what I wear or care to knit with either. I can see this as a two ply fingering weight with all of the colors playing out so pretty. I wish that I wasn't on a no fiber purchases until MDS&W right now. But the colorway is faved over on Etsy.

Unknown said...

really liking the Targee top in colorway "Hidden". The color combo is really calling to me!

goodnessgraciousWV said...

oooh! pretty! I have been "stalking" bamboo blends myself, but I hadn't made it to Erin's shop before. The "Hidden" is lovely colors and the photos are clear. I am never able to get such nice shots of the strands of handspun.

amarkonmywall said...

Didn't have to go far into her lovely shop before I spied Nimbus, the merino/tussah silk combo roving. Yum! But then I saw Ginger Cat roving and thought, awww, kitty...Off to FB to post a not about her lovely fibers!

Anonymous said...

The Merino/bamboo combed top in "Icy" is stunning and VERY tempting!

Marilla said...

I love the merino bamboo top called Delicate Genius. Beautiful colors.

SusanSW said...

Oooh-Erin has beautiful handspuns and unusual tops (rambouillet & targhee). Love that PLUMP color!


MirEight said...

Ginger Cat is SOOOOO gorgeous!!! A big poofy kitty! Al her stuff is beautiful though...

Buckette said...

My Blue Heaven caught my eye right off the bat. And I love Pink Ladies. Both colorways are beautiful. Definitely a new favorite shop of mine!!

Rav id Buckette

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

oh i really really like the 2ply Handspun BFL Muted Rainbow!! It's GORGEOUS!!! :D

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

i plurked!

modchococat said...

love the ginger cat -looks just like ginger the cat.

rav id modchococat

lwhitewave said...

I'm in love with the BFL batt in Red Hopper!

DMCA said...

Erins shop is one of those that I stalk regularly too. Some of the first fiber I ever spun was from her shop. Currently I'm in love with her Plump colorway in the Ramboulliet.

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

Wow, I just love the 4oz Merino/Tussah Silk Combed Top NIMBUS, so dark and broody, but with bright rosy spots of color.

RiverPoet said...

Wow - the Wool Bombyx Silk batt is just gorgeous. It's just crying out to be corespun!

Teresa said...

Wow! She has both a merino/bamboo and a targhee bump in the Hidden colorway that I would just love to have!

jennifer said...

I love all the names of her stuff. Very evocative! My favorite item, though, is the Pheonix handspun. Just lovely!


Lauria said...

Oh! I know Pumpkinmama - She's involved with the MVFF lambcam!

Checking out her shop, I couldn't help but notice the:

2oz Wool Bombyx Silk batts - My Blue Heaven

The colors are just beautiful!

Unknown said...

Oh My what incredible colors. I want Sky Diver and Plump and Hidden and Lolli and....

Well you get the idea.


Bannahleigh said...

I loved the Walking on Sunshine Roving!

Bannahleigh on Ravelry

memarcierenee said...

The Phoenix has already been knitted into socks in my mind. That is GORGEOUS. Now off to my blog to say a word or two about it. I want some, I want some, I want some.......

Nicole Pearce said...

I love the handspun color Monkey Jump! I have received a couple of samples from Vines and I love them both.

Hampton Artistic Yarns said...

Great shop! I like "Sprout" :)

ikkinlala said...

I think my favourite is the 4oz Hand Dyed Rambouillet Combed Top GINGER CAT.

sfgwife said...

Oh my this 4oz Merino Bamboo Combed Top - ICY is so very prety. It reminds me of the beach. And I LOVE the beach just don't get there often enough. I think this one would be lovely in a lace weight for a shawl. Enablers........

Alex said...

Oooh what pretty rovings, I added the shop to my favorites :-) I like Ginger Cat, and Plump.

auntien said...

Beautiful. I'm going through a purple phase right now so will have to go with Monkey Jump...and it also has a really great name.

Liz said...

I love the merino/bamboo blend Hidden. It looks so silky!!

Lizbert on Ravelry

CinderLisa said...

I personally really love the "Hidden" Merino/Bamboo Top. Such gorgeousness! And bamboo is just a dream.

Twittered and Plurked, too!

LilChickadee said...

You find the best shops! I am in love with the merino/bamboo blend in the Delicate Genius colorway. It looks just gorgeous!

I'm LilChickadee on Ravelry. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Karen said...

I have been in love with her "Delicate Genius" Merino Bamboo roving for a couple of weeks now. I just need to get paid before I can act on it!

Infinitespirals said...

I really like the targhee roving "Hidden".

RC said...

ooohh Plump and Walking on Sunshine.. maybe an early Mother's Day gift for me!

teejayhansen said...

I absolutely adore the colors of Hidden and Rambouillet. And I was lucky enough to get one of her samples in my box, I really dig the packaging she used, can't wait to spin it. =D

carrym said...

PumpkinMama is the best, she's been on my favorite list for some time. :) I've been eyeing her Nimbus colorway, yum. :D said...

Plump is fantastic!! So pretty I want to eat it! This colorway is a must for purple freaks like me!

k8 said...

