This shop makes me happy.
I hope those of you who were lucky to net a FULL SIZE set of Baahurrah knitting needles in your box are happy too! I want an entire set of these needles! I don't care if I even use them, I just want to sit them out in my knitting nook for decoration, because they are beyond adorable. Beth has new Valentine themed ones in the shop now! You all know you need some needle love- go treat yourself! If you haven't experienced these lovelies, let me tell you- they are smooth! Hand sanded, hand painted, and in some cases, hand engraved- and the prices comparable to commercial stuff!!
Picture this: "Sally Jo", a member of your SNB group, has a birthday coming up... why not let Beth engrave a pair of needles as a present?! You could stick them down in a yarn cake or tie them to a boxed gift.
I'm sure these would make great teaching needles too! Have Beth paint one needle in one color and the other a different one for teaching children! She's always available for custom work- and ships 6 days a week!
I want to thank Beth for working so hard to make these for the box. They really made January's box extra special and I hope she considers contributing again!
Nice! I'm jealous. I hope she sends more in a month that I get a box!
I didn't get any in my box, but I just spotted a listing in her etsy that I have my eye in.
P.S. that lingr widget on the side? I like it!
I LOVE these knitting needles!! They are gorgeous. I love the etsy shop too, and I've been eyeballing the brightly colored bats. What a great idea to make these needles a gift to both newbies and seasoned knitters.
so jealous!
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