Samantha in Stitches Or "SIS Yarn"sent in a lovely shiny mini skein of sock yarn in her "sheen" base ( a bit of bamboo makes it so soft and shiny!) and wrote on her tag that her sock yarn is only $18! Gotta love luxury yarn for under $20!!
She loves doing custom orders, please let Samantha know if you have a special idea you'd like her to make into a yarn/fiber reality.
Samantha was so gracious to send in an absolutely wonderful giveaway package!
A 4oz braid of superwash merino roving in a lovely blue and yellow colorway that reminds me, happily of a childhood kitchen I had, a pattern for a "Barbie Scarf" and a cute flip-flop pattern holder/reader.
All you have to do to enter is visit Samantha's site and tell me what you'd love to get from her shop! Remember, tweets, plurks, forum posts, blog posts, video posts, will all get you second entries! The drawing will be held on Wednesday, so help me get the word out about Samantha's goodies!
Thank you so much Samantha, for donating to this awesome giveaway and letting us experience your beautiful yarn in February's box. We hope you'll continue to contribute to Phat Fiber!
The needle cases are so cool and I love the way your site is laid out. So easy to navigate.
I think the foot crazy yarn in thunder is just lovely, but the needle case is making me drool. perfect solution for having tons of needles!
Oooooh - too easy, I would get the Foot Crazy yarn in Day Break. I swear, one of these days I'm going to knit some socks and this yarn would be beautiful for my first pair. :) Maybe I'll have to go do some shopping.
I love the Sheen Superwash/Bamboo sock yarn in "Shoreline" - what beautiful browns and blues. I am also very tempted by the Anastasia shawl pattern; it is lovely.
I am in love with her Sheen, Shoreline yarn! It is beautiful.
KJo (on Ravelry)
Any of her yarn! LOL, don't know if I could pick one. Love the Superwash Bamboo sock yarns...
Awesome site - it's too hard to pick just one! But if I had to, I'd probably pick the Sheen sock yarn in the Shoreline colorway. I'm such a sucker for anything blue!
Oh the greens! In the Foot Crazy, Swamp Thing are gorgeous! Love green! Looking for green. Can't find any green up here in N. Mich yet, but I think I remember what green used to look like!
I love Footcrazy, Thunder - totally my colors! :)
I was lucky enough to have gotten one of those mini skeins of the sock yarn and it was/is devine. I will be ordering some of that - especially if she dyes some in the turquoise color that the Tide Turning Turquoise Cloud Soft Luxury Yarn is in - LOVE that color. I have to check her shop thoroughly later because I need to order some worsted and I just might have her custom dye some in the turquoise for me . . .
Ooo, I quite like the Sheen, Chocolate Covered Strawberries. So pretty!
Foot crazy yarn in Swap Thing color way.
Her Chocolate Covered Strawberries colorway looks way too sweet to be true! :]
I love the Sheen yarn in Shoreline and the Foot Crazy in Land and Sky.
I liked the Sheen Shorline and the Footcrazy Manly Man
I'm partial to the Foot Crazy thunder!
I see I'm not the only one who lusts after the Foot Crazy in Thunder... I'm from Kansas and moved two years ago sounthern California where we NEVER get thunder! I miss it!
I really love the Midnight Pines Cloud luxury yarn.
karijo.09 at gmail dot com
I love the bamboo/superwash yarn in the shoreline colroway!
Let's see, I'll take one skein of Sheen Cool Night, 3 skeins each of Midnight Pines and Tide Turning Turquoise Cloud Soft Yarn, and one skein of Foot Crazy Day Break. Sorry, I couldn't pick just one thing!
I love her Sheen sock yarn, especially the shorline colorway. So many wonderful things, she has some great patterns as well.
Your colors are gorgeous! If I had to pick a favorite it would be the Sheen - Chocolate covered strawberries! it looks so good I could almost eat it lol
The sheen yarn is super nice. The bamboo makes it feel super silky.
Easy-peasy. Gotta go for the cash-blends whenever possible, so Cloud Soft in Baby Roses!! So pretty and I bet it feels awesome and squishy!!
PS crossing fingers for the roving, yellow and blue are my fav colors!!
I love the sheen sock yarn in the Azaela colorway, so pretty!
Some of the Worm and the Ewe lace weight for sure.