That Phoenix yarn! SO sparkly!!

|chee-uh| said...

Drooling over plump too!

Kristen said...

I love the 4oz Hand Dyed Rambouillet Combed Top GINGER CAT. Gorgeous!

SupaCindy3000 said...

It's all so gorgeous, it's hard to choose, but Rambouillet Combed Top PLUMP caught my eye as soon as I saw it. Great deep color.

Anonymous said...

I love the Wool Bombyx Silk batts - My Blue Heaven. Such pretty colors!

Unknown said...

Love the colors. I love her muted rainbow handspun.

I don't spin BUT I love to try using it for felting.

gmail: jerseyjessie

Elaine said...

Beautiful. My fav from her website is the Monkey Jump handspun. Such lovely colors.

I'll post on my blog:

Jags said...

Gorgeous! I really want to spin that up :)

I love the Ginger Cat ramboulette roving, the colors are stunning!

Elaine said...

I've posted it on my blog:

Thanks for all the great giveaways!

Rachel O said...

I love all of the handspun yarns - love the way she blends colors.

My hotmail is dadofra

vberry said...

"Plump" is amazing...such rich colors!

Heather said...

The colors in When Will I Be Loved are just amazing! I just heart'ed it.

One Sheep said...

Ooohhhhh Pretty Pretty! All of it so very pretty! Red Hopper most Pretty Pretty! Want Pretty Pretty!

purple-power said...

Beautiful colors, especially the muted rainbow handspun yarn.

Rav id - purple

ZombieCat said...

I've been admiring her samples in all the boxes this month. I've never tried her fiber, but her colors are gorgeous. I think I'd have to say I would buy the Ginger Cat Rambouillet. I have a ginger cat and I don't have any fiber/yarn (that didn't come from his body) in those colors in my stash.

I'm zombiecat80 on twitter.

Anonymous said...

After going through a purple/hot pink phase a couple of weeks ago, I seem to have moved to a blue/green phase. I love the Hidden colorway in the merino/bamboo.

knitmomma said...

Wow, I just marked 8 to to choose a favorite...

Ok, I had my daughter help me choose. We like the Merino Bamboo Combed Top in the HIDDEN colorway.

Michelle in Colorado Springs said...

Handspun BFL Muted Rainbow got a very loud Oh Wow!

Carlin said...

I love the Icy Merino Bamboo Combed Top. With the 'frost' effect it really is quite evocative of winter/ice.

Unknown said...

So many pretty things to choose from, especially all the handspuns. I think the muted rainbow is my fav though.

I'm bloglessinnj At gmail

kataish said...

Oh my! I love the hand spun in "When Will I Be Loved"... SO GORGEOUS!

Pick me, randomizer!

PogKnits said...

Wow! I'm drooling. I love this 2 ply handspun
2 ply handspun ,
and this combed top .

Unknown said...

The Monkey Jump Handspun is beautiful yarn.

gmail - tomknit

Tina said...

Oh, how much do I love the Delicate Genius merino/bamboo? It may be enough to get me over my strange memory that bamboo fiber tastes funny from spinning class...

betshsu said...

I have to say I love the Plump as well

Carla said...

I love all the handspun especially the Monkey Jump and Muted Rainbow.

hotmail = popofra

Anonymous said...

I especially like the Plump and the merino/silk Nimbus. Such pretty colors!

Roo said...

My Blue Heaven, the wool and bombyx silk batts!

Erin has wowed me with the fibers I have purchased from her in the past - Ice Queen, Pink Elephant and Peach Melba - her colour combinations are incredible and the fibers that she uses are high quality. She's an amazing person to work with too, and definately one of my personal favourite phatties!

Kenyetta said...

I love the lolli roving!

Sally said...

I LOVE the delicate genius batt. I'm not a spinner, but seeing that makes me want to try it!

RavID: MuddyMoose
Twitter: MuddyMooseAK

Anonymous said...

I love her color choices!! Since I have to choose my one fave, I would say that 2ply Handspun BFL Monkey Jump is gorgeous!!! I will definitely be back to that shop again soon!

Love the presentation in the clear pillow boxes for the samples...genius!!


Susan said...

Oh, man! That was a hard pick! I think I'll go with 4oz Hand Dyed Rambouillet Combed Top PLUMP as my favorite but there is a ton I'd love!

navars2 on rav

cptsnoopy said...

I love the Sky Diver colorway in the Rambouillet. Such gorgeous color!!

rav id: cptsnoopy

Lydia said...

I'm in love with the Rambouillet in Sky Diver... so pretty!

SnjDebdeb said...

Sky Diver colorway had me at first glance...OH MY! :-) I'm in luuuurrrvvvvvveeeeee :-)

Paige said...

sooo many lovely colors!!! I'm in love with the Delicate Genius Merino/Bamboo...and hidden! I'll be tweeting too...knitster23 there.

Anonymous said...

Icy!!! Wow, that's pretty!

Robin said...

OK I can't decide between Handspun Singles PHOENIX and 4oz Targhee Combed Top - HIDDEN - I know you are trying to trick me into spinning.

cthulhulovesme said...

I really love both the Targhee top in Hidden and the Rambouillet top in Sprout. Both are on my Etsy favs list right now, actually.

-cthulhulovesme on Rav.

Gina said...

She does great work. I think that the Pink Ladies batts are fabulous. I am a Grease fan, and one of the best Pink Ladies was Michelle Pfeiffer.

Phoenix is great, too. It evokes memories of growing up there!

Turtle said...

Bfl when will i be loved! wow ahat a variety of great colors!

Kitten With a Whiplash said...

I've just posted to my blog. It was hard to type with my fingers crossed.

edina said...

Love the Red Hopper BFL!

Cindy said...

The red hooper is my favorite.

Brittany said...

The merino/bamboo in Hidden! Merino bamboo is such a lovely blend and Hidden is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

My favorite is the merino bamboo braid in hidden. She has been in my faves for quite a while :)

Brody Knits said...

It's so hard to choose just one. I love them all! But I would say I love the Red Hopper.

Rav: Brody

Abby said...

The 'My Blue Heaven' Batt looks like it would be fun to spin!

sara w said...

i loved the bombyx silk batt--my blue heaven!
the angelina is super sparkly!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow - the "Will I Ever Be Loved Yarn" is just asking to made into something fun and pretty for spring. I love green!


Carol in NJ said...

I like the Ginger cat, I always love cats that have this color fur.

Icy looks like it would look great in the various "Mystic Shawl" patterns that I have not knitted.

Unknown said...

The BFL Perfume was quite lovely, and I'm going to have to keep my eye on it.

Dani said...

The wool/bombyx silk batts look awesome!

Melissa said...

Wow. I really do love her hues, all of them!! Muted Rainbow is my favorite... barely!

GHouk said...

I love the bright, warm colors of Lolli.

Audreyrose said...

Ginger cat caught my eye. I truly hope it's available after I get paid, because I am absolutely going to buy it!
And for sure I will 'Facebook' a link!

Kanjun said...

I love Ginger Cat - what beautiful warm colors!

mamakin said...

The handspun Phoenix is right up my alley. It's the beautiful colorway that is loved by the whole family! I drooled over her fibers but I'm so new at this & am practicing on some lovely fiber so I tried to hold myself back.But that Phoenx does call to me.

Melanie said...

I've been on a massive batt kick lately and just love the Wool/Tencel Pink Ladies batts! Those colours would look amazing all striped up. :)

Ravelry Name - Melanie

Jacy said...

How do I pick one thing from Erin's shop? I love Muted RainbowAll her colour combos are amazing!


shortsleeves on rav
also twittered and facebooked

LeiLaniSue said...

love, love , love the frosted look on the Hidden MerinoXbamboo! I thought I had found all the really pretty roving out there, but phat has shown me that I hadn't!!! I'll definitely come back to this store!

Unknown said...

It's a toss-up between ginger cat and sprout, though I imagine any of the roving would be wonderful to spin.


Little Miss S. said...

I really like the handspun stuff here - it's so gorgeous. The green 'When Will I Be Loved' is my favorite - not only is it a feeling that comes a bit too often, but to wrap it aorund my neck would help me recall good times... It's so beautiful...

rebelhousewife said...

I think I love the Handspun Singles PHOENIX 300yds best. I have spun enchanted knolls batts in the bast and they are lovely, so I am guessing this yarn will be great.

Ravid rebelhousewife

PenelopeRose said...

What a hard choice to make. The 4oz Merino Bamboo Combed Top - ICY
is absolutely dreamy!

Unknown said...

OMG...I drooled over the ginger cat batt...I am soooo learning to spin...just so I can have fabulous fibers like that!!

. said...

Oh i am loving 2ply Handspun BFL When Will I Be Loved so much. its do gorgeous!!!!

Laurie~Let's Knit It said...

4oz Hand Dyed Rambouillet Combed Top GINGER CAT This is beautiful!!!! Plus I have a cat named Ginger so it fits. :)
Desertknitta on Rav

Elizabeth said...

Monkeyjump BFL handspun. Which do I love better, the color or the name?

helenlam said...

I'm also enjoying the Ginger Cat Rambouillet roving!

Mount Gigantic said...

gorgeous fibers. it's hard to pick one but i really love the Rambouillet Combed Top in SPROUT.

Martha said...

The phoenix is insanely gorgeous.

MarieAnge said...

I would have a hard time choosing between Pheonix and My blue heaven. Both look absolutely stunning.

MariAngel on Ravelry

vickie said...

i love the my blue heaven it is so pretty vbarton24 at gmail dot com

vickie said...

i twittered vbarton24 at gmail dot com

vickie said...

i did the facebook thing

vickie said...

posted in rav forum

vickie said...

vbarton24 at gmail dot com

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

My Blue Heaven is awesome.Hugs Darcy

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

I love the Pink Ladies batt - the color combo is great!

Kim said...

You're such the enabler! I visited Vines and omgosh "Ginger Cat" is beautiful that it is now MINE! Who can resist the colors? Reminds me of an autumn day and will bring some sunshine to an otherwise gloomy day.