Rav ID: rebelhousewife
That Barbie Scarf pattern is soooooooo pretty. I'm always on the lookout for scarf patterns because not too many just knock my socks off, but this one looks like I'd LOVE it.
Well after feeling the Sheen I already knew I wanted some of it... after looking at the colorways on Samantha's website I think I'd want to have Day Break (under the Footcrazy section, but I need me some bamboo blend sock yarn!). And let me say that you cannot possibly imagine how soft the Sheen is unless you have felt it...
Wow... I love everything on that site! If I had to choose, I'd say that the "Shoreline" colorway in Sheen would be my favorite!
I love the Worm and the Ewe Lace in "Raspberry Beret". I also like the Foot Crazy in "Swamp Thing". Very pretty yarn!
I love the Midnight Pines Cloud Soft Yarn because it's made of Merino wool, silk, and cashmere. Swoon!
Chrissy at knittodayAThotmailDOTcom
You know, I just love the Anastasia Shawl pattern. Combine that with the pattern's suggested yarn, and wow you have a really neat project to cozy up with.
Wow would I love a needle case like that. Am I going to mega-hint about it.
I love the sheen, cool nights colorway. I also love the needle case. Really really nice.
I'm going to post a notice on my blog and will let you know when that's been done.
The deeds been done! I posted an announcement on my blog.
I really like the pattern for the barbie scarf... I've never done cables before.
This is my favorite. Swampthing sock yarn...
I like the double happiness pillow. I am planning my wedding so it immediately jumped out to me, along with the Tide Turning Turquoise Cloud Soft because that is close to one of the colors for the wedding.
I love, love, love the needlecase. That would be so cool to have.mv
Lots of pretty things in the shop! Really liking the Foot Crazy Land & Sky colorway :)
I think sheen, cool nights is my fav, but there are other really nice colorways.
lovely lovelies!!! the ewe lace weight in lilac is calling to me!!!! also did like that pillow kit though......to many nice-ies!
Lots of good things there, but the needle case really has my name written on it!
My vote is for the Foot Crazy sock yarn in "Land and Sky". With the snowy winter we've had, I can't wait to bring on the green with Spring!
Sheen Superwash/Bamboo Sock Yarn in the blue and brown Shoreline...it is so gorgeous!!!
Can I have 2 ;-)? definitely The Worm & The Ewe Lace Weight in Lila and foot crazy swamp thing
Wow! All the yarns are yummy! I'm particularly drawn to the Foot Crazy in Swamp thing (and think the name is pretty clever, too).
I heart The Worm & The Ewe Lace Weight (2) wowzers!!!Hugs Darcy
I posted about this giveaway on ravelry in my group.Hugs Darcy
I love the Baby Roses Cloud soft yarn.. The color is beautiful :)
The midnight pines yarn looks wonderful!
The Chocolate Covered Strawberries Sheen and Midnight Pines Cloud Soft yarns are both lovely!
The Sheen-Azalea and the Foot Crazy in Sky and Land are for me! I love the greens and blues.........they look so soft and comfy.
A friend have knit a beautiful pair of socks in Foot Crazy - I would really love to make some and they should be in the colourway Day Break. Isn't it great and crazy? I love it.
I like the The Worm & The Ewe Lace, Raspberry Beret yarn. After receiving the Phat Box samples, I am loving pink right now!
I like the Anastasia Alpaca Shawl Pattern too.
The Cool Night Sheen is gorgeous! I think your site is really pretty (love your banner) but I was getting a lot of error messages, and some of the item descriptions were corrupted.
I would opt for the merino lace weight yarn in charcoal! Such a beautiful subtle colour!
I loooooove this one: Midnight Pines Cloud Soft Yarn--it looks like it would be a dream to knit up!
I really like the Footcrazy sock yarn in Swamp Thing. I'm a huge green fan, so it's hard to resist.
-cthulhulovesme on Rav
MMmmm...The Worm and the Ewe Laceweight in Lilac would do me just fine. Who wouldn't love that!
Rav ID: Dove
Little Luxeries-- What a super idea! What a great idea, sounds so soft and such rich looking colors!!!
Everything is lovely! But the Sheen Azaela really caught my eye. Gorgeous!
I like the foot crazy in manly man. I also love the needle cases.
i love the hand sewn needle cases vbarton24 at gmail dot com
i twittered morgaine24 is username
Oooo... I'd love the Sheen Shoreline!
Oh I love the foot crazy sock yarn in Land & Sky
